Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 327 The First Oscar

There is no doubt that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is an oriental movie with not only artistic value, but also social value.

It can make oriental martial arts majestic to enter an elegant hall like Oscar. In a certain way, Ann Lee's contribution to the compulsion and improvement of Chinese-language films is far greater than that of Bruce Lee and Jack Chen.

The relationship between literati and relatives may be related to Ann Lee's background. As an elite Asian director, his "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has been ridiculed by many people in the industry on the other side.

An oriental art filmed with western techniques is flattering Hollywood!

Many fifth-generation directors were dissatisfied. On the one hand, they complained about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". There are frequent jokes.

Regardless of Western feelings or Eastern skills, gold will not be dusted!

Hollywood is the wind vane of world movies. Even Japanese movies with frequent masters and commercial movies are moving closer to Hollywood. It is not shameful to learn.

"The Return of the Great Sage", "Wolf Warrior", "Operation Red Sea"... These films that make Chinese people scream again and again, aren't they all imitating Hollywood's shooting skills?

There's no need to hold back, those literati in the film industry on the other side... Don't talk about the country's censorship system being too strict, it's nonsense!

Hollywood seems to have a classification system and a very relaxed environment, but is this the truth?

Big mistake!

Hollywood's industry censorship is even stricter than that of the other side!

According to Western modern social theory, individuals have full power of expression, so artistic expression should not be censored and restricted by political power. In the United States, there is no systematic social censorship of the expression and dissemination of all other art forms, but movies are an exception.

On November 4, 1907, the city government of Chicago passed the film censorship law, and the governor had the right to ban films involving immoral, racial, and religious content;

In 1915, the "Common Film Corporation v. Ohio Industrial Commission" case, after the ruling of the Supreme Court, recognized that the film industry as an entertainment industry is not restricted by the freedom of expression clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Conduct a review of enforcement and legal recognition.

Later, promoted by the American Film Producers and Distributors Association, the moral requirements written by a Catholic and put forward from the perspective of the church eventually evolved into a self-discipline standard for producers and distributors to control a series of behaviors of directors.

This is the famous "Hayes Code"!

As an industry self-discipline, there will be some specific and public regulations, so that directors and producers can have rules to follow and prevent deviations.

This is not an official censorship, and the results of the censorship are not legally binding, but all distributors who are members of the association will not release films that have not passed the censorship. Since all major publishers are members of the association. Failure of a film to pass censorship means that it has basically lost hope of commercial success.

This has led to this set of operating systems, which can exist in the Hollywood system for a long time!

In the 21st century, there have been more and more rules and regulations. When Twain was filming "Titanic", his producer gave him a list of restrictions. The expressions that he was required to avoid... exceeded 300 items!

Basically, as long as it does not conform to the values ​​of Catholics, it is in the forbidden category.

Of course, the other side is mainly bound by national policies, and Hollywood is bound by the industry's industry norms, but the restrictions on censorship are certain.

If a film director does not accept these complicated and redundant censorship, then he cannot enter the mainstream film circle, this is the rule.

No film director can overthrow the universal values ​​led by Catholic thinking that Hollywood has been operating for nearly a hundred years!

This is no different from the socialist values ​​on the other side, both of which are heavily restricted and restrict freedom, but the former has a wide audience, has been operating on a global scale for a hundred years, and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; the latter is just a minority.

Many literati on the other side blamed the government for the bad movies, and sneered at Director Ann Lee who has made great achievements overseas. It is shameless!

Tang En's attitude towards "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was not sour, flattering, jealous, or hating. All he knew was that such an oriental film had won 10 Oscar nominations, which made everyone This is the first Mandarin-pronunciation movie that the American society, which is a melting pot of cultures, pays attention to! (Two versions, English and Mandarin, were released in the United States.)

This year's Oscars has presented another grand gathering of blockbuster films.

In addition to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which received 10 nominations, there are also "Gladiator", which received 11 nominations, and "The Girl Who Moved Soul" with 9 nominations. Of course, "Never Compromise", "Poison Net", A great movie like Almost Famous.

Tang En sat with the crew of "The Girl Who Moved Soul", with Natalie on the left and Nicole Kidman on the right.

Natalie was nominated for an Oscar for the first time, but she was much more relaxed than Nicole.

The supporting actress she was nominated for is almost the least suspenseful award in this year's Oscars.

Kate Hudson, Frances McDormand, Julie Walters, and Marcia Gay Harden, who were nominated with her, have no competition with her in terms of fame or influence.

Relatively speaking, Nicole Kidman's nominated Oscar actress, the competition is too fierce!

Julia Roberts in Never Say Never, Juliette Binoche in Chocolate, Ellen Baustin in Requiem for a Dream, Laura in Come Closer · Linney...Everyone has great competitiveness.

Tang En didn't want to be caught by ABC radio and television to catch inappropriate shots. He acted very well, covered his mouth, and whispered to Nicole next to him: "It doesn't matter if you don't win an award, don't forget, there is also "A Beautiful Mind"! I promised you that I will definitely give you a Best Actress!"

Nicole Kidman forced a smile, a little stiff, "Thank you, you really worry too much, I'm fine."

Tang En shook his head helplessly.

Yes, this is Oscar, who can let it go?


However, this year's Oscar Organizing Committee obviously wants to push the suspense backwards. It did not award the best supporting actress for the first award as in the past, and started with the technical award first.

As the three most popular Oscar films of this year, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Gladiator", and "The Girl Who Moved the Soul", they made their appearances one after another and won the first three awards - Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Costume Design, Best makeup.

After the three innocuous awards moved out, the first highlight of the night finally came.

Robert Downey Jr. and Kate Winslet joined hands to present the awards.

"Have you read "Drug Net"?" Robert Downey was somewhat similar to his son, and he was very talkative.

Kate Winslet said gracefully: "Look, Director Soderbergh did a great job."

Robert Downey frowned, "Is Britain really that messy?"

Kate Winslet was a little helpless, "No."

Robert Downey gave her a deep look up and down, and joked, "I think it must be, because... there are beautiful women in troubled times!"

Kate Winslet pursed her lips, "Thank you, but it's a pity you're not Clark Gable!"

In the sacred auditorium, there was a roar of laughter.

After the simple joke, Robert Downey became serious, "Okay, next, please see the nominations for the best adapted screenplay!"

Soon, a group of short films quickly edited appeared on the big screen behind. ,Where are you? ".

Offstage, Natalie and Nicole Kidman reached out and held Tang En's hand.

At this time, I can't care about ABC's broadcast footage.

The exciting time is coming!

Twain was nominated for an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for "The Girl Who Moved Soul"!

Compared with the best director nomination for "Titanica" a few years ago, this time is the closest he is to the Oscar.

This is very likely to be Twain's first Oscar in history!

Robert Downey opened the envelope, glanced at the names on the list, showed a smile as if suddenly realized, and very gentlemanly handed the list to Kate Winslet beside him.

Kate Winslet took the list, glanced at it, and immediately had a rare bright smile on her face, like a spring flower blooming. The amazement at this moment can even be written into the history of Oscar awards!

And her voice also had an unconcealable excitement: ""The Girl Who Moved Soul", Dunn Walker!"

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