Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 28 The Two Kinds of Medicines and the Opening of School

In addition to the three-colored rage potion, Augustus also invented the potion of forbidden magic and potion of magic.

The Elixir Augustus had never told anyone about it, let alone sold it. Only he himself knew the existence of this potion and its power.

Even a top wizard like Dumbledore, drinking a bottle of forbidden magic potion, can't mobilize any magic power for three hours.

Wizards who have lost their magic power are even easier to kill than Muggles, and it is conceivable that this potion is deadly to wizards.

The reason why Augustus didn't publicize it was because on the one hand, he wanted to use this potion as a trump card, and on the other hand, once this potion leaked out, it would definitely be resisted and counterattacked by the entire wizarding world.

No one wants to develop such a potion, because you don't know when the coffee you drink will be mixed with such a potion, and then the magic power will be lost, and you will be tortured to death by the enemy in panic and despair.

Although Augustus was confident that no one could threaten his life, fighting against the entire wizarding world was no fun, and he didn't want to.

The magic potion, as the name suggests, is a potion that can replenish magic power.

This kind of potion, Augustus, was made public, and there was no private storage. Although the effect of the magic potion was good, it was really tasteless to him.

Because now looking at the entire British wizarding world, is there anyone who can make Augustus have to return to blue when fighting? No, not even Dumbledore and Voldemort have this qualification.

But he doesn't need it, doesn't mean others don't need it.

Ordinary wizards often face the dilemma of insufficient magic power. The stronger the magic spell, the more magic power is consumed. Therefore, wizards have to use magic spells carefully to avoid running out of magic power in battle. With the magic potion, this problem will be greatly improved.

Although a bottle of raw magic potion can only restore one-tenth of the magic power, it is still sought after by the majority of wizards.

Among the wizards, the most demanded of this potion are those Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. They often face battles, and the appearance of the magic potion can greatly improve their survival rate.

Considering that the market for magic potions is so huge, almost the entire European magic world, and even the whole world, it is really not suitable for such potions to be thrown in a black magic shop like Boginbok. After thinking for a long time, Augustus decided to put The right to sell goes to his dear uncle, Lucius.

With the connections of the Malfoy family, Lucius can definitely handle the relationship properly. Of course, Lucius is a cunning guy, he will not let himself suffer.

Even if some people are jealous of the huge benefits of the magic potion, considering the ancient pure-blood aristocrats like the Malfoy family, they will definitely have some scruples.

The reason why Augustus didn't take care of it in the name of the Black family was because he was really too troublesome, so he had to share a little profit, and then he just had to wait at home for countless gold Galleons to be transferred to his account, so chic.

Lucius didn't know how many times he thanked Augustus for this, because even the 10% dividend still more than doubled the strength of the Malfoy family.

Augustus said nothing about it, who made Aunt Narcissa treat him so well. There were many relatives in the Black family, but only Narcissa cared for him from an early age, almost like her own son. In previous years, Augustus lived in the Malfoys for a long time, but then he grew up and moved back to Grimmauld Place.

Because of Narcissa, Augustus was relatively close to the Malfoys.

Otherwise, with Augustus' temperament, how could he look down on a sloppy Death Eater like Lucius.

Augustus has not announced to the public that the magic potion was invented by himself. He plans to disclose it in a few years. If it is disclosed now, I don't know how many scumbags will come to trouble him, and he is too lazy to clean up one by one.

Besides, what else can you get other than those false names that don't matter if you make it public? Augustus didn't need these false names to prove himself. The pursuit of the world will only make him feel noisy.

But even so, the Merlin Knights announced that as long as the developer of the magic potion is willing, they will sincerely invite him to join the Merlin Knights and award him the highest honor in the magic world - the Merlin Knights Medal, in recognition of this demon Medicine master's contribution to the magic world!

Augustus expressed disdain for this, he had no interest in joining the so-called Merlin Knights.

In such a happy time, soon, the school day came, and Augustus and Penello made an appointment to meet on the Hogwarts Express.

Because the space constraints at Hogwarts are so strict, Augustus would either make a train when he wanted to go back to school, or he would fly over by himself.

Compared to the warm space on the train and the joy of being in the company of beautiful women, Augustus had no interest in flying alone.

September 1, King's Cross, London, platform 9 3/4

An inexplicable distortion of a space, and then, a handsome and extraordinary young man suddenly appeared, looking extremely outstanding. Seeing this boy, some senior Hogwarts students greeted him one after another, attracting the attention of many freshmen.

Many little girls couldn't help looking at such a handsome senior for a while.

Yes, this boy is our Augustus.

Because he went to Knockturn Alley to discuss something with Bo Jin, he was a little late when he arrived at the platform, and there were already many freshmen around saying goodbye to their parents.

After entering the carriage, I saw that the scene was roughly the same as last year. Many freshmen were frolic in the corridor. The only change was that Augustus had now become a senior.

Augustus looked at the scene in the train and knew without thinking that many cars must be full, but he wasn't worried because he knew that Penello must have already arrived and waited for him.

But even if Penello didn't find an empty carriage, there would still be many little snakes who offered to give him a seat. You must know that the prefect of Augustus this year is not for nothing, and the genius is not for nothing.

Augustus felt where Penello was, then walked straight over. *

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