Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 358 Padfoot is back

After the second project, the most wonderful thing is that everyone is eager to know what happened under the lake——

Although everyone already knows how Tiera rescued the hostages, everyone is more eager to know how the hostages got into the water and what the first perspective of being a hostage is like.

This meant that for the first time in his life, Ron became the center of attention like Harry and Tiera.

Ron told the story over and over again, slightly different each time.

At first, what he said was quite factual, roughly the same as what Hermione and Luna said——

In Professor McGonagall's office, Dumbledore used magic to hypnotize the hostages, first assuring them that they were in absolutely no danger and would wake up as soon as they emerged from the water.

However, a week later, Ron told a thrilling kidnapping story, describing how he fought with his bare hands against fifty armed mermaids who first forced him to submit before tying him up.

Now that Ron has become so noticeable, Padma is much more enthusiastic about him. Every time they meet in the corridor, she always takes the initiative to talk to Ron.

"It doesn't matter, I have my wand hidden in my sleeve," he assured Padma Patil, "I can subdue those mermaid fools if I want to."

"What do you want to do? Snort at them?" Hermione sarcastically said as Ron's story became more and more outrageous.

Ron's ears turned red, and from then on, his story returned to the version where he was hypnotized by magic.

After entering March, the weather became a little clearer, but every time they went to the field outside, the biting cold wind still made their hands and faces hurt. The owls couldn't deliver the letter in time because the strong winds kept blowing them off target.

Harry sent the brown owl to deliver a message to Sirius, telling him the date of the students' weekend trip to Hogsmeade.

The owl showed up at breakfast time on Friday, half its feathers blown about by the wind.

As soon as Harry pulled down Sirius' letter, the owl flew away in a hurry, apparently afraid of being sent out to deliver another letter.

Sirius' letter was almost as short as the last one.

At two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, there will be a fence outside Hogsmeade village at the end of the road that passes through Devisbane. Try to bring as much food as you can.

"He hasn't gone to Hogsmeade yet?" Ron said in disbelief after seeing Harry open the letter.

"It seems so, doesn't it?" said Hermione.

"I can't believe it," Harry said nervously, "if he gets caught..."

"He's safe so far, right?" said Ron. "And it's not like it used to be where Dementors were everywhere."

Harry folded the letter and thought.

To be honest, he was really eager to see Sirius again.

In the afternoon, he went to his last class——

Two Potions lessons connected together. As he walked down the steps to the underground classroom, he felt even happier than usual.

But the only fly in the ointment is that Tiera and Hermione are not going to Hogsmeade this time. For some reason, the two of them have started to murmur again recently.

This made Harry feel isolated.

So when Harry left the castle at noon the next day, he was accompanied only by Ron Weasley. The two of them were carrying two large backpacks filled with all kinds of food. Harry felt that Sirius He must be starving, otherwise he would never write on the letter paper that he wanted to eat.

Neither Tiera nor Hermione knew where they had gone.

After Harry and Ron arrived at Hogsmeade, they wandered around casually for a while. Then, at almost half past one, they walked along the road past Devishpans and headed out of the village.

Harry had never been in this direction before.

The winding path took them to the wild fields around Hogsmeade, where there were only a few cabins, but the gardens attached to them were huge.

Then they walked towards the base of the mountain, where the village of Hogsmeade lay in the shadow of the mountain.

Then, they turned a corner and saw a fence at the end of the path. Waiting for them there was a big, slovenly black dog. Its front paws were resting on the highest fence and there were several cards in its mouth. Newspaper, this dog looks familiar...

"Sirius!" Harry ran over in three steps and said excitedly, "Long time no see!"

The black dog sniffed Harry's school bag eagerly, waggled its tail, then turned around and started trotting through a bushy field that led to the foot of a rocky mountain. Harry and Ron quickly climbed over the fence and followed.

Sirius led them all the way to the foot of the mountain, where the ground was covered with large and small stones.

Sirius walked easily because he had four paws, but Harry and Ron soon became tired and out of breath.

They followed Sirius higher and higher and began to climb up the mountain. They followed Sirius's wagging tail and climbed the winding, steep, rocky path for nearly half an hour. The scorching sun made them sweat profusely, and Harry's schoolbag straps made his shoulders hurt.

Finally, Sirius disappeared in a flash. When they came to the place where he had disappeared, they saw a narrow cleft in the rock. They squeezed in and found themselves in a dimly lit, cool cave.

Buckbeak, the hippogriff, was tied at the end of the cave, his rope wrapped around a large rock. All three of them bowed deeply to it, and Buckbeak regarded them haughtily for a moment, then bent his scaly forelegs and allowed Harry to step forward and stroke his feathered neck. And that black dog——

At this moment, Black Dog transformed and became his godfather.

Sirius was wearing the same tattered gray robe he had worn when he left Azkaban. His black hair was much longer than when he last appeared in the fire, and was tangled and unkempt again. He looked very thin.

"Chicken!" he said hoarsely as soon as he dropped the worn-out Daily Prophet on the cave floor.

Harry opened his schoolbag and handed over the mutton, chicken legs and bread that he had secretly taken from the lunch table.

"Thank you," Sirius said, and he opened the package eagerly, grabbed a chicken leg, sat down on the ground, and tore off a large piece of chicken with his teeth. "I almost live on eating rats. I can't get rid of the chicken drumsticks." How much food can Germode steal, otherwise it will attract others' attention."

He looked up at Harry and smiled, but Harry only smiled back reluctantly.

Meanwhile, on the front lawn of Hogwarts, as Sirius Black devoured his meal, a silvery, faint sun shone across the grass. This is a rare good weather in spring this year.

Tiera took Hermione and walked under the faint sunlight.

Tiera pulled Hermione around on the grass, until an inconspicuous green beetle gently landed in the wizard's hat behind Hermione's head. Tiera stopped and smiled. Said to Hermione:

"Please close your eyes, Hermione."

"What?" Hermione asked confused.

"Close your eyes, Hermione." Tiera repeated with a smile, "I have a surprise for you, trust me."

"Okay..." Hermione closed her eyes reluctantly.

After Hermione closed her eyes, Tiera gently took Hermione's hand, and together, they stepped into a door of light.


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