Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 549 Pregnancy

"Miracle?" Dumbledore asked doubtfully, "You mean to use the magic released by the moon to take away half of the entire population of the wizarding world at once?"

"Oh, you are exaggerating, Principal Dumbledore." Tiera said with a smile, "Except for the Aurors gathered on the Strait of Dover, the only wizards who were really 'fished away' by me were... Um……"

Tiera closed her eyes and felt it for a while——

"Only one thousand three hundred and seventy-nine."

"And I only started using magic after three o'clock at night." Tiera explained with a smile, "At this time, I am still awake and looking up at the sky. Normally, besides the astronomy professor, Who could be there?”

"So what if there is an astronomy professor here?" Dumbledore asked, "Or you mean that among these 1,379 wizards, if there are one or two innocent astronomy professors, or those who can't sleep, The sad girls who look at the moon to relieve their worries, are they asking for it? Or in your words, these are necessary sacrifices? "

"Principal Dumbledore?" Tiera raised her eyelids, leaned back slowly, and looked at Dumbledore thoughtfully——

"I remember I said it," Tiera said calmly, "Life should not be wasted like this, if they can be controlled and serve a greater goal."

"There are never innocent people accidentally involved in my plans."

"They either went to bed early because they were too tired, or their eyes were covered by the sudden dark clouds, or they were trapped at home due to unforeseen accidents." Tiera said with a smile, "And those countries The higher-ups of the Ministry of Magic, especially those who preside over, support this war, and expect to profit from it, will all want to have a drink with the moon because of their sudden arrogance." Tiera paused and looked at it Dumbledore's expression, "You still don't look happy."

"About fifty years ago... there were people like you who hoped to change the current situation of the wizarding world and improve the relationship between the wizarding world and Muggles." Dumbledore said lightly, "Of course, they are the same as you. , solving all dissenters.”

"Mr. Grindelwald." Tiera smiled faintly.

Dumbledore nodded, and then continued, "He believes that there is no possibility of harmonious coexistence between wizards and Muggles, and the status of a race cannot be obtained through negotiation and forbearance, so sooner or later, war will break out, but sooner or later That’s all, the result can only be one party dominating the other. Instead of waiting for the Muggles to take action first, it is better for the wizards to provoke this war, while the wizarding world has not declined too much, while...the Muggle world is in the midst of huge civil strife. middle."

"The status of a race can only be established by blood and violence." Tiera said, "This is an iron law established by the Muggle world itself."

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded and admitted, "Grindelwald spent decades traveling throughout Europe and America, promoting his ideas to everyone, and gaining the trust of many wizards and forces. Support, he had followers almost all over the world...and then during World War II, at the perfect time, he chose to implement his plan."

"Uh-huh." Tiera nodded to show that she was listening.

"So, Tiera, please tell me, when is the best time for you to perform a 'miracle'?" Dumbledore's eyes hidden behind the half-moon spectacles suddenly glowed sharply, as if they were an aging hero. The lion was sizing up the intruder in his territory.

Tiera just leaned on her seat and smiled lightly.

"Your plan is much more than what you said, right?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Do you want the entire wizarding society to have a very unique high-paying profession that relies entirely on talent?"

"Or... let's first contact the top leaders of the Muggle world secretly, use elixirs and magical magic to please the people in power in the Muggle world, slowly corrupt them, and turn the entire wizarding society into a giant hidden under the Muggle government. The Shadow Society in the Shadows?" Dumbledore asked, looking at Tiera, and then said, "Have you thought about the obstacles?"

"Wizards... no, to be precise, both wizards and Muggles are greedy and arrogant races. Wizards will not just be satisfied with being a special high-paying professional or a shadow government hiding behind the shadows. Likewise, Muggles will never allow a group of people who have power they cannot understand and are beyond the control of the law to mix in their world." Tiera said, "The final result of the forced integration of the two societies is-"

"War." Tiera said with a smile, "But war means death, and death means waste. Any life that can serve a greater goal should not be wasted like this."

"Very good, Tiera, very good." Dumbledore nodded and continued, "Now that you have realized this, I think your so-called 'miracle' must be more than that, right? "

"Yes." Tiera said with a smile.

"So, could you please tell me, what do you mean by miracle?" Dumbledore asked.

"You are a very good principal and the greatest white wizard in the world today." Tiera smiled and shook her head, "But that doesn't mean I need to tell you everything."

"But... what I can really tell you is..." Tiera raised her head and looked at the ceiling of the principal's office, but his gaze penetrated the ceiling and was already looking at the bright full moon hanging high in the night sky, " A miracle...is in the making..."

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