Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Chapter 55 Those 17 Months (Part 1)

"Although I am a boy, I also like boys. If possible, I hope to marry Teacher Raulus!"

"Get away from George, be careful, I will use the spell of clear water like a fountain to remove your makeup!" Raulus gave Senior George a white look.

At this time, Qin Weijie's little heart couldn't take it anymore, and only then did he begin to understand what that senior Lalaisi said. Compared with them, he was indeed normal.

Hey, now it looks like Miss Sparet is more normal... Wait! Miss Sparet? Is she really a senior?

Just thinking about it, Qin Weijie turned his head to look at Sparet, his eyes were full of uncertainty, looking up and down, at this time Qin Weijie had fallen into a kind of "female rabbit's feet are fluttering, male rabbit's eyes are blurred, An Neng can tell that I am a male?" Female's psychedelic state.

"Sparrett...Sister? Or...Senior?" Qin Weijie asked timidly.

Sparet's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Qin Weijie with an unfriendly expression: "Believe it or not, I will pinch you to death with my chest! Let you see if I am a woman!"

"Senior sister! Senior sister! I made a mistake, senior sister! You are a woman, pure pussy!" Qin Weijie immediately persuaded.

Although he was cowardly, Qin Weijie still secretly slandered in his heart: a dead pervert, a king Cheng Yaojin, a dead shemale, and a tomboy, is it too late for me to quit the group now? No, I shouldn't think about whether to quit the league, what I should think about is whether to quit school!

"Vijay, let me introduce yourself!" Raulus looked at Qin Weijie.

Qin Weijie nodded, thinking about how to introduce himself. The identity of the welfare family definitely cannot be said, so the only thing that can be said is that he came from China.

"My name is Weijie Qin. I have lived in China since I was a child. According to China, my name should be Qin Weijie. My father is a Muggle and my mother is a witch. I was born in China and lived in China until I was nine years old. In February of this year I had just arrived in the UK and received my Hogwarts acceptance letter as soon as I got off the ship, and I didn't know I was a wizard until then."

Qin Weijie truthfully introduced that other people were extremely curious about Qin Weijie, and even Senior Sister Sparett was also full of curiosity about Qin Weijie.

This is mainly due to Westerners' curiosity about the Eastern countries. Although the Chinese Manchu Qing Dynasty has been a bit useless in recent years, in the eyes of many Westerners, the ancient East still has a mysterious color.

Qin Weijie wanted to symbolically satisfy everyone's curiosity about China, but at the end of the answer, he didn't know how to answer.

Question: Do Chinese people worship evil dragons?

Your dragons are all lizards, dragons in our sense are not symbols of evil.

However, they couldn't understand it at all. In their view, the dragon was a symbol of ferocity and evil.

Question: Is China full of gold?


Qin Weijie felt for a while that Westerners' image of China was too fucking insane, and they were always used to looking at China from their own eyes.

They don't believe that Huaxia has the ideal of "world harmony", because they think it is impossible to realize.

They don't believe in the harmony of yin and yang and the unity of opposites, they only firmly believe in the so-called duality.

They don't think there is a so-called "golden mean". In their view, the world is either black or white, good or evil.

So don't try to convince them that if you want them to understand Huaxia, you need to make Huaxia stronger, so powerful that they must worship, and so powerful that they are in awe.

Because only in this way can they break their self-righteousness, let them abandon their backward thinking, and understand China, know China, and learn from China.

Seeing Qin Weijie's helpless expression, Raulus finally opened his mouth to rescue Qin Weijie,

"Okay, don't ask him these questions anymore. Huaxia is a place full of mysteries. If you are interested, you can find out by yourself after you leave school."

Raulus said and looked at Qin Weijie: "Are you sure you have finished the introduction?"

"It's...it's over..." Qin Weijie felt a little guilty.

At this time, Minsk remembered what Raulus said before his introduction: "You said that the president will scare us after the introduction, but we are not scared now."

Qin Weijie's heart tightened, Raoulus won't expose his identity! ?

its not right! With the effect of the Scarlet Loyalty Curse, even if he knew my mother, he would not be able to recognize me. He should be affected by the Scarlet Loyalty Curse the moment he recognized me!

Could it be that the principal revealed my identity to him! ? It stands to reason that only when the confidentiality person tells me can others get my information! And even if the headmaster tells Raulus my identity, he won't be able to reveal it under the effect of the Fidelity Curse!

Doubts appeared in Qin Weijie's mind, but at this moment Raulus spoke.

"Since you don't want to say it, let me help you."

As he spoke, Raulus took out a long roll of parchment. The unfolded parchment was more than one meter long, and it was filled with words.

"Well, there seems to be a lot of information, how about this, I will simply find a few and read it, and you guys can feel it for yourself."

"In November 1936, multiple thefts occurred in Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong. The wallets of several British gentlemen were stolen. The suspect was a Chinese child about ten years old."

"In February 1937, a cruise ship sailing from Victoria Harbor was stopped by Franco's camp due to the situation in Spain. A week later, many passengers fled in the dark and were discovered by Franco's camp soldiers. They all slaughtered them. One of them The teenager, about ten years old, used the dead body of an adult as a cover to escape the shooting, and then killed three soldiers with a fork and escaped."

"In March 1937, a senior officer in the Franco camp was a spy of the Republic camp. He was reported by an anonymous letter and his family was executed. Some insiders revealed that there was a ten-year-old doorman in the officer's home carrying important information. Run away, Franco's camp is fully hunting."

"In June 1937, a ten-year-old boy single-handedly broke through the blockade of the Franco camp and fled to the territory of the Republic camp. Within three months, he brutally killed 11 soldiers from the Franco camp. Killed 9 soldiers by night."

"In July 1937, a senior official of the Republic camp was assassinated. The suspect was a child about ten years old. The suspect escaped afterwards."

"In August 1937, the suspect boy appeared in France, was wanted by the French police, and fled after seriously injuring four people."

"In December 1937, a fire broke out suddenly at the home of a senior German non-commissioned officer near Wilhelmshaven. The fire caused the death of the officer and his wife. The arsonist was a child about ten years old. After follow-up investigation, this person was related to the European illegal smuggling organization 'Snake Eyes. ' There is a close connection."

"In April 1938, the police targeted a smuggler named Hanton from the 'Snake Eyes' organization. In April, the snakehead Hanton was arrested in Norway. The ten-year-old murderer was missing. There are rumors It has traveled to UK territory."

"On September 1, 1938, Paris lost control of the Hogwarts Express train, and Vijay Qin shot him dead with a Muggle weapon revolver."

Raulus put away the long parchment, and then looked at the four stunned living fossils.

Sparet, Minsk, Alateng, and George all looked at Qin Weijie like a monster.

After a long time, Minsk opened his mouth and said, "You do have a strong smell of blood on your body, but I didn't notice it at all when I saw you for the first time. How did you hide it?"

"You are a murderous devil! No wonder, the Foley family hired you to protect that man!" Sparet yelled in surprise and anger.

Ala Teng was a big man, like a little girl watching a horror movie, he was in the corner, looking at Qin Weijie tremblingly.

Senior George's face twitched unnaturally, thinking to himself: "The president is a real pervert! I even teased him just now! He won't kill me, right?"

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