Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 389 Anger Born from Sorrow

The hottest day of the summer was finally coming to an end, and a drowsy silence fell over the large, square houses on Privet Drive.

Cars that were usually bright and shiny were now parked in the driveway in a dusty state, and the once lush grass had turned withered and yellow——

Due to the drought, watering hoses have been banned.

The residents of Privet Drive's usual pastimes were to clean cars and mow lawns. Now that they were unable to do either of these things, they had to hide in their shady houses and open the windows wide, hoping to let in a little bit of dust. The cool breeze that exists.

There was only one person still outside, a teenage boy who was sitting on the swing boredly, staring blankly ahead.

The swing is located in a park not far from Privet Drive. Harry passed by this park during the summer vacation before the start of his third year. At that time, he had just blown up his aunt into a balloon. Harry was in this park. I met Sirius Black for the first time.

Harry stayed here throughout the summer vacation, wandering aimlessly on the swing, as if this was the only way he could forget his worries and sorrows.

Owls always delivered letters from Ron and Hermione, his two best friends besides Tiera.

Harry had hoped that their letters would bring him news, or at least allow him to talk to Tiera, but—

"... We can't say too much about that matter. We were told not to talk about anything important, lest our letters be sent to other places. We are very busy now, but I can't go into details with you here, A lot has happened and we will tell you when we meet you."

This was Hermione's birthday card to him.

Neither Hermione nor Ron ever talked about Tiera, as if she didn't exist at all.

This made Harry feel somewhat annoyed and uncontrollably sad.

Harry's temper became more and more violent. In his mind, he always recalled the scene on the night when Tiera was killed by Voldemort. How Tiera rushed between him and Voldemort. What was the difference between his disarming curse and Voldemort's death curse? How did it hit Tiera, how did the light in Tiera’s eyes disappear——

Harry remembered it all clearly.

Even if he managed to escape the nightmare about Tiera, he would still dream about long, dark corridors, each ending in a dead end or a locked door. These dreams made him uneasy, and he I guess this has something to do with the trapped animal-like mood he has when he's awake.

The scar on his forehead often stung and was uncomfortable, but he knew that Ron, Hermione and Sirius wouldn't be very interested in it.

In the past, attacks of pain from his scar had been a sign that Voldemort was becoming more powerful again, but now that Voldemort was back, they were probably reminding him that the regular attacks of pain were to be expected and that there was nothing to worry about. This is no longer news.

This was so unfair. The resentment in his heart kept piling up, and he really wanted to roar out loud.

If it weren't for him, no one would even know that Voldemort was back!

And what he got in return was that he was trapped in Little Whinging for four whole weeks, completely losing contact with the magical world——

He didn't know how long he sat on the swing, and then the sound of other people's voices interrupted his meditation.

Harry looked up, and the street lights on the surrounding streets cast a hazy shadow.

He could see a group of figures walking across the playground, one of them humming a vulgar song loudly, while the others laughed.

There was also a slight "ding-ding-ding" sound, which was the sound made by several expensive racing cars they were pushing away.

Harry knew who those people were.

The first one was undoubtedly his cousin Dudley Dursley, who was walking home accompanied by his gang of friends.

Dudley was still as tall as ever, but a year of strict diet control and a newly developed talent had improved his physique.

Uncle Vernon always told everyone he met that Dudley had recently become the Southeastern Junior Heavyweight Interschool Boxing Champion.

This "noble sport," as Uncle Vernon called it, made Dudley even more formidable.

When Harry was in primary school, he served as Dudley's first lob when he practiced boxing. At that time, he felt that Dudley was powerful enough. Now Harry no longer feels any fear of his cousin, and even -

Harry would always have an impulse when he saw Dudley's stupid appearance——

Wanted to point the tip of his wand at Dudley.

The urge to say "heart-breaking and bone-crushing".

Harry watched the dark figures walking across the grass and wondered who else they had beaten up tonight.

"He squeals like a pig, doesn't he?" Harry heard a man behind Dudley say after the group walked in, and the others laughed wildly.

"Five against one." Harry said. He didn't know what happened today, but he always felt inexplicably angry.

"Oh? Do you really dare to say that?" Dudley said angrily, "At least I'm not afraid of my pillow."

"Don't kill Tiera!" Dudley suddenly screamed at the top of his voice, and the friends behind him let out rude noises again.

"Shut up!" Harry shouted angrily.

"Who is Tiera?" Dudley suddenly asked with a strange expression, "Your boyfriend?"

"Shut up!" Harry shouted. "Shut up, Dudley, I'm warning you!"

"'Come and help me, Dad! Mom, come and help me! He killed Tiera! Dad, help me! He's going to—' Don't you point that thing at me!" Dudley He continued to speak angrily.

"Shut up!" Harry stood up and pointed his wand squarely at Dudley's heart——

Harry felt his fourteen years of hatred for Dudley rushing through his veins -

He was really willing to give up everything, as long as he could take action quickly and cast a powerful curse on Dudley, so that he could only crawl home like a reptile, speechless.

There seemed to be a voice in Harry's ears, a voice that seemed to make him use jinxes, and just when Harry couldn't help it anymore——

“Never get angry at unworthy people or over unworthy things.”

Tiera's voice suddenly echoed in Harry's ears, like pouring cold water on him, calming him down.

Just when Harry was about to slowly put away his wand——

Dudley in front of Harry suddenly shivered strangely and gasped, as if he had been soaked by cold water.

In the dark night, strange things happened. The dark blue night sky filled with stars suddenly turned pitch black without a trace of light——

The stars, the moon, and the dim street lights at both ends of the alley suddenly disappeared.

The rumble of cars passing by in the distance and the rustling of leaves nearby were no longer audible.

What had been a mild and pleasant night suddenly turned bitterly cold. They were surrounded by a deep, impenetrable, silent darkness, as if a giant hand had covered the entire alley with a thick, cold curtain, making it impossible for them to see anything.

At the same time, on the snow in the Alps thousands of miles away from Privet Drive, Tiera sighed slowly.

"What's wrong?" Dumbledore, who was walking in front of Tiera, asked hesitantly.

"It's nothing." Tiera said helplessly, "You have to find a psychological counselor for Harry. Sooner or later he will get into big trouble if he continues like this."

"Then whose fault do you think this is?" Dumbledore stopped and looked at Tiera with pity, which made Tiera feel scared.

"My fault, my fault, right?" Tiera said impatiently, "Let's go, let's go, I don't understand. We can both fly, but why do we have to walk to Nurmengard?" ?”

Dumbledore smiled, but did not answer Tiera, but continued to move forward step by step.


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