Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 554: Night ends and dawn begins

The Death Eaters received the order for tonight's curfew early in the morning——

To be precise, Death Eaters received curfew orders earlier than most wizards in the wizarding world.

After all, Tiera is currently simply using powerful magical power to rule, using its own strength to forcefully deprive the production materials from the hands of the higher-ups in the magical world, letting them flow to the lower-level wizards, and even to the hands of some inhuman creatures and hybrid wizards. inside--

In addition, in the name of colluding with Death Eaters, Tiera caused many pure-blood wizards to lose the mansions that sheltered them, and the wealth they were proud of. In order to survive and maintain a relatively decent life , they have to compete for job opportunities with groups they once looked down upon.

This situation is tantamount to humiliation for those wizards from pure-blood families who have always maintained their own bloodline.

Many of them still dream of helping Voldemort overthrow Tiera and then return to being nobles and masters——

Faced with such a rare opportunity, Voldemort would neither let it go nor attack the Ministry of Magic headquarters recklessly. Instead, he led the Death Eaters and pointed his wand at the Muggles near Little Hangleton County.

Tiera planned to take advantage of this rare opportunity during the curfew to create another Horcrux.

While Voldemort asked Dolores Umbridge to lead the team, they went to Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade to destroy, cause commotion, cause turmoil, and attract the attention of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

Voldemort took his assistant, the main material Death Eater, the mixed-blood wizard Yolanda Charles to the Muggle village, preparing to use blood sacrifice to make a dark magic item, and then kill Yolanda... Charles, let his soul split and attach itself to a dark magic item——

After all, Voldemort is a very ritualistic person. If he just kills a random Muggle to split his soul, he will feel that the quality of his Horcrux has been reduced.

"The night is beautiful, look up at the moon."

Yolanda Charles finished arranging the prototype of ritual magic in the park in the center of the village, and raised her head to relax her neck.

Suddenly, strange moonlight swayed down from the infinite sky.

Yolanda Charles was immediately attracted by this weird and overly beautiful moonlight, and a weird and satisfied smile appeared on her face.

"The night is beautiful, look up at the moon." Yolanda Charles said again, smiling crazily at Voldemort standing aside, and then, like a fish being caught, in the moonlight, toward the moon Fly away slowly.

Voldemort was caught off guard and looked up at the moon——

The bright moonlight pierced Voldemort's mind like a sharp blade, filling him with inexplicable and horrifying images.

Great fear broke out in Voldemort's heart.

A light, warm feeling enveloped Voldemort's body.

Voldemort was so happy that he wanted to fly towards the full moon in the sky, as if that was the destination of everything, the end of eternal peace. At the same time, he was terrified and tried his best to resist this feeling.

Just when Voldemort was in a daze and didn't know what to do, a heavy feeling arose spontaneously.

A golden cup, a giant python, a sleeping boy and a soul fragment located in the infinite darkness produced an extremely powerful anchoring effect, causing Voldemort's body to stumble and fall heavily to the ground from mid-air.

Voldemort regained consciousness instantly when his back touched the cold ground.

With a feeling of trance and fear, Voldemort disembodied and returned to the dilapidated room in the old Riddle ancestral home.

Dolores Umbridge's reaction speed was one step faster than Voldemort's. At the moment when the first ray of moonlight shone, and when the first Death Eater said, "The night is beautiful, look up at the moon." When he said something strange, he immediately discovered the abnormality and hid quickly.

But things didn't go so well for many other Death Eaters.

Among the dozen Death Eaters led by Dolores Umbridge, nearly half of them subconsciously raised their heads when they heard the words "The night is beautiful, look up at the moon." Looked over.

"The night is beautiful, look up at the moon."

"The night is beautiful, look up at the moon."

"The night is beautiful, look up at the moon."

Umbridge watched with fear and joy as one Death Eater after another slowly rose into the sky like fish caught in a hook.

The desperate, terrifying and helpless night came to an end with the first ray of sunlight from the east.

Including Voldemort, no wizard has ever paid so much attention to the dawn, has never been so grateful for the sunrise, and has never welcomed the arrival of the sun with such excitement.

"Praise, praise the sun!"

After Luskania Casanova, secretary to the German Minister of Magic, tried to step out of the shadows, came outside the Ministry of Magic building and bathed in the sunshine, she cried with joy and said, "The nightmare is finally over."

"Oh, dear Miss Casanova, don't praise the sun." A sudden voice appeared and said teasingly, "Don't praise the sun. The sun has nothing to do with this matter. Praise me."

Luscania Casanova's body trembled. In front of her, in the originally empty square in front of the Ministry of Magic, stood a tall man in a suit and ties, carrying a briefcase, and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. The overly young Asian boy bowed to her slowly.

"Tiera Foster." Tiera introduced herself, "I am here on behalf of the British Magical Federation to discuss war damage and compensation issues."

"The nightmare is far from over."

New York, USA, Magical Society of America office building.

Tommy Romney woke up shakily from his deep sleep. After notifying everyone in the building last night, Tommy Romney couldn't hold back his tiredness and squatted in the corner of the office and fell asleep.

"Good morning, Mr. Romney." As soon as Tommy Romney regained consciousness, he heard a gentle voice greeting——

An overly young and neat face appeared in front of him.

"Ah - hiss" Tommy Romney was startled, but there was a corner behind him and he had no way to retreat. His head hit the wall behind him so hard that he couldn't help but "hiss" in pain.

"I, Tiera Severn." Tiera introduced herself with a chuckle, "I am here on behalf of the British Magical Federation to discuss the issue of damage and compensation in this war."

"Whether this nightmare can truly end depends on the attitude of the American Magic Association." Tiera said with a smile.

A Tiera appears in the offices of the secretaries, deputy ministers, or wizards with the highest remaining power in the Ministry of Magic of all participating countries.

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