Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 510 Slughorn helped count the money after being sold.

"By the way, I remember the previous news report said that the little wizard Tiera will continue to study at Hogwarts, right?" Slughorn asked expectantly and excitedly.

After listening to Slughorn's question, Dumbledore understood what Slughorn was thinking -

Horace Slughorn is a kind, loyal, timid and overly snobbish gentleman.

He was born in an ancient wizarding family and was the only son. His wealthy parents doted on him. Therefore, unlike other pure-blood wizards born in the Holy Twenty-eight families, Horace Slughorn was very fond of pure-blooded wizards. The bloodline is not very paranoid, but it likes to bask in the glory of elites and celebrities.

Since childhood, he has been a boy who loves to have relationships with famous people. When he was a student, he often called the then Minister of Magic in a seemingly affectionate tone and over-exaggerated the closeness between the two families.

Like Snape, he has extraordinary talents in potions and spiritual magic.

But unlike Snape, these two talents of Horace Slughorn can only be called "outstanding" and do not make him called a "genius".

This is probably why Slughorn stayed at Hogwarts and became a professor——

Slughorn is a very smart man, and he soon realized that it would be difficult to make a name for himself in the wizarding world with his talent.

But if he enters Hogwarts as a teacher, he may be able to rely on his talents to become a life mentor for generations of elites, celebrities, and the proud ones.

He likes all students who are talented, capable, famous, and pushy. Therefore, unlike other deans of Slytherin House, Slughorn still maintains the good temper and easy-going personality of his student days. .

This also made Slughorn the best-tempered Dean of Slytherin House in history. He would never deduct points from other houses indiscriminately in order to favor his own house, and would even take the initiative to care for the students of other houses.

But equally, one of the most criticized points during Slughorn's teaching career was that the dichotomy between students he treated was too clear. One was students who he liked or thought had a bright future, and the other was students who he thought had a bleak or bleak future. Students who do nothing.

The "Slughorn Club" would invite his selected students to have dinner and socialize during their spare time, without any regard for the feelings of those students who were not invited.

Therefore, a talented, famous, and powerful student is as tempting as sweet wine to Slughorn, not to mention Tiela, the little wizard who made a splash a week ago— —

Tiera's experience is legendary, and so is his strength. Even novels cannot describe such a person.

Tiera's attraction to Horace Slughorn is undoubted. He is like the only magic stone in the world. For Slughorn, it is not just the jewel in his crown, but the one who can The elixir of immortality that made Slughorn famous throughout the ages.

This temptation was so great that it made Slughorn, a smart and cautious old fox, ignore the unusual weirdness in Tiera, and even completely forget about the trouble that his last student with such an extraordinary talent caused him. .

Horace Slughorn, an old wizard who lived at the same time as Dumbledore, was extremely eager to "collect" Tiera.

"Yes, although I don't know why, our little Tiera attaches great importance to his degree. Although he has completely mastered magical knowledge that far exceeds that of a normal Hogwarts graduate, he still insists on studying in Hogwarts. Woz will graduate through a normal graduation ceremony after attending school for seven years." Dumbledore said with a smile, "One sixth grade and one seventh grade. I think with Tiera's strength, the entire seventh grade will probably not go anywhere else. Internship, so all in all, there are still two years left.”

"If you really want to return to Hogwarts to teach, of course we welcome you." Dumbledore said with a warm spring breeze smile on his face, "Of course we welcome senior professors like you to return to Hogwarts to teach. "

"Really?" Slughorn said overjoyed, "Oh my God, that's great. I don't know how to thank you. Dumbledore. You know, I've really had enough of retirement." In the life after that, there will be Death Eaters who chatter endlessly and are as annoying as flies."

Slughorn held Dumbledore's hand tightly and shook it vigorously, while complaining with a pitiful expression——

This is undoubtedly the best news for him.

Apart from his desire to "collect" Tiera, Slughorn has not spent a single day in Ontario since the "rumors" of Voldemort's resurrection broke out in the summer of 1994.

Three days after Tiera's funeral, Yaxley, one of Voldemort's Death Eaters, quietly visited Horace Slughorn's cabin under cover of night, in an apparent attempt to recruit him or abduct him by force. Voldemort.

Although Slughorn has become more bulky and sluggish in the years since his retirement, his reflexes are still incredibly quick.

Before the Death Eater Yaxley broke into the hut that was heavily protected by Slughorn's spell, Slughorn transformed into a sofa and successfully deceived Yaxley.

As soon as Yaxley left, Slughorn immediately packed his necessities, locked the house, and fled.

Over the past year, Slughorn had moved around, usually living in houses while their Muggle owners were away.

He didn't dare stay at a friend's house because he might be betrayed, either voluntarily or by force, and his whereabouts would be revealed.

Life like this was miserable enough, but without knowing what Voldemort wanted from him, everything became even more unbearable.

He felt that the most likely reason was that this old student just wanted to recruit him to join his army.

However, compared to the power that Voldemort had in the past, no matter what the reason, it seems small.

When the dark forces were at their peak, Slughorn also doubted whether Voldemort wanted to take his life, lest he reveal the reason why Voldemort maintained his life.

But more than a week ago, the chaos at the Ministry of Magic allowed Slughorn to see the light.

Not only the dawn of being able to collect such a "magic stone", but also the dawn of being able to escape from the wandering life.

"Then it's settled." Seemingly impatient with Slughorn's constant complaints, Dumbledore patted Slughorn's shoulder hard and said, "I'll introduce Tiera in a moment. Let me get acquainted with you two. We are all old acquaintances. There is no need for a formal letter of appointment. You can move back to Hogwarts immediately after the inauguration ceremony. I will give you Professor Merlego's office. Don’t you always think that your previous room was small, crowded and damp?”

At the same time, Tiera, who was sitting on the central throne of the "Heaven" dimension, suddenly received a message——

"Hurry, come, come!" This message came from Dumbledore. He found Tiera through Phoenix Fox in some unknown way, and passed his mental power projection to Tiera, " Come to the inauguration ceremony, I have found a Potions Professor for your magical university."

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