"Exploitation..." Xenophilius repeated the word, suddenly his eyes lit up—

He seemed to have grasped something, but also seemed to have grasped nothing, as if he had found the answer to all his confusion.

"Exploitation refers to the fact that some people or groups use their possession or monopoly of wealth and unfair income distribution to forcibly deprive those social members or social groups who have no or lack of property of their labor results and personal property, that is, rich people embezzle The property of the poor." Gilderoy Lockhart explained, "The pure blood headed by the Malfoy family won the war hundreds of years ago, enslaved the house elves, and divided the goblin goblins. work, and arrogantly plotted the distinction between magical beasts and wizards."

"Through that war, Malfoy and other pure-blood families completed the primitive accumulation of capital." Gilderoy Lockhart continued, "After that, the pure-blood families intermarried to strengthen their alliances, and To the outside world, they promote their set of pure-blood theory, and use the pure-blood theory to exclude, discriminate, divide and oppress other wizards."

"I understand, I understand, Mr. Lockhart, you, you are so great, you can think of this step..." Xenophilius said, his whole body began to tremble with excitement.

"Why, why didn't I think of it? I knew it, I knew there must be a huge conspiracy in it." Xenophilius said.

"But Mr. Lockhart, I still don't understand." Xenophilius asked again, "Obviously those pure-blood families have obtained everything they want, and obviously they have obtained money that they can't earn in a few lifetimes, But why do they follow the mysterious man and continue to slaughter other wizards?"

"Because the nature of capital is exploitative and greedy," Gilderoy Lockhart said.

"Do you think everything will be fine after defeating a single Voldemort?" Gilderoy Lockhart asked back, "You think Voldemort is controlling those pure-blood families?"

"No, you're wrong, not Voldemort." Gilderoy Lockhart said, "The thing that controls those pure-blood families is called capital, which is a pure monster of money, power, blood and violence. It has no It is an entity, but it always exists in everyone's heart, it is like a coward, and it is also like a demon king, hiding behind those pure-blood wizard families to control them."

"Voldemort is just a concrete manifestation of the extreme development of capital, and the reign of terror implemented by Voldemort is the most extreme embodiment of capital." Gilderoy Lockhart continued, "The nature of capital is exploitative and greedy. Today it enslaves House elves, tomorrow it enslaves magical animals, the day after tomorrow it enslaves half-blood wizards, and then step by step, enslaves Muggles, enslaves Muggle-born wizards, enslaves poverty-restricted pure-blood wizards, enslaves middle-class pure-blood wizards, and further, enslaves All wizards except those of the pure-blood families."

"There is no difference between us in front of capital. We are all commodities and objects that can be exploited."

"Ghidroy Lockhart" took a sip of red wine to moisten his throat and continued to ask:

"Think about it carefully. From ancient times to the present, there have been so many amazing and brilliant dark wizards in the history of the wizarding world for thousands of years, but I have never heard of any one becoming the Dark Lord. But why is it so short in the recent past? In a short hundred years, two appeared in a row?"

"Why, why?" Xenophilius leaned forward, staring at Gilderoy Lockhart excitedly, like a studious student.

"Because capital exploitation can't go on." Gilderoy Lockhart said, "Because our wizards are too small, which leads to too serious involution of capital, which limits the speed at which capital can make money. Rolling interest, the capital that keeps growing and developing is the living capital, otherwise it is just a pile of rotten money rotting in the vault, so it must turn to more intense and violent means to exploit."

"So it launched a war, and it chose to use war as a means to continue exploitation." Gilderoy Lockhart said, "These two sufferings suffered by the magic world, the two wars suffered, and the current situation in the magic world The injustice is all because capital is behind the scenes! So we have to eliminate it!"

"But...but I don't understand, Mr. Lockhart." Xenophilius said timidly, "The capital you mentioned...how can you continue to exploit us?"

"As long as all our wizards disperse and find a wilderness to build a house... even if we are completely cut off from the magic world, we can live well. We can completely return to the living conditions of the ancient wizards, tribe by tribe." Xenophilius said.

"Hehe." Gilderoy Lockhart chuckled lightly, "You are still too naive, Mr. Lovegood, have you forgotten? The nature of capital is greedy and plundering, and capital will exploit everything to the end. All are commercialized. When capital has exploited all the external things that can be exploited, it will start with our body and our dignity. Since the birth of capital into our world, we have been doomed to go to Going forward, we have no turning back, we must either defeat capital and move towards a more complete social system, or be regarded as slaves of capital.”

"With all due respect, Mr. Lovegood, although you are not included in the 28 sacred families in the "Pure Blood List", your Lovegood family should be a pure blood family, right?" Ji De asked Rollhart.

"Yes... yes, our family is a pure-blood family in the traditional sense. As far as I know in the history of our family, only my great-aunt has married a Muggle, and Luna's mother's real name is Hephaestus. , is a well-known pure-blood family in the Greek magic world." Xenophilius said.

"That means Miss Lovegood is a pure-blood witch, right?" Gilderoy Lockhart said.

"You... what do you mean?" Xenophilius asked.

"So, Mr. Lovegood, have you ever thought about this possibility?" Gilderoy Lockhart glanced at Luna, paused, "Tiera, cover Miss Lovegood's ears .”

Tierra put down the cutlery, wiped her hands on the napkin, and covered Luna's ears with her hands.

Luna didn't resist, but obediently still covered her ears with Tierra's hand.

Luna also put down the tableware, and looked at "Gidero Lockhart" curiously.

"Then, Mr. Lovegood, when those families and wizards who highly advocate the pure blood theory wither away, do you think they will grab a pure blood witch to reproduce?" Gilderoy Lockhart lowered his voice the voice asked.

Xenophilius' face turned pale instantly.

"Then guess again, how likely is it that you will not be found by them if you hide in the deep mountains and old forests with your daughter?"

Today's second update was written unexpectedly smoothly, so let's just send it out together

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