Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 530 United Magic Army

"Are those goblins going crazy?" Mrs. Weasley asked in shock.

Even the others couldn't help but put down the cakes in their hands and looked at Lupine in shock, as if waiting for his next words.

Everyone seemed to be listening to some strange, unbelievable story.

"Yes, they are indeed crazy." Lupine picked up someone's drink on the table and poured it all into his mouth in one go.

"To be precise, those goblins were very polite at first." Lu Ping didn't know what words to use to describe it. "Of course they were very angry when their gold coins were stolen, but maybe Because Tiera's strange power displayed at Cornelius Fudge's magic ceremony a few days ago made them somewhat afraid, so at first they sent a negotiation team composed of five little goblins and three wizards. I hope Tiera can let go of the gold through negotiation."

"Of course, the result is not ideal." Lu Ping said, "To be precise, the result is very unsatisfactory."

"Did Tiera refuse to return the gold?" Hermione asked nervously.

"No." Lupine glanced at Hermione, shook his head slightly and said, "He agreed to return the gold."

"What? He... wait, he agreed to return the gold coins?" Hermione said confused, and then asked strangely, "He agreed to return the gold coins!?"

"Then why did he go to so much trouble to move so many gold coins to the Ministry of Magic?" Hermione asked.

"He agreed to return the gold coins, but at the same time there was a condition." Lupine sighed and said, "But the condition is that Gringotts is required to be merged into the British Magical Federation and become a banking institution under the Ministry of Finance of the British Magical Federation. It will be influenced by the British Magical Federation. The direct leadership of the Federation.”

"What?" Hermione almost screamed.

The others had the same expression as Hermione.

"What does Tiera think?" Mrs. Weasley said as if she couldn't believe it. "How dare he make such a request?"

"The reason Tiera gave is that Gringotts is an overseas organization, and in the past several turmoils caused by Voldemort, Gringotts has shown its obviously incompetent defense efforts and worrying vacillation. After deliberation at a high-level meeting within the British Magical Federation, it was determined that Gringotts is a huge hidden danger to the safety of people's lives and property in the British wizarding community. Therefore." Lupine took a deep breath, and then continued, "Therefore, after internal discussions within the British Magical Federation, The high-level meeting jointly deliberated and made a decision, ordering Gringotts to make rectifications within a time limit and merge it into the banking department under the Ministry of Finance of the British Magical Federation."

"Did those goblins from Gringotts agree?" Ron asked blankly, as if listening to a story.

"Of course not!" Hermione said.

"Gringotts did not agree," Lupine said, "and proposed and asked Tiera to return the gold coins as soon as possible, and then they would directly withdraw from the British Ministry of Magic."

"In the words of the leader, Greg, 'Since you don't trust us, then we withdraw from the UK, and you don't have to worry about our rebellion.'" Lupine said.

"Did Tiera agree?"

"I agreed," Lupine said, "and I readily agreed to the Gringotts goblins' request to return the gold coins."

"Agreed?" Harry asked in confusion, "Then why is there still a war?"

"Because Tiera asked Gringotts to submit income details," Lupine said.

"Income details?" Harry asked, "Why do you need income details? Is it to waste time?"

"No, no, it's not about stalling for time!" Hermione suddenly shouted, standing up a little excitedly, "I know what Tiera is planning!"

"The newly promulgated Economic Law of the Magic Federation clearly states that the Magic Federation has the right to confiscate the illegal income of any individual, organization, or institution." Hermione explained excitedly.

"That is to say." Harry also reacted.

"That is to say, Tiera asked them to provide income details because they knew that their income could not be 100% legal." Hermione continued to explain.

"I even bet that those goblins don't know exactly how much gold they have in their treasury." Ron interjected.

"No, Ron, it doesn't matter how much gold was originally in the treasure house." Hermione said, "Now the pair of gold is in Tiera's hands. Tiera said there is as much gold as there is, which means that as long as If Tiera is happy, it will be easy to intercept hundreds of millions of gold galleons casually."

"How many, how many, hundreds of millions!?" Ron said dumbfounded. For Ron, who has always been bad at mathematics, this number is no different from an astronomical number. "Oh my God, how much is that?"

"For us, it is an astronomical figure, but for Gringotts, it may be equivalent to the amount of a small lake filled from the sea. It's not like you haven't read last week's newspaper." Hermione said, " It seems like last Tuesday or last Monday, the cover of the newspaper was Tiera's photo of all the gold in Gringotts' vault——"

"There is an endless golden ocean that can make waves. It is estimated that there are hundreds of millions of them!"

"Yes," said Lupine.

"So did Gringotts submit it?" Ron asked, "The income details."

"How is that possible?" Lupine said. "Even you can figure things out, how can those goblins in Gringotts who want money rather than life not be able to figure it out."

"They knew very well that Tiera asked them to provide income details, and they were determined to directly spend a huge amount of gold Galleons." Lupine said, "This is something that the goblins of Gringotts will never allow. Yes, they couldn't give up even one gold coin, so they rushed back to Gringotts the night the negotiations broke down."

"Then what?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Then. Alas." Lupine sighed helplessly before continuing, "Then the goblins from Gringotts all over the world united with the American Magical Federation, the French Ministry of Magic, the German Ministry of Magic, the Austrian Ministry of Magic, and the Hungarian Ministry of Magic. Ministry of Magic, Swiss Ministry of Magic, Brazilian Ministry of Magic, East Asia Co-Prosperity Society, Spanish Ministry of Magic, Indian Ministry of Magic, Egyptian Ministry of Magic, Icelandic Ministry of Magic, Danish Ministry of Magic, Australian Ministry of Magic, New Zealand Ministry of Magic and a total of fifty countries and regions. The magical societies of the United Kingdom formed the United Magical Army and issued a declaration of war to the British Magical Federation, demanding that the British Magical Federation return the gold coins placed in the deepest part of Gringotts."

"According to intelligence, the United Magical Army is now gathering towards the Strait of Dover in France. I'm afraid it will only take a week to assemble. They claim that if the British Magical Federation does not return the gold coins belonging to Gringotts within a week, they will immediately Start a war."

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