Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Vol 5 Chapter 38: , The person who keeps promises

"Hey! Aldo, was it your signal?"

In the burning corridor, Chloe and Aldo were about to leave the monastery, a place of right and wrong, when someone asked behind them.

"Is it your signal?"

Chloe turned around unexpectedly, and on the corpse at the end of the corridor stood several wizards holding magic wands.

Aldo couldn't help but said, and immediately held Chloe's shoulders, cut her arm back behind him, and asked for credit with a smile: "Of course, you saw who I caught?"

While talking, he moved his steps without leaving a trace and stopped the body of Nightmare Aldo.

Those black robes took a closer look and smiled, "Well, you actually caught the most important person, luck is really good."

"This is called strength, how can you say luck."

Aldo's voice also became bold.

"All right, don't worry."

The wizard said, "Come on, Mans is waiting for you!"

When the black robe turned around, he said in Chloe's ear in an insignificant tone: "Don't be impulsive, Mans will not kill you. After getting through this hurdle, I will take you away secretly."

Chloe didn't answer. She had no hope at this moment. What should come will always come. In the dream, everything will only get worse, and she has no way to stop it.

The wizards walking in front held their wands, and the blasting sound was still ringing. They walked quickly through the yard and heard waves of air defense sirens in the distance.

A few torches were lit in the hall, and the fire in the fireplace was flashing, but most of the hall was shrouded in darkness. The bench leaned against the wall and had nowhere to sit.

In the nightmare, Mueller Mans sits high at the priest’s usual mass lecture table. He has already taken off his cloak. The fine German military uniform is a fine pocket watch. He checked the time and said with a smile: "You caught Le May Yes, it was on time, Aldo, I knew you were the best."

"These guys still wanted to protect her, but I killed them all."

Aldo laughed wildly and harshly: "I can't help myself."

"They can't be blamed. The wizard who can control the power of time and space has not been able to produce one for hundreds of years. Naturally, we must take good care of it."

Mans said with a smile, "Bring her here and let me enjoy it."

Aldo Yiyan pushed Chloe forward, and as he passed the shadow of the torch, he whispered behind her, "Don't be afraid, he won't do anything to you."

Chloe was dizzy. She saw people constantly being driven into the monastery hall. The black wizards dragged them with magic spells, like dragging potatoes. The blazing red light from the tip of the wand made them The entangled person twisted frantically, foamed at the mouth, and couldn't cry.

Sister Sanesa was dragged out of the office, her skirts were torn in half, she could only close them with her clenched fists, and then moved forward, struggling every step of the way.

Father Reid was full of blood. He wanted to extend a helping hand, but was knocked to the ground mercilessly by a black witch.

Chloe was pushed under the idol and was in a daze. She felt that the corner of the crucified Jesus' mouth seemed to have a mocking smile.

Nightmare Mans said with a smile: "Ah, Miss LeMay, I have admired you for a long time. I can't wait to have a long conversation with you."

"Let them go," Chloe said numbly. Looking into the eyes of the priest and the nun, even if she knew that everything was false, she still didn't want to see what happened afterwards.

Nightmare Mans nodded, "Of course you can, but it depends on your level of cooperation." He rubbed his hands and smiled a bit, he asked enthusiastically in Chloe's ear: "Tell me, tell me, Miss Le May, who will be the winner in this war?"

Chloe was taken aback for a moment, raised his head inexplicably, and met the painful eyes of the kneeling priest. His mouth was firmly sealed by the curse, but he kept looking at her and kept shaking his head.

Mans: "Don't look at him, look at me!"

He firmly grasped Chloe's face, with endless desire and exploration on his face. He was so hard that the black gloves got stuck in Chloe's mouth.

"Tell me, the almighty master of time, the magic witch, tell me who will be the ultimate winner of this war, when will Hitler die, and will Grindelwald die in the end? Tell me, tell me!"

"I do not know what you're talking about......."

"Tell me!!" Nightmare Mans shook Chloe's head violently like a kid shaking a piggy bank.

"I really do not know."

Chloe was terrified. .

The enthusiasm on Nightmare Mans's face gradually cooled, and his red eyes turned back to a temperatureless blue.

"Do not say."

He looked at Aldo.

Aldo forced a very ugly smile.

Nightmare Mans drew his pistol, stepped in front of the nun Sanisa in two steps, aimed at the nun's head, and pulled the trigger. The gunfire echoed, the crowd screamed, and the nun fell to the ground.

Aldo firmly grasped Chloe by the shoulders, not allowing her to make any movements.

"Say it?" Muller Mans asked.

"I don't know," Chloe cried, "I have never seen anything like that!?"

"Lie! These people have kept you for so long, I don't believe that they have not developed your abilities at all!"


There was an angry shout from a distance, and the blood-stained priest struggling to stand up: "Not everyone thinks that power is supreme. We live with her, we just live together. We don't want to play with time."

"That's it, then you guys are stupid enough."

After speaking, he put the pistol on the priest's head.

"Since power is not so supreme for you, then you pay the price for the creed of the weak."

Before Chloe yelled a no word, the gunshot sounded, and the blood drew a graceful arc, which fell precisely on her face, and her eyes were blurred by the blood. I can't see anything.

"Kill all of them?"

Someone asked.

Mans said: "They are all opponents of the empire. The kindness that is given to the opponent is cruel to himself. No one is left."

The green light flashes continuously.

When Chloe regained his sight, all the people in the monastery had fallen in a pool of blood. This is exactly the tragedy that happened after she met Delfina. She hadn't witnessed it directly at the time, but now Dreamland actually performed it again in front of her own eyes.

"Do you need me to take her to the car?"

Aldo respectfully asked Nightmare Mans.

Nightmare Mans does not doubt that he has him, "Take her to the camp and return to Berlin tomorrow."

"As you wish."

Aldor took Chloe, who was like a walking dead, and walked all the way to the outside of the monastery.

After arriving on the sparsely populated Seine River, Chloe couldn't help sobbing. Aldo patted her on the back beside her, "It's all over. I'll find a boat and take you out of here later." "

"it's all my fault."

She wiped her tears and choked.

"Why do you think so, I have killed hundreds of people without thinking about right or wrong. This is work, nothing more."

"If it weren't for me, how could they die."

"Even without you, an ambitious man like Mans will not stop. Why do you blame yourself? Besides, things have already happened, and it doesn't make sense to cry over what happened."

"Then what would you do?"

"I would kill Mans if I were you."

"I can't kill." Chloe shook his head: "This is what God requires of me."

"Although I don't believe in God, I know that God must be more than just kindness. Kindness is not a sharp sword. It can't defeat the devil...cough cough...cough cough..."

He coughed suddenly, this time for a long time.

After coughing, Aldo said hoarsely:

"Sometimes I also wonder, why did God create this world for people to live peacefully in it?

I don't think it is. If he wants people to live a stable life, why should he set people so selfish and ambitious? Just set them to be creatures like Dodo. Later I thought, maybe God's original intention is not kind, and he doesn't need gentleness and salvation, all he needs is endless conflict..."

Bang bang bang! !

Applause came from behind, interrupting Aldo's consolation.

"I have been working with you for so many years, and I haven't noticed it. Aldo has a lot of ideas in your little head."

Aldo turned his head back in a flash, and Nightmare Mans went and returned. He carried the gun and said gloomily: "But I didn't see that you would be collaborating with this kind of religious waste that only talks about."

The black-robed wizards regrouped and surrounded the river bank firmly.

"How do you know!?" Aldo stood up and said in disbelief.

"Oh, I reminded him."

A man with a feminine smile emerged from the crowd, holding a red apple in his hand and gnawing carelessly. "So, you killed the other yourself?"

It was Anker, who had returned to a normal human size at this moment, but his eyes were still burning with nightmare fire.

"Anker..." Aldo called out his name with difficulty.

"You lied to Mans and can't lie to me. I have seen through your thoughts a long time ago, my dear Aldo, you love her, right?"

Nightmare Anker smiled at Chloe like a poisonous snake: "Unfortunately, there is only this degree of repentance, can you accept it?"

He approached step by step with the dark wizard in the nightmare, with sharp teeth in his smile. The gnawed apple turned into a sharp claw in his hand.

Aldo sighed and said to Chloe: "I'm sorry, Miss LeMay, I can only do this."

After speaking, he pushed hard, pushing Chloe down the river bank and pushing into the turbulent Seine water.



The sky was dense with smoke. Black plumes of smoke hovered from hundreds of fires in the distance, and black fingers covered the stars. Along the Seine River, flames filled the horizon and burned all night. The huge tongue of flame seemed to illuminate the passing rain clouds like the light of an orange spotlight. Even in a dream, there is a smell of ashes in the air.

Hoffa, who returned to the nightmare again, looked at the scene in front of him, and was speechless in surprise. Compared with when he left, it has changed a lot.

what's happening?

A gust of wind blew by, and some broken newspaper fragments fluttered in the air. He walked on the street, picking up a newspaper from the ground casually.

Newspapers recorded German searches of monasteries and churches, and raids and killings of many Jewish priests and nuns. He put down this newspaper and grabbed the fragments of another newspaper in the sky, still recording the same content.

When he was in Paris, he had indeed heard of an incident involving the massacre of a monastery, and the spearhead was directed at the black witch, but soon the report fell to the sea and disappeared without a trace. After all, France belongs to the German-occupied area, and any reports that discredit the Vichy government will be blocked. He didn't care, after all, in this era, all kinds of disasters and deaths happen every day.

But he did not expect that this matter would be related to Chloe. Reminiscing about Chloe's bad attitude towards Aldo and others before, Hoffa felt cold.

This incident is an insurmountable psychological shadow for anyone, let alone a girl who is less than twenty years old.

If the Black Wizard slaughtered Tylar Abbey because of hunting her, and she was the only survivor in this monastery, it would be almost impossible for her to accept any help from Aldor.

He threw away the newspaper and hurried to the monastery like flying steps.

After arriving at the monastery, it was surprisingly quiet here, under the night sky, only flames were burning silently.

The door was broken, and the corpses inside were all over the place. He looked at it one by one. Most of the deaths here were due to the death curse, only a few died from the shooting.

His heart was tight, beating like a giant drum, for fear that he might see the nun's godless eyes at a corner. The only gratifying thing is that he didn't see the nun's body, but he didn't see any alive.

It wasn't until he walked along the thick blood to the banks of the Seine that he heard someone calling to himself in a low voice.

"Mr. Bach...?"

Following the voice, I saw a man leaning against the wall, almost invisible. It's just a mass of **** flesh.

The moment he saw that thing, Hoffa was startled. But from the top of his head, a little blond hair of the original color could be discerned, and he could barely distinguish the identity of this guy.


He asked tentatively.

"it's me."

Hoffa slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand, neither would it touch him, nor would it not touch him.

"How did you become like this?"

"I'm very grateful," the **** flesh whispered.

"What?" Hoffa didn't understand.

"Your first reaction was not to ask me where Chloe went." The vague flesh and blood panted and smiled, making a sound like a bellows.

"I want to know what happened, Aldo."

"Anker has been here... he ate me. But I cut his stomach and crawled out." He recounted an unusually terrible thing in a calm tone, "I pushed Miss Le May Seine, if you want to find her, just follow the river to find her, it may be too late."

His fingers tremblingly pointed at the river, but Hoffa let out a sigh of relief: "Good fellow, now you have no right to laugh at my hair."

"Hehehe...hehe...you really have a cruel sense of humor, Mr. Bach."

Hoffa took off his clothes and tried to wrap the body in front of him with his clothes.

"Hold on, Aldo."

"No, Hoffa Bach." Aldo called out his full name for the only time. "It's not saved, I know it myself. Go and find Miss Le May."

"This is a dream, don't care about the injury."

Hoffa said, "Just go back to reality."

The **** fellow shook his head slightly, "It's useless, it's been too long. In the real world, I might have drowned. This is where I belong."

Large torrents of sea water poured out from all corners of his body and bone gaps, and his flesh and blood palm suddenly grabbed Hoffa's arm, "Mr. Bach, look at me."

Hofayyan looked at his eyes. Those eyes were surprisingly bright and clear, just like the pure water behind the white sandy beaches of Hawaii.

"I have heard more or less about you. I left England at a young age and left safe Hogwarts. I wandered outside before the age of sixteen... Honestly, I admire you. Life is for us. Said that it has always been extremely demanding, but I have never had the courage to make a better choice..."

"You can go to England with me, we said yes."

He wanted to break free of the opponent's palm and continue to bandage him, but the terrifying **** hands firmly grasped him.

"No time, listen to me." Aldo spoke quickly, and the water mixed with visceral fragments gushing from his mouth.

"Please say."

"Don't hurt Miss Le May, anyway. I beg you. No matter what your difficulties, don't hurt her, otherwise, I will be in your nightmare, entwining you, and always following you!"

When he said this, he tried his best to cheer him up.

Looking at his breathtaking eyes, Hoffa nodded slowly: "I promise you."

Aldo smiled, let go, leaned heavily on the wall, and whispered: "This is the first time I actively choose a different destiny. It feels great. By the way, you... have you seen it? Mans, be careful with him, he is much scarier than you think. If...if you can leave your dreams. If you find that you are not his opponent, you can try the black mistletoe, it will work wonders."

"Let's talk about it when we go out, Aldo."

Hoffa lowered his head and tried to bandage his body.

But in the end, the other party remained motionless and his eyes fell apart.

Perceiving the demise of the man's spirit and soul, Hoffa raised his head in a daze. Over the past year, he has personally experienced many wars and witnessed countless deaths, but this time it was rare that he was a little lost.

The other party was like a mirror. He saw some things in him, those things that he once possessed but gradually disappeared and forgotten in the arrow of time.

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