Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 663: Waiting for him to come back

The reasons given by Hogwarts were too inadequate, which made many Hogwarts students feel chilled and gradually had a lot of opinions on Hogwarts. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The Battle of the Yun Family made the students feel desperate. They never expected that Dumbledore, after unreasonably expelling Yun Ye, would also join forces with the Ministry of Magic to attack the Yun Family headquarters and arrest Yun Ye’s parents. This is simply a naked insult. what!

The students' views on Dumbledore have also gradually changed, which has further encouraged many students to want to leave Hogwarts.

As for Harry and other members of the CA Army, they are even more listless and unable to do anything. Harry, as Yunye's most loyal supporter, can't be refreshed all day, and always sighs.

"Harry, don't always be like this. You should stand up bravely at this moment and lead the students to restore their confidence in Hogwarts. How can you look like this every day?"

Ron showed up beside Harry with a grin. It was definitely Ron who was the most active person at Hogwarts during this time.

Harry glanced at Ron angrily and said, "Stop making trouble, Mr. Yun is gone, I don't have any fun anymore."

Ron patted Harry **** the shoulder and said: "You were wrong Harry, now is your chance. When the cloud night was still there, he always robbed you of the limelight. Now it should be your stage. You have to use your strength and charm to tell your classmates that you are not bad at all."

Harry was lying on the table, not wanting to talk to Ron.

During this period Ron always helped himself to advocate and publicize his deeds at Hogwarts. Harry knew that Ron was doing it for his own good, and he also understood that Hogwarts' classmates needed to change their current outlook. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But Harry just felt that he couldn't motivate him. Hogwarts, who lost Yunye, would become so natural. There is nothing to change. Let the professors who target Yunye see how important Yunye is.

Harry stood up and said, "I'm going to visit Hermione, don't do this and that, your two brothers are stabilized, why do you become alive and kicking?"

Harry narrowed his mouth and turned to visit Hermione.

Hermione was probably the worst one. She had originally agreed with Yunye to become a dance partner at the reception. She must have been looking forward to this for a long time.

Who knew that Hermione had a high fever for no reason. Although Harry also guessed that Yunye gave Hermione something to enhance her strength, for Hermione, even if you don’t want this opportunity, you should become a dance partner with Yunye. .

Even if she had a high fever and lost her chance to become a dance partner with Yunye, Yunye was actually ambushed by Dumbledore and the others, and was forcibly expelled to a place where she didn’t know. As soon as Hermione woke up, she heard the bad news. The expression broke Harry's heart.

That was the first time Harry saw Hermione reveal such a desperate expression, as if the whole sky had fallen down, his whole body lost its luster, and he could only stare at the floor sluggishly.

Harry was very worried about Hermione, so he chose to visit Hermione again to see if something happened to Hermione.

Hermione was still in Hogwarts' infirmary. She could have been discharged from the hospital, but for some reason, Hermione had been reluctant to leave the hospital, as if she was still in the infirmary and Yunye would come to visit her because she cared about her.

Madam Pomfrey, who was in charge of the infirmary, had no choice but to let her live in the infirmary temporarily. Hearing Madam Pomfrey said that Hermione was in good health, but her mind was hurt again, so Harry must never stop. It irritated Hermione.

Harry walked into the infirmary cautiously. Hermione sat on her hospital bed, staring forward with blank eyes, not knowing what to think about.

Harry whispered: "Hermione, are you okay?"

Hermione turned her head slowly. Harry could clearly see Hermione’s eyes that were already crying and swollen. Hermione saw that it was Harry, her eyes dimmed a bit again, and she said softly, “It’s okay, I have figured it out. I will be discharged from the hospital in two days."

Harry nodded and said, "That's good, you haven't been to class lately, the class has fallen a lot, and it's time to make up for it when you go back."

Harry tried to distract Hermione with the learning that Hermione cared most about.

Hermione slowly said, "Has the Yun family been destroyed?"

Hermione ignored Harry's meaning at all, and instead asked such a sentence.

Harry stagnated and shook his head with a wry smile. She couldn't distract Hermione's attention. He had no choice but to say, "No, the Ministry of Magic just arrested Mr. Yun's parents. It is said that the remnants of the Yun family have gathered to avenge the Ministry of Magic."

Hermione looked unlovable and said, "Why are they targeting Yunye and Yun's family? Yunye has done so many things for them, why do they want to treat Yunye like this!"

Seeing Hermione's tendency to run wild, Harry quickly said, "Hermione, don't get excited. Mr. Yun is still missing 320. When he comes back, everything will be resolved. You have to trust Mr. Yun!"

Hermione's mouth opened slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but when Harry said he wanted to believe Yunye's words, a little hope was also projected in Hermione's eyes.

That's right, didn't Yun Ye say that he would come back with integrity?

At that time, Yun Ye would definitely not let go of those who targeted him!

Hermione still understands Yun Ye's character. Even if his opponent is Dumbledore, Yun Ye will never let Dumbledore go!

Harry sighed slightly and said, "Hermione, what we have to do now is to wait. When Mr. Yun returns, everything will be resolved!"

Hermione glanced at Harry, and finally nodded slightly.


When the wizarding world and Hogwarts made great changes, Yunye was still in the small world.

Here is still a magical magical forest, with sufficient herbs and food.

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