Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 459: Course selection

The Easter break was the usual little break, but for the second graders there were new things to think about.

That is, they have to choose third-year courses. The courses they choose now will affect their future employment, which can be said to be their entire future. Harry and the others are asking George and Fred how they chose.

Everyone was studying the new course list in the common room, asking each other which course to choose, talking about what a certain course was about, whether it was difficult, and drawing circles on the new course list.

They had a few days off for them to choose new courses. Relatives in Neville Longbottom's family wrote letters one after another, all with different suggestions for course selection. Neville stared at the list of new courses and didn't know which ones to choose. .

"If I could give up Potions by choosing two more subjects, I wouldn't hesitate," Harry said, but he knew this was impossible.

Seamus took out the dice, and he was ready to obey fate.

"Hagrid should be our teacher for the Care of Magical Creatures class next semester. I suggest you choose it." Carney said, looking at the class schedule.

"Why didn't you choose?" Harry circled Ancient Runes when he saw Carney's new course schedule.

That's right, just one.

"One course? Are you sure?" Hermione felt that Carney had chosen too few and it would be difficult to get a job.

"I have chosen few courses, so I think Hagrid won't mind if I go to sit in on him." Carney said, although it is impossible to attend every class, there is no need to take an exam, and there is no need to worry about the exam. , and you can take classes if you want to, or take classes if you don’t want to.

"You have to choose, and you can't hurt Hagrid's heart." Carney saw that they had also thought about this aspect, and he wanted to erase the Care of Magical Creatures class he chose. He quickly said, "Some classes still conflict with the Care of Magical Creatures class. of."

Harry and the others thought about it. They were not as evil as Carney, so they decided not to refer to Carney's class schedule.

In fact, everyone has taken the Care of Magical Creatures class, because magical animals sound very interesting. It is much more interesting than divination, magic texts, and studying such words. Moreover, you can go outside instead of sitting in a dull room. In classrooms.

"A lot, including the previous seven courses. If possible, I would give up the astronomy class, although it is only one class a week." Carney was not interested in the two divination classes and Muggle Studies.

"You won't miss any of the Care of Magical Creatures class, because it will probably be staggered with the ancient magic text. We have the same other original courses." Carney said, everyone must take the original seven courses. In addition, he only has one more ancient magic text. There is a very small chance that he will encounter the ancient magic text and the Care of Magical Creatures class.

Hermione looked at Protect Magical Creatures, her eyes struggled for a moment, but still closed.

"If you choose them all, there will be a lot of class conflicts." Carney remembered that Hermione chose them all, and Professor McGonagall assured her that the time turner would not be used for other purposes other than studying.

But now that the time turner is in his hands, Carney still has to persuade Hermione.

"What's the difference between Arithmancy and Divination?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. I don't think divination is reliable. If it were reliable, everyone would do divination. But in fact, most wizards' divination can't produce any results and has very little effect." Carney said, knowing that Hermione didn't hear much. Go, what she wants is to get excellent in all subjects.

If she gives up some courses, she will get less excellent ones. She really wants to get twelve excellent ones.

"Muggle studies are even less necessary. You only need to live in the Muggle world to understand Muggles better than the Muggle studies professor." Carney said.

"So you don't plan to work in the wizarding world?" Hermione quickly grasped the key point.

"Yes, why don't I work in the Muggle world? I don't think there is any law that does not allow children born in Muggle families to work in the Muggle world." Carney continued, "Although I may not work."

"Kani, you plan to work in the wizarding world?" George asked in surprise, "I also plan to invite you to open a store together. I have seen your crystal ball. This is a great idea. It will become popular in the wizarding world. If If we can catch a bigger guy."

"I don't work part-time," Carney said.

"What about being the boss?" Fred and the others really wanted to take advantage of Lakani.

"I can invest for you. Do you understand investment? It's the money I'll give you to open a store. You can do whatever you want and sell whatever you want. I'll get a share of the money I make. If I don't, I'll treat my investment as a failure." Ni winked at George and Fred.

"That would be great, if you allow us to sell your crystal ball." George said.

"no problem."

"It's settled!" George and Fred became busy and patted Harry on the shoulder. "We have more important things to do. You'd better ask Percy when choosing courses."

"No wonder Carney, you only chose one subject. It turns out you don't plan to be in the wizarding world. It's okay even if you fail all the OW.L.S exams." Ron said clearly. He couldn't do it. The whole family works in the wizarding world. He didn't even know what kind of job he could do in the Muggle world.

"It depends on where you want to go." Percy said, "You have to plan for the future early, so I recommend divination to you. People say it is stupid to choose Muggle studies, but I personally think that wizards should study non-magical Society has a comprehensive and thorough understanding.”

"Especially if they want to work in jobs that have close Muggle connections - you see my father, he has to deal with Muggle affairs all the time. My brother Charlie has always loved being outdoors, so he chose to protect Magical Creatures. Play to your strengths, Harry."

In the end, Harry confusedly followed Ron and chose a few, while Hermione checked all the courses.

As always, he took Hei out for some fun. Hei was completely fed up with the spiders. He also took a nap in the Forbidden Forest. In order to let Hei have a normal schedule, Carney allowed him to go to the Black Lake to play with the fish people. .

The words "murloc" and "mermaid" are just swapped places, but their appearance is completely different. The fishman is really a fish with a body with four limbs, a fish with fangs in its mouth, and it looks menacing with a knife and fork.

Although Carney has never seen a mermaid, it must look like what he imagined in his mind, an indescribable appearance.

Carney changed his meditation position from indoors to outdoors. On the grass, Carney immersed himself in the conscious space and painted the magic text. There is no safer place than there where he can do whatever he wants.

The consciousness space has changed a lot, and the appearance inside has changed completely according to Carney's thoughts. It can be seen that the previous darkness was all caused by Stellan, and at first glance, he is a guy with a dark heart.

He is now under the blue sky and white clouds, next to Hogwarts. He can enter Hogwarts, but some rooms and classrooms he has not seen are completely white, and he is the only one in the empty world. living person.

It's a bit like Harry being hit by Voldemort in the white station. The difference is that Carney has mastered the method of entry.

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