"Mr. Lockhart." A middle-aged professor with a thick build and a beard but who looked very strong said softly to Gilderoy Lockhart.

And Gilderoy Lockhart—

A clone of Tiera was leaning on the back seat of the leading jeep, dozing off.

When she heard someone calling her, Tiera opened her eyes and looked curiously at Jonathan Hadley, an astronomy professor from the University of Sydney who was sitting next to her.

"What's the matter? Professor Hadley?" Tiera asked with a respectful attitude.

"Hehe, it's like this. Mr. Lockhart is about fifty kilometers south. George Crater." Jonathan Hadley rubbed his hands and said sheepishly. "It is a huge ring-shaped ridge of terrain, with a diameter of About 22 kilometers, it was formed by a meteorite impact event about 140 million years ago. My colleagues all felt that it would be a waste to go out to this place without inspecting it. So we thought "

"If you want to investigate, then go ahead." Tiera raised her eyelids, sat upright a little, and looked in the direction that Jonathan Hadley said.

About fifty-seven kilometers away, there was indeed a huge crater area.

But what Tiera saw was not just a huge crater zone. In his eyes, all the scenes in the George Crater Zone were moving backwards towards the negative axis of the time coordinate based on the "modern" time node.


10 years: It's a busy scene here, with tourists, scientists and, of course, hordes of explorers as the area is discovered and developed. The past ten years have been a golden decade for Australia's development. The Yalta system established in World War II allowed Australia, a resource country, to enjoy the benefits of the victorious country. Australia's economy and industry have developed rapidly, and people's lives have begun to improve. , so more people began to take advantage of Australia's rugged geographical conditions for daily recreational activities, such as exploring geological wonders such as George Crater.


100 years: As time goes by, the scene here has changed dramatically. The crater area is no longer a bustling scene of people coming and going, but a desolate ruins. Dust storms raged, the wind blew, and the surface was covered with cracks and rock fragments. Tiera saw small animals and creatures that occasionally appeared in the picture, but they quickly disappeared into the crevices of rocks, hay bushes, or the desolate sand of the desert.


1000: The scene in the crater area becomes more desolate, and traces of human activities have almost disappeared. However, even in this desolate place, there are still a group of Australian Aboriginal people who come here to worship. To them, the crater was not a simple geographical feature, but a sacred mountain, the cradle of their mythological gods.

Whenever the winter solstice approaches, during the longest night of the year, the indigenous people gather around the crater, sing ancient songs around the bonfire. During this era, the crater area was filled with primitive religious rituals and sacrificial activities. The indigenous people respect nature and worship the sacred power symbolized by the crater, believing that it can protect them from disasters and dangers.


10,000 years: The scene in the crater region has changed incredibly. This place is no longer desolate and dead, but filled with vibrant new life. Vegetation began to cover the land again, small animals played in the grass, and birds circled in the sky. Tiera saw surging water in the distance. This was due to geological changes near the crater area and the re-emergence of underground water sources.


10,000 years ago to 140 million years ago: During this long period of time, the crater zone experienced various geological, climatic and biological evolution processes. From the initial rebirth of vegetation, to the flourishing of flora and fauna, to the establishment and evolution of ecosystems, this place has witnessed the flourishing and diversification of life on earth.


140 million years ago: During the Cretaceous period, a medium-to-large dinosaur named Australian Spinosaurus occupied the plain before the crater was formed. These huge creatures dominated this ancient land. , they wander among the grasslands and forests of the plains, looking for food and safe habitats.

With their strong bodies and sharp teeth, they were the top predators in the food chain in this area. They often hunt fiercely on this plain, chasing other dinosaurs or ancient vegetation herbivores.

Then one day——

A huge meteorite fell from the sky, like the blazing sun coming here, and hit the surface of the Earth during the Cretaceous period with destructive force.

A huge shock wave swept across, and the originally hard surface instantly became like water. Under the huge shock wave, huge waves of rocks were formed, spreading to all directions, and the fire burned, swallowing up everything around it.

Tiera did not continue to pay attention to the changes in the terrain here, but raised her head.

Time continues to go backwards, and the meteorite flies back into the sky from the surface of the earth, following the trajectory of its fall.

It flew out of the earth and flew towards the depths of the universe where it came from.

"Oh, it's just an ordinary meteorite." Tiera couldn't help but sigh.

"What? Mr. Lockhart?" Jonathan Hadley didn't understand the meaning of Tiera's words, which made her feel like she was hallucinating.

"No, it's nothing." Tiera said with a smile, "If you want to go, then go."

But his eyes were still fixed on the meteorite from 1.4 years ago.

"But we may spend half a day to a day, but we don't know." Jonathan Hadley said with a guilty conscience.

"No, nothing, maybe this exploration can discover something new." Tierra smiled indifferently.

Time continued to go back to 150 million years ago, and the volume of the meteorite was more than three times that when it hit the earth.

It was drifting aimlessly in the void of the universe 0.00046 light years away from the earth.

Suddenly, the meteorite moved 3 light years in the universe without any signs, and arrived at an inconspicuous dark planet in the ST-2397 star field, which was called by later human astronomers.

The meteorite hit the surface of the dark planet accurately.

The huge impact force made the whole planet tremble, and the dark energy fluctuations spread in the universe.

However, at the moment the meteorite fell, it suddenly disappeared and returned to its original trajectory, leaving a deep trace.

At the place where the planet was hit, an Old One woke up from his long sleep.

His figure was looming in the darkness, like a shadow in the darkness, but his anger could not be hidden.

He roared angrily, and looked around, trying to find the attacker, but he could only return empty-handed.

On the surface of the planet, everything returned to silence. The dark planet continued to be immersed in the endless black fog, leaving only the roar of the Old One echoing in the night sky, as if announcing his existence and power to the universe.

"Then go." Tiera in modern time and space said lightly, "There must be some new discoveries."

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