After resting at the Suriname Oasis, Professor Caldwell and his team set out again, heading towards the next goal - the Matisse Oasis.

The sun at noon was like a fireball, extremely hot. Fortunately, the Suriname Oasis provided them with ample water and a hint of coolness, giving them enough strength to face the journey ahead.

In order to prevent sunburn, everyone on the scientific expedition team was wrapped in thick sun protection blankets.

Of course, the scenery in the desert is not completely static. During the journey, the team will occasionally encounter some small but beautiful phenomena in the desert, such as these gypsum crystals formed by weathering, or some unique cactus.

As time went by, the sun began to set, and the scientific expedition team gradually approached the location of the Matisse Oasis under the guidance of maps and GPS.

Today is already the third day of their departure. The team members are no longer as excited as they were the previous two days, and the frequency of conversations between them has been greatly reduced.

When the afterglow of the sunset shines on the edge of the desert, a patch of green gradually comes into view, and the Matisse Oasis appears.

Compared with the Suriname Oasis, the Matisse Oasis is larger in scale and has more abundant water sources. There is a small natural lake in the center of the oasis. The water is clear and transparent, and the surrounding lush vegetation brings great comfort to the tired team members.

After confirming that the environment around the oasis was safe, the team members immediately started setting up tents and preparing dinner.

When night falls and the stars are shining brightly, the team members sit around the campfire and enjoy the cool breeze from the distance.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, the scientific expedition team conducted a simple exploration and research in the Matisse Oasis, then immediately got up and set off for their final destination——

The great central oasis of the George Ring Mountains.

"Mr. Lockhart." Halfway through, Professor Caldwell deliberately slowed down and walked side by side with Tiera. "If nothing else happens, we will arrive at the Central Oasis before two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Thank you, Professor." Tiera complimented with a smile, "It's all because of your good leadership that we were able to reach our destination so quickly as planned."

"Everywhere, my students are capable. Mr. Lockhart, your physical fitness is not bad, you can keep up with our rapid march." Professor Caldwell praised without hesitation.

"But Mr. Lockhart," Professor Caldwell said, changing the topic, "As far as we know so far, the large oasis in the center of the George Mountains is a dense rainforest ecosystem that relies on groundwater resources."

"With all due respect, of course we are not looking down on you or anything, but for safety reasons, I hope that when we enter the rainforest for inspection, you can wait for us at a fixed location outside." Professor Caldwell said. "The complexity of the rainforest ecosystem is originally higher than that of the desert ecosystem. Dense plants and tall trees will interfere with our GPS positioning system to a great extent, so getting lost in the rainforest ecosystem is almost fatal."

"Of course." Tiera nodded to express understanding. He knew that these considerations were for the safety of the team. "No problem, Professor, I completely understand. I cherish my life more than you think."

"But..." Tiera smiled, "Just don't forget to record it."

Before departure, Tiela distributed the most advanced VCR cameras to each scientific expedition team, and asked each scientific expedition team to record the process of their own scientific expedition——

This is probably one of the conditions for Tiera to sponsor their scientific expedition.

"Of course." Professor Caldwell agreed.

Finally, after several hours of marching, the scientific expedition team approached the central oasis of the George Ring Mountains.

This oasis has not been fully explored by anyone, so it is currently named "Central Oasis".

The central oasis is large in scale and is estimated to span thousands of kilometers. The team can clearly feel the increasingly humid air and rich vegetation growth environment, which is in sharp contrast to the previous desert climate.

When arriving at the edge of the Central Oasis, Professor Caldwell did not rush to lead the team into the oasis. Instead, he asked everyone to stay put and enter the Central Oasis early tomorrow morning.

And today——

Everyone set up camp on the spot and rested for a day.

Again, in the wild, mental fatigue is far more terrifying than physical fatigue.

Therefore, Professor Caldwell would rather slow down the investigation to ensure the mental health of his team members.

The other team members were obviously veterans who often followed Professor Cardwell out into the wild. As soon as Professor Cardwell gave the order, they immediately set up a temporary camp on the edge of the oasis.

After nightfall, Professor Caldwell summoned all the team members for an emergency meeting during dinner.

He detailed the next steps and each person's specific tasks. Although they have conducted countless similar explorations, the environment this time is particularly complex and unknown, and each team member must maintain the highest level of vigilance.

"Keep in mind that this area, although not well mapped, may be exceptionally rich in biodiversity. We need to take very careful steps so as not to disrupt the ecological balance here," Professor Caldwell emphasized during the meeting. “Everyone should follow the ‘Leave No Trace’ principle and minimize the impact of our activities on the environment.”

"Yes! Professor!" Professor Caldwell's students responded.

"Mr. Lockhart," Professor Cardwell changed his serious expression when assigning tasks to students, and looked at Tiera with a friendly face, "Tomorrow, please stay at the camp with Algenis."

"No trouble, I should do it." Tiera chuckled and agreed.

After the meeting, the team members were divided into their own groups, each responsible for different research areas, such as vegetation surveys, water resource assessments, wildlife observations, etc.

Professor Cardwell even specially assigned several team members to record and organize travel videos to ensure that Tiera's requirements were met.

The next morning, the light of the sun just rising shone through the dense tree canopy, and scattered on the wet ground like fragments. The team began to enter the central oasis in groups according to the plan.

The team left the camp at 7 o'clock in the morning, and Tiera and Algenis did not wake up until 8:30 slowly-

Their task today was just to stay at the camp, and there was no need to prepare early like others.

After getting up, Tiera and Algenis made themselves breakfast, and then sat by the extinguished campfire and chatted.

The mission of guarding the camp was really boring, and Argenis was a taciturn person who focused on scientific research and knew very little about things outside of scientific research, so as they chatted, they gradually fell silent. Argenis focused on gazing at the central oasis through a telescope, while Tiera fiddled with the extinguished campfire out of boredom.

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