Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 507: Divination Class (Part 1)

"Hermione," Ron said, looking over her shoulder at the timetable and frowning, "They've messed up your timetable. You see, they've given you ten classes a day. There's not enough time. ah."

"I'll find a way. I've already talked to Professor McGonagall."

"But look," Ron laughed, "see this morning's? Nine o'clock, Divination, down below, nine o'clock, Muggle Studies, and..." Ron moved closer to the timetable. , couldn't believe it, "Look, down here is Arithmancy, nine o'clock. I mean, I know you're awesome, Hermione. But no one is that awesome, how can you take three classes at the same time?" ?”

"Don't be stupid," Hermione said testily, "Of course I can't have three subjects at once."

"But..." Ron said.

"Oh, Ron, my timetable is a little full, what does that have to do with you?" Hermione snapped. "I'm telling you, I've completely settled it with Professor McGonagall."

At this time Hagrid walked into the hall. He had his own teacher's chair and you could see him every day during meals.

"How do you feel? Are you okay? My first class is after lunch! I got up at five o'clock and everything is done. I hope it's normal. I'm a teacher. To be honest, it's a bit... Uneasy." Hagrid stopped halfway and told them.

"Very good, we're looking forward to it." Harry said.

"Hagrid, why are you carrying a dead polecat? Do you want to give yourself extra food?" Carney joked, "Or maybe the lesson you prepared is related to it."

"Oh! I think so. I don't even know how I brought it with me." Only then did Hagrid realize that he was still carrying such a thing. This was not suitable for appearing in a restaurant with a dead polecat. Dining with colleagues, it was so confusing.

"Let me handle it for you." Carney stretched out his hand, and a black shadow emerged from his sleeve and wrapped it around the dead polecat. Hagrid subconsciously let go, and then the dead polecat disappeared without a trace.

"Oh, thank you, that's a big help." Hagrid rubbed his hand on his coat, "What is that?"

"Xiao Hei." Carney raised his sleeves to expose Xiao Hei's tail.

"I'm really getting more and more curious. Is Xiao Hei really an ordinary snake? Maybe not, maybe it's a magical animal that has not been recorded." Hagrid murmured as he walked, "I'll look for it in the library next time." try to find."

"I don't know what he's preparing for," Ron said. He wasn't sure about his choice and hoped it wouldn't stump him.

"Don't we already know that?" Hermione said, mouthing to Carney, who had revealed how Hagrid would teach them on the train.

"I went to the library to look for information about hippogriffs." Hermione took out a book and said.

"It's only the first day of school!" Ron said in disbelief. When did Hermione go to the library to find information?

"A hippogriff, a flying creature, can also be classified as a type of Pegasus. It has the head, wings and front paws of a giant eagle, and its hind body, including legs and tail, looks like a horse."

"It is the product of the horse of the gryphon (Griffin). The eyes of the hippogriff are orange, and the coat color is the same as that of ordinary horses, including black, brown, chestnut, gray and mottled colors. Adults The hippogriff spreads its wings 24 feet across."

"It is a very ferocious carnivore, and only a well-trained wizard can tame it. (It is said that the Hippogriff can make a living by eating small animals such as insects, birds, mice or ferrets)"

"The dead polecat that Hagrid was carrying just now must have been fed to the Hippogriff." Harry suddenly realized that this made sense.

"Oh my God, it's unbelievable. The first lesson I took was such a deadly creature." Ron yelled.

"To get close to a hippogriff, the first step is to bow, and you must maintain eye contact with it at all times; if it bows back to you, you can pet it or even ride on it." Hermione Continue reading.

"Who would want to ride it unless they are desperate?" Ron said.

"Who knows, maybe it's other animals or something. Don't be too pessimistic."

The beginners all went to their first class, and the auditorium began to empty out.

Carney was about to go to the library to read, but Hermione stopped him, "Since you are free, why don't you go to the Divination class."

"When did I look idle?" Carney knew Hermione wanted to know that she couldn't give up the class because of something the professor said.

In the end, Carney left with them. Hermione told the truth that Carney had forgotten how the Divination class professor made Hermione unhappy. Anyway, he remembered that Hermione gave up the Divination class.

The divination classroom was on the top of the North Tower, and they walked for about ten minutes. The North Tower was very far from the castle.

They have been at Hogwarts for two years, and they are still not familiar with the sounds and places of the castle. In fact, they are not familiar with most places and have never been to many places.

Most people live a basic three-point-one-line life, common room, restaurant, classroom, and library.

"I thought you might have some useful magic." Carney said. They were following the back of a paper crane, and Neville and Seamus also met on the way.

The divination classroom textbook said it was on the top of the North Tower, but they still got lost on the way to the North Tower. In order not to be late, Carney had to use the guiding magic.

"Show me the way, show me the way, show me the way." Hermione cast the spell several times, "I didn't know that the direction guide only shows the direction. Of course we know to go north."

Finally, they climbed all the stairs in the north tower and reached the top floor. Many students were already waiting on the top floor platform.

"Here we are, it looks like we're not late." The paper crane flying ahead spontaneously ignited and died. Its mission had been completed.

Everyone was standing. It was obvious that this was not a place for classes. There was a circular trap door on the ceiling, which should be the entrance to the classroom.

The next moment the trap door opened, and a silver ladder fell from above, landing in front of Harry.

"Let's go." Carney said, and Harry was the first to go up.

He came to the strangest classroom he had ever seen.

In fact, it's not a classroom at all, but more like a cross between a loft and an old-fashioned teahouse. There are at least twenty small round tables crowded into this classroom.

Around each table were Indian calico armchairs and bulging little cushions. Everything was lit by a dull scarlet light; the curtains were drawn, and many of the lamps had crimson shades.

The classroom was depressingly warm, the fireplace was full, and a large copper kettle was burning on the fire, so that the flame gave off a dull, cloying aroma. The circular walls were lined with shelves filled with dusty feather ornaments, candle holders, worn playing cards, countless silver crystal balls and a host of tea sets.

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