Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 280: Court hearing (modified)

"Very good," Fudge said. "The people are here, let's get started. Are you ready?" He asked loudly toward the bench.

Allen looked down at him, and there was another witch at the end of the bench, but she was sitting too far back on the bench, her face shrouded in shadow.

Nevertheless, it can still be seen that she is staring intently at the parchment in front of her, holding a quill pen in her hand to prepare the record.

"Judgment on February 12," Fudge said loudly, as the witch began to record in a hurry, her head bowed.

"Tried the case of Death Eater Sirius Black selling the Potters and killing Peter the Dwarf Peter 13 years ago." The Minister of Magic looked around and continued calmly and forcefully.

"Interrogator: Minister of Magic Cornelius Oswald Fudge; former Director of the Enforcement Department of Magic Law Batty Crouch. Trial recorder: Dolores Jane Umbridge--"

The woman in charge of the record suddenly raised her head and leaned forward to reveal the true look.

She looks like a pale toad.

She was short and fat, with a wide, loose-skinned face, and a large mouth drooping down.

Her eyes are large, round, and slightly convex outward.

The little black velvet bow on her short curly hair looked like a big fly. It was as if she was about to stick out her long sticky tongue to catch it.

Allen couldn't help but wonder what the situation was, and that Umbridge, who was just a trial recorder at this time, could assume the position of senior vice minister of the Ministry of Magic two years later.

"The accused witnesses: Albert Harris, Severus Snape."

Allen turned his head in surprise, watching his brother and professor of potions come in from a corner.

Albert strode meteorically and calmly, looking extremely capable. Professor Snape followed him sullenly.

Seeing Professor Snape, Allen couldn't help but look towards the principal Dumbledore on the stage.

Dumbledore was looking at Professor Snape through the half-moon-shaped glasses on the twisted nose bridge. His long silver-white beard and hair sparkled under the torch.

"After our deliberations, we felt that it would be better for you to sit in the auditorium first." Mr. Owen said softly. "Less than last resort, you don't have to play."

Allen nodded, knowing in his heart that this was his father's love for himself, and perhaps one of the transactions between him and Fudge.

After Professor Albert and Snape stood still, Fudge ordered Auror to bring Sirius Black and Peter dwarf into the review room.

A footstep came, and the door to the corner of the dungeon opened, and four people came in-Black, Peter, and two Aurors.

"Hmm ..." Fudge groaned for a moment, stretched out his wand, and shook gently, and a chair that was exactly the same as the center of the previous review room appeared.

The Aurors pushed Blake and Peter into their chairs, and the chains bounced instantly, binding them tightly.

Fudge flipped through a pile of documents, took a piece of parchment from the pile of documents, took a deep breath, and read it aloud—the original trial book for Sirius Black.

After he finished reading, there was silence in the field.

"Sirius? Black," a voice said abruptly.

Allen turned his head and saw Mr. Crouch standing up in the middle of the bench next to it.

He looked very serious and said seriously: "You have been in Azkaban for thirteen years and you never thought about complaints. Now, you tell us that you are innocent, and the little dwarf Peter has not died?"

"Yes, you didn't give me a chance to appeal, and I was directly thrown into Azkaban, didn't you?"

Sirius glanced at Crouch with contempt. "And Peter the Little Dwarf, he appeared in front of you. Didn't the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic use all means to confirm his identity yesterday?

Hearing Sirius' full of sarcasm, the members of Wisengama who wore a fuchsia robe on the rostrum could not help but whisper.

Batty Crouch's lips became pale and squeezed tightly.

It wasn't until Fudge spoke again that the podium was quiet.

"Please provide the results of the trial last night." Fu Ji said in a deep voice.

Lloyd walked up with the meditation basin, and Dardanian followed behind him, holding two bottles in his hand and some parchment.

The members of Wisengama, headed by Professor Dumbledore, glanced at these testimonies and materials and searched the memories of Sirius and Dwarf.

Allen noticed that the two women in the Wizengamo members looked at Sirius Black with tears in their eyes.

"Little Dwarf Peter, why do you want to escape with fake death?" Crouch saw that the little dwarf's fake death had already been fixed, and could not help asking again.

"I deceived everyone, but I have a reason." Despite Peter's words full of fear, he was still quibbling.

He emphasized again his original statement in the Forbidden Forest.

Sirius straightened his body in anger, but was pulled back tightly by the chain.

"It has become a mouse to live in the wizard's house for 13 years ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just to avoid a prisoner in Azkaban, which is really strange."

Sirius hadn't had time to speak, and a sharp, thin voice like a little girl made a fuss—Umbridge.

Umbridge suddenly put down the pen and stood up, with a smirk on his face, and the look revealed by the two big round eyes was extremely indifferent!

Allen didn't miss her eye contact with Fudge.

Really born politicians.

Allen sighed. Although Umbridge felt disgusting, he was able to climb to a high position in a short period of time.

There was a whisper in the room, and the members of Wizengamo nodded while discussing, apparently Umbridge's words moved them.

In the face of his living reality, the little dwarf Peter Chiuwuwu's explanation seemed ridiculous and pale.

He curled up on the chair, his face pale and his sweat was dripping.

"Umbridge, the court has not allowed you to speak." Crouch stood up and said coldly.

Umbridge sat down obediently, but looked at Fudge with a look of invitation.

Fudge nodded slightly unchecked.

Crouch still wanted to ask, but Fudge took the lead.

"Now that the evidence is solid, let's vote." Fudge said quickly, turning to the right. "Please pay attention to the jury ... If you agree to Sirius' acquittal, please raise your hand ..."

Except for Crouch, most of the jurors raised their hands, and some raised their hands after hesitating.

Black's swollen heart suffocated him and he was breathless. Both times he just took a deep breath and looked down at the shoes on his feet.

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