A stone, an iron rod, is a one-dimensional existence, including all microorganisms and all non-magical plants, which only exist in the material dimension.

Above that are demons, dementors, animals, non-wizard humans—

Animals and most magical plants occupy the spiritual dimension and material dimension. They have no spiritual dimension and cannot think about overly complicated things. A haunted house is sure to kill cats and dogs.

Human beings who are not wizards occupy both the spiritual and physical dimensions, and because only the spiritual dimension is missing, they cannot use magic, nor can they see and feel things in the spiritual dimension.

And demons and dementors occupy the spiritual and spiritual dimensions, which is why demons try so hard to occupy human bodies——

Because demons want to evolve from two-dimensional life to three-dimensional life.

Wizards, magical animals, and their magical pets occupy the three fundamental dimensions of spirituality, spirit, and matter simultaneously.

Further up is the fourth dimension, also known as the divinity dimension, where most of the old gods, old gods, and born mythical creatures reside.

The fifth dimension is the dimension where the old rulers, ancient gods, and powerful beings in the old gods live. Tierra knows very little about this dimension, because there is no record at all. Tierra can only learn from his own Infer from the knowledge you know.

The sixth dimension is the dimension where the Outer Gods live, such as the King in Yellow, Cthugya, and Gehros.

There are only three existences in the seventh dimension above——

Yog-Sothoth, Gauze Nicholas, and... Nyarlathotep—

The three pillar gods of countless universes, the pillar above the outer gods.

And the blind and ignorant God is independent of all dimensions. He cannot be described by dimensions. He is the sum of everything, the beginning of all things, and the end of all things. He is omnipotent. He himself is more powerful than countless universes. Longer and grander.

Azathoth existed before the universe and all things were born. How he was born is not known, nor is he seen. He is aimless, disorderly, nameless, great and blind. He is in the deepest chaos outside the universe, in the center of all infinity, seething and desecrating all things, and no lip dares to speak his name aloud.

Invisible dancers beside him danced to the sound of the flute, straight into the vortex of bewilderment inspired by the beams. From here flowed aimless fluctuations, and their accidental combination brought eternal law to every fragile universe—

This is the description of Azathoth in the Necronomicon.

Low dimensions are not absolutely powerless against high dimensions——

Just like a boulder that only exists in the physical dimension can crush a three-dimensional wizard to death, and one-dimensional water can drown a three-dimensional wizard——

Three-dimensional wizards can rely on certain rituals, spells and symbols to resist and avoid existences of higher dimensions than themselves——

Even as long as the right method is found, the existence of the divine dimension can be killed.

But the impact of high-dimensionality on low-dimensionality is indeed absolute——

And the higher the dimension goes, the more obvious this effect is——

To put it bluntly, as Dad always said——

Magic must be defeated with magic.

The influence of the same dimension can only be completely eliminated by another influence of the same dimension.

When Tierra first crossed over, she came into contact with an unknown existence through the "Secret Sutra of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun".

From that contact, Tierra gained two skills:

Communicate with the Lord of the Star Sea, and curse the worm.

This made Tierra once again fall into a misunderstanding——

He thought that he had obtained the ability to communicate with the Lord of the Star Sea, so the person he was spiritually connected to was the Lord of the Star Sea, the king in yellow——

This inertia of thinking made Tierra ignore another possibility.

Maybe the Lord of the Communication Star Sea behind "The Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" seems to be just a skill of the same level as the cursed worm——

To Him they are but crumbs on the fingertips.

After all, judging from today's situation, a little bread crumbs leaking from the fingers of the king in yellow is not enough to make the "parasite" completely immune to the influence of Shabu Nicholas.

That must be someone higher than the king in yellow——

The King in Yellow is already an Outer God, occupying a full six latitudes, so there are only four beings higher than him.

It must not be the god of blindness and ignorance. According to him, Tierra is now passionately playing discs in the palace at the center of his universe.

It is impossible for him to eliminate the influence of Shabu Nicholas himself.

Yog-Sothoth can also be ruled out. Yog-Sothoth is time and space itself. If it is really Yog-Sothoth, the so-called "time" blessing of the great race Isna is useless at all——

Tierra didn't dare to think about it anymore, and forced her mind to return to today's plan.

The remaining one is different from the two who just arrived, Yogsothoth is a knowledge instilling machine with no emotions, Shab Nicholas is a reproductive machine full of emotions, and the remaining one——

As far as Tierra understands based on many classics, the remaining one is a brat who will come and step on your feet even if nothing happens.

Blessed by the gods of blindness and ignorance, may the remaining one be just a whim, forgetting himself in the dust in the corner like a pebble.

"Huh~" Tiera took a deep breath.

"Dobby, Plan B" Tierra said, "Remember to take everything back, and destroy everything that cannot be taken away."

"Yes sir," Dobby replied.

Tierra had already planned everything before coming——

When Tierra thought that the cursed worm was a gift from the King in Yellow, Tierra was sure that a gift from an Outer God could help him resist the influence of the Three Pillars God to a certain extent, which is why Tierra dared to summon it all at once. The second of the three pillars of God.

But Tierra is not sure how much influence the "parasite" can resist for him——

To put it bluntly, Tierra himself was unable to control the progress of the last step of the "life reconstruction" ritual.

So Tierra made double preparations——

First of all, the influence of Shabu Nicholas made the "parasite" grow life characteristics.

In this case, Tierra just needs to go back and find a random magical animal to sacrifice——

For example, the king of giant arachnids in the depths of a certain forbidden forest.

And if the influence of Shab Nicholas didn't push the "parasite" to the last step, then Tierra wouldn't be far away——

After hearing Dobby's affirmative answer, Tierra let go of her thoughts, let her thoughts escape from the parasite, came to Hogwarts, and came to the Hogwarts hospital bed——

came into his body.

Tierra returned to Hogwarts from the hellish Inner Hebrides in an instant, and returned to her original body as if immersed in a vat of ice water.

Affected by the curse of petrification, Tierra's thoughts seemed to be filled with cement, getting slower and slower, and eventually fell into darkness.

This reminded Tierra of the mouse that was directly immersed in liquid nitrogen in the laboratory in his previous life——

Tierra's mind was stagnant, like a piece of peeling wall, or a solitary boat drifting away from the mainland, trapped alone in the absolute silence of nothingness.

After Tierra returned to her body, she was completely frozen by the petrification curse and isolated from the outside world.

The "parasites" and "inheritors" who were still on the Inner Hebrides flew out from above the reef according to the procedure set by Tierra in advance——

The "inheritor" flew over Tom Riddle's diary, and opened the page, revealing the chapter that recorded the inheritance of black magic. Countless thin silver threads flew out from the page of the inheritor, sticking to Tom Riddle's diary superior.

The diary was pulled by the silver wire, and pulled towards the "inheritor" little by little, just like a preying spider. After the diary was pulled into the air, the pages of the "inheritor" closed, and the diary was sandwiched into the "inheritor". within"—

Tom Riddle in the sky uttered a tragic cry, and countless flames and lights fell towards the ground——

The evolution of black magic starts——

At the same time, the "parasite" also flew over Gilderoy Lockhart, and it became bigger and bigger, turning into a red curtain made of countless worms like a tide, slowly covering Gilderoy Lockhart— —

The last step of life reconstruction is to start.

Thanks to xiaotang246 for the reward of 100 points

Thanks to Sima Chitian for voting for January

Thanks to l\\rice 厶 for voting for January

Thanks to Aileng AlphaP1us for voting for February

Thank you Baifeifeifeifeifeifeifei for voting for February

Thank you for the January vote voted by the spirit of the lost voice

By the way, I would like to recommend a young seedling lord article "Being a lord again", although the writing style is a little immature, but the idea is very good

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