Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 244: Happy Shopping (Part 2)

No matter how you trade with goblins, you will lose money, and you will not lose money regardless of Carney.

Although the pile of rags and rubbish he owns may have more than ten copper nuts, Carney himself doesn't like it, and there is no chance that there will be anything good.

Carney wouldn't let others pick up his locks, and the pendant didn't look simple.

You can tell at a glance whether these items are valuable or not, and the old goblin can't be so shameless as to put the pendant box and the ornament stone into the pile of garbage to make a fortune.

Carney returned to the gift shop. The beautiful girl Claudia Dove from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and passers-by A, B, C and D had all put on their dresses and started to fart.

After continuing to stroll around Wizard Street for a while, they found a bar where they planned to have lunch.

I originally planned to find a food store, but Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, said that she couldn't go to a comfortable place now that she was out.

They had to find something different, something they had never been to, and wanted something different to drink.

Then they went to the bar. The bar was actually not bad, but Carney had never eaten in a bar, let alone drank.

A chimney bar, as the name suggests, is a bar with particularly many chimneys, also called a chimney bar.

"This is really warm." Passerby Tenga Tansi, a man with slanted bangs, came in.

There are four chimney pillars in the middle of the bar, which can be used by four people to use floo powder respectively. There is also a lot of people using this bar.

The bar was big enough, so they found a seat by the window and each ordered a glass of amber wine.

This is the lowest-alcohol drink, similar to the butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, but with a better name, better presentation, and of course more expensive.

"The environment is not bad." Luden Fajan, the middle-aged passerby, took a sip of amber wine and said, "The wine is not bad either."

"So, what's something to eat?" Bob Addis, a passerby with a short hair, asked with a list. The front desk ordered drinks for them because they looked unfamiliar.

The amber wine was ordered based on the above. It costs four coppers per cup and cannot be refilled.

Of course, there are also some snacks, which is what they will eat next for lunch.

"This, this, this, this, this..." The passerby, Bob Addis, a man with a short hair, paid for some, of course, while everyone else drank beer and squinted their eyes to enjoy.

Carney watched him order six or seven in a row, wondering if he was like himself and ordered all the things he didn't want, but the result was exactly the opposite.

"These are all here." Pop Addis, a passerby with a short hair, handed the order back to the waiter.

"Have you finished eating?" Passerby Tenga Tansi, a man with slanted bangs, asked sideways.

"The six of us here must have finished eating." Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, moved her position and put the box containing the dress on the empty seat.

"Come over here." Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, elbowed a passerby, Tenga Tans, a man with slanted bangs.

"Just in time, let's put ours over there as well." Passerby Yi moved his sideways bangs and put his dress box over.

"Hey, hey, hey." Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, quickly took his, then picked up her own, and put the one of a passer-by, Tenga Tans, a man with slanted bangs, in her box. under.

The others behind her were also folded under her by Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

Even though the bar was crowded, their lunch was served quickly.

"It doesn't look bad." Carney looked at the lunch that was served on the table, including a few desserts and grilled meats.

It took them an hour to finish lunch before they left the Chimney Bar.

Continue to wander around the streets, just like a horse looking at flowers, and you will be curious about everything you see.

Carney also saw an acquaintance, a middle-aged female witch pushing a candy cart. She was the old witch that Carney had petrified before.

She also spotted Kani, staring at Kani with a cold look in her eyes, her face full of malice.

Carney glanced at her provocatively, with the wand already in his hand. If she made any move, he would cast a spell on her.

But the old witch only glanced at it for a few times, then pushed the cart into the alley and disappeared.

"What? Do you know that old lady selling candy?" Fowles Lucci, a passerby with a black square, naturally noticed the look between Carney and the old witch.

"Yes, she is not a good wizard. A few days ago, she wanted to cause trouble for me with a group of homeless people in an alley." Carney said calmly.

"Dark wizard?" asked Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

"Probably, it's not a good thing anyway." Carney said easily, "It's just a small role. I can beat ten like her."

"I don't dare to strangle, I don't dare to brag so much." Luden Fajan, the passerby who scored in the first place, said.

"Let's continue shopping and go back before dinner." Passerby C, Bob Addis, a man with short hair, said, and everyone returned to the joy of shopping.

"Look, that's a magic windmill." Passerby Tenga Tansi, a man with slanted bangs, discovered a toy store that specialized in selling wizard toys.

"Hey, take a look, there are some novel gadgets." The store owner is a young male wizard, and only a young male wizard would open such a store of children's gadgets.

"Do you have a fire dragon toy?" Luden Fajan, a passerby with a middle score, has not forgotten this, and he is thinking about the fire dragon.

"Of course, it's just a toy model. It doesn't move, let alone breathe fire." The young wizard, the store owner, said with a smile. He couldn't afford those high-end goods in his store.

"That's okay," said passerby Luden Fajan, the man with the middle score. He didn't care that he still couldn't move, and he didn't care whether he could breathe fire.

"The shelves over there are quite realistic." The young wizard, the store owner, pointed to the shelves against the wall inside.

"Let's take a casual look first," said Fowles Lucci, a passerby with black square glasses.

"Excuse me, are there any wizard cards? The ones used for divination." Carney asked. Wizard cards are different from wizard cards. Wizard cards were used by wizards in the early Middle Ages to predict fortunes.

Now the crystal ball has been replaced. The crystal ball is more complete, detailed and clear, with pictures and truth.

Today's wizard cards have similar names to wizard cards, with a sentence added after the sound carney for divination.

"Of course, ten silver coins." said the young male wizard, the store owner, and took out a box of exquisite wizard cards from under the counter. The cover showed a felt hat wizard holding a crystal ball with both hands.

In the end, it was a passerby named Bob Addis who paid the price. Kani's money was not enough, so a passerby named Luden Fajan got his wish and bought two fire dragon models.

Everyone else also bought a gadget, and when it was almost time, they returned to the Transformation Wizards Association building.

During dinner, none of the professors were there, probably discussing tomorrow's project. They were all tired of shopping, so after dinner, they went back to their homes to find their mothers.

Carney lay on the bed, exhausted from walking for a day, although he was not really physically tired, nor was he mentally exhausted.

Carney can now run seven or eight kilometers without getting out of breath, and he can perform a continuous transformation technique without getting mentally exhausted, but he falls to his knees when going shopping.

The law of shopping is at work. Anyway, even if you are a tough person, you will feel tired when you come back from shopping.

Carney struggled to get up and took a shower before going to bed and falling asleep. At the same time, he lifted Xiao Hei out of the bed and threw him to the corner of the bed to practice.

"Didi, didi, didi, didi~"

The big alarm clock rang. Carney got up on time to silence the alarm clock, washed up and rushed to the restaurant.

The second level project will be announced today, I don’t know what the challenge will be.

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