Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 768 Padstow Town

"Travel guide?" Irina asked with some confusion.

"I'm developing the tourism industry in the wizarding world," Tiera said. "It's not just the usual wizard-related tourist attractions like going to the Egyptian pyramids or Stonehenge."

"I hope to develop some tourist attractions that go deep into the Muggle world," Tiera said, "such as the Science and Technology Museum, the World War II Memorial Camp, the Eiffel Tower in France, the Louvre, the Palace of Versailles, and the British Museum."

"This is just the initial stage. We will expand our travel destinations to farther places in the future." Tiera smiled, "The moon, Dreamland, and even Innsmouth."

On this lively summer night, one of Tiera brought Geoffrey Rocky, a young official from the former German Ministry of Magic who now works at the Institute of Dark Arts at Hogwarts, to Cornwall, England. The town of Padstow along the County coast.

This is a beautiful seaside town with azure sea and golden beaches, as well as ancient buildings and cozy B\u0026Bs, attracting many tourists from afar.

Even though it is already seven o'clock in the evening, shops and street restaurants in other parts of the UK should have been closed, but here -

The neon light boxes on both sides of the street have just lit up with bright signs, and bursts of laughter can be heard from the shops and special restaurants on the street.

Elaborately decorated bouquets of flowers are placed in front of each shop to welcome tourists who have just returned from swimming at the beach.

"Huh-" Tiera took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

"Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough," Tiera coughed a few times, and then said helplessly, "Even such a prosperous tourism industry cannot cover up the fishy smell coming from the deep sea."

"Well, Mr. Tiera, can you remind me again what we are here for?" Jeffrey Rocky, who was following Tiera, asked hesitantly.

"Mr. Rocky, I remember I asked you a question when I gave you my first class." Tiera did not answer directly, but said, "I asked you, what does eternal life mean to you? "

"You answered me that eternal life means endless time, endless possibilities and achievements, and the ability to realize all your dreams and wishes." Tiera stroked her palm lightly, "That's great."

"So Mr. Tiera, you brought me to pursue eternal life?" Jeffrey Rocky asked excitedly, "Is it because of my answer in class?"

"Yes, I brought you here to give you a way to eternal life, and no, I didn't do it because of your answers in class." Tiera paused, seeming to have some difficulty——

This is rare, because Tiera rarely encounters difficulties since she became a god. If she does, she will crush them.

"What if it's because of your bloodline?" Tiera said tactfully.

"You mean I was actually born into a very powerful and ancient wizard family?" Jeffrey Rocky seemed even more excited.

Geoffrey Loki was born into an ordinary wizarding family.

When he was in school, his talent was not very outstanding, and he got ahead only through hard work.

"To be precise, you have a trace of alien blood." Tiera said.

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