Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 493 Trapped Beast


The sound of climbing stopped suddenly, and the next second, a pale hand stretched out from the elevator shaft, supporting a pale, thin figure to climb up from the elevator shaft.


Voldemort recognized it at a glance. It was Tiera, the boy who should have died but was left in the world in a strange way.

The moment Tiera appeared, the originally bright hall of the Ministry of Magic suddenly became dark, as if the only remaining lighting magic lamp in the Ministry of Magic had been affected by some unknown force and became flickering.

The pale and thin Tiera climbed up and walked crookedly towards Voldemort like a puppet, with a smile of unknown meaning on her face.

The moment he saw this smile, Voldemort felt the hair on his bare body stand up.

Tiera's eyes made him extremely uncomfortable, as if he was not facing a lost kid, but some powerful beast, staring at him with predatory eyes.

"Hehehehehehe..." Tiera tilted her head, grinned widely, and showed her fangs at Voldemort——

"What's wrong? Voldemort, haven't you seen a real demon?" Tiera still smiled.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort almost didn't think much. He raised his wand and immediately directed a Kedavra curse at Tiera.


The roar of war horses was heard, and a group of golden war horses ran out of the elevator shaft, blocking Voldemort's death curse and Tiera.

There were three heads strung on the horse's butt with ropes. They were Anthony Dolohov, Mulciber and Avery. They were three of the twelve Death Eaters sent by Voldemort.

Behind the golden war horse, another silver war horse and a bronze war horse also jumped out of the elevator shaft.

There are three heads tied to the back of each war horse. Except for Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lastrange, and Fenrir Greyback, all the Death Eaters photographed by Voldemort Their heads were hung behind the buttocks of three horses.

Three war horses of gold, silver, and bronze circled around Tiera.

After the war horses galloped out of the elevator shaft, what followed—

"Dong, dong, dong, dong, dong..."

Nine headless corpses also climbed up from the elevator shaft, following suit, like puppets, and came to the side of the three war horses.

They formed a circle, surrounded the three war horses, knelt down on the ground uniformly, stretched out their fingers, dipped the blood from their broken necks, and drew strange runes and symbols composed of strange runes on the ground. circle.

"Avada Kedavra!" Seeing this strange scene, Voldemort used his best trick without even thinking about it.

But the green light of the Death Curse was blocked by the war horse.

Voldemort also tried to use the Death Curse to attack the decapitated corpses, but no matter what kind of attack, hitting the corpse would only make the corpse stagnant for a short time, but then everything would be as normal and he would continue to draw the spell.

Seeing that the strange magic circle on the ground was about to be completed, Voldemort's face turned gloomy. He raised his wand and flicked it back and forth in mid-air.

First, a few wisps of fire appeared on the tip of his staff.

Then, with the wave of Voldemort's wand, the flames grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a majestic giant fire snake.

As soon as the fire snake landed on the ground, it roared silently and rushed towards Tiera.

But at this moment, the strange magic circle on the ground just completed its final touch.

All the headless corpses seemed to have lost all their strength in an instant, and fell limply to the floor.

The three horses carrying the knight also stopped turning.

Tiera in the center of the magic circle suddenly pinched her own neck and started vomiting——

Nearly endless amounts of strange liquid spurted out from "Tiera's" mouth, like a river bursting its banks, instantly drowning the three knights and the headless corpse.

Seeing this strange scene, Voldemort immediately turned into a puff of black smoke and rushed towards the second floor stand of the Ministry of Magic Hall.

The inexplicable liquid continued to spread outwards, and soon flooded the place where Voldemort originally stood.

And the "Tiera" in the center of the magic circle gradually changed——

The body became plump and plump, a female bulge appeared on the chest, freckles gradually appeared on the face, the skin became dull, the hair began to become curly, and the color changed from black to brown.

When the last drop of liquid was spit out, "Tiera" completely changed into a different person——

Marietta Exmore, the girl who betrayed Dumbledore's Army.

The girl first sat blankly in the magic circle, then she seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly screamed, hugging her knees with her hands, curling up and looking around.

The inexplicable liquid stopped expanding and began to gather toward the center like an ebbing tide.

The first thing that appeared——

It was a face, a huge, pale face in the center of the liquid.

That's Tiera's face.

Immediately afterwards, Tiera's face began to rise, and his hair, head, neck, shoulders, and other parts of his body gradually appeared——

He stood up slowly——

The whole person is as high as three or four stories, looking down at everything from top to bottom——

Tiera first bent down and looked at Marietta Acmo, who was still stunned and fell in the center of the magic circle in horror——

Tiera's body is incredibly soft, and his waist is as soft as a snake, or as boneless as a slug, which allows Tiera's giant face to appear very close to Marietta Acmo Above, a pair of big cold eyes stared at her mercilessly——


Marietta couldn't help the fear in her heart, screamed out, and stumbled back.

"You have been punished." A voice like an ancient brass bell came from Tiera's mouth, making Marietta cover her ears and cower in fear.

"I think you already know why we cannot betray, and you have clearly understood the price of betrayal." Tiera continued.

Marietta buried her face in her knees, and she cried uncontrollably in fear.

Then Tiera raised her head——

His body slowly shrunk until he could look straight at Voldemort standing in the stands on the second floor——

"Miss me?" Tiera asked with a smile.

Voldemort looked at Tiera in silence, saying nothing.

Then almost instantly——

Voldemort shrank sharply towards the middle and disappeared into this space.

But then——

Voldemort reappeared where he disappeared.

Voldemort had a look of panic on his face and tried to disembodied again, but——

A moment later, Voldemort appeared again.

For the first time, a panicked expression appeared on that braised egg-like face.

"You should be dead!" Voldemort shouted angrily and shot a curse, "Can't you continue to die?"

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