Two days before the Quidditch match, that is, on the night of the first Thursday in November, Tiera hid in the secret room. From the sunset of the first day to the sunrise of the second day, Tiera did not show up— —

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Tierra flew out lightly in the form of a "parasite".

When flying out, "Parasite" was followed by a light black wizard robe——

That wizard robe was pitifully small, like a wizard robe worn by a four or five-year-old child.

In addition, there is a matching, pointed wizard hat——

This is Tierra's second molt.

After four months, Tierra started his second molt——

This time Tierra made an ultra-small wizard robe——

This time it was just a simple production, this is a black magic item made of Tierra's second molt, basilisk snake venom, and Tierra's own venom.

After all, Christmas is just around the corner, and Tierra has to start preparing presents again.

The first Quidditch match of the term is two days away—

The night before the match, Harry thought of Tierra's prophecy again.

After all, the accuracy of Tierra's prophecy is obvious to all—

In the past more than a month, although the number of times Tierra gave prophecy was very few, each time it was very accurately fulfilled——

So Harry lost sleep again.

"Tierra——" Harry climbed onto Tierra's bed again, lay down beside him, and gently shook Tierra, "Are you asleep?"

"What's the matter Harry?" Tierra quietly stuffed the "Alchemy of Death and Life" in her hand under the pillow.

"'s nothing." Harry fled in despair.


Tierra dragged out "Death and Life Alchemy" from under the pillow and continued reading.

On Saturday morning, Harry woke up very early, but chose to continue lying on the bed for a while, staring blankly at the sleeping Tierra—

It wasn't until Tierra opened his eyes that Harry sat up with a "boo--".

Thinking of the upcoming Quidditch match, Harry was a little nervous, he had never been so nervous before, thinking of Tierra's prophecy——

Harry shook his head, patted his cheek, got up and dressed, and went downstairs to breakfast with Tierra.

When they got to the Great Hall, Harry and Tiera realized that the rest of the Gryffindor team were crowded around the long, empty dining table, looking nervous and taciturn.

As eleven o'clock approached, the teachers and students of the school began to head to the Quidditch stadium.

It was a cold and wet day, and there was a faint thunder in the sky.

Harry and Tiera parted ways at the door of the locker room. Harry walked into the locker room, put on the bright red Gryffindor uniforms with the players, and then sat down and gave them a pep talk before the game as usual.

At eleven o'clock, the game officially began.

The fourteen Gryffindor players walked out of the locker room and when they came to the arena, they were greeted by a din of voices.

Mainly cheering, because both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff want to see Slytherin defeated, who can pull hatred so much.

But at the same time the boos and boos of the Lytherins from the crowd could be heard.

Mrs. Hooch, the Quidditch referee, asked Flint and Wood to shake hands, and they stared at each other menacingly and squeezed each other's hands unnecessarily.

"Listen to my whistle," said Mrs. Hooch. "Three, two, one!"

There was a lot of noise in the crowd, welcoming them to take off, and the fourteen team members jumped into the leaden sky together. Harry flew higher than the rest of the team, squinting around, looking for the Snitch.

But at this moment, just as Harry stopped in the high air, a heavy black Bludger suddenly flew towards Harry.

With the sharp reflexes of his Chaser, Harry narrowly avoided it, and Harry felt the ball brush his hair as it flew by.

"I saw—your figure being chased by the Bludger—"

More than a month ago, Yela's prophecy suddenly echoed in Harry's mind.

"Careful, Harry, prophecy!" said George, batting in his hand, as he galloped past Harry, ready to hit the Bludgers on the Slytherins.

Harry saw George hit the Bludger hard at Drian Pussy, but unexpectedly, the Bludger changed direction halfway and flew straight towards Harry again.

Harry quickly descended to avoid it, and George hit it hard again in the direction of Slytherin

However, like a boomerang, the Bludger turned around again and went straight for Harry's head.

Harry suddenly accelerated, "whoosh—" flew to the other end of the arena.

But Harry could still hear the Bludgers whizzing after him behind him.

Fred Weasley was waiting for the Bludger at the other end. Harry jerked his head down, and Fred hit the Bludger with all his might.

The Bludger was knocked to the other side.

"Solved—!" Fred exclaimed happily. However, before he finished shouting, the Bludger seemed to be magnetically attracted around Harry, and flew after him again, and Harry had to try his best to speed up and escape.

It was starting to rain, and Harry felt big drops of rain hitting his face and splashing on his glasses.

"Someone, someone tampered with this Bludger!" Fred yelled, knocking away the Bludger that was attacking Harry again.

"We need a timeout," George said, beckoning to Wood as he blocked the Bludger.

Wood heard George's call.

At the same time Mrs. Hooch's whistle blew, and Harry, Fred and George landed near the ground, but at the same time George and Fred protected Harry from left to right, and drove the crazy wandering ball.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?" Hermione anxiously grabbed the scarf around Tierra's neck, which made Tierra almost out of breath.

"Don't...don't worry...ha, Harry won't be in danger..." Tierra took Hermione's hand off her scarf with great effort.

Harry, George, Fred, Wood and the rest of the Gryffindor team discussed in the low air for a while before deciding to continue the game—

It was raining harder and harder. When Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle, Harry kicked his feet and flew into the sky again. He heard the whizzing behind his head, and knew that the Bludger was coming again.

Harry rose higher and higher, turning corners, spinning, turning sharply down, circling upwards, and turning eastward and westward, taking a "zigzag" route. He was slightly dizzy, but kept his eyes wide open.

Rainwater gushed into Harry's nostrils as he dangled headfirst to avoid yet another ferocious attack from the Bludger. He suddenly heard the whistling wind of the Bludger and paused——

Tierra! After steadying his broom, Harry glanced down quickly——

The Bludger stopped in the air for some reason.

And Tierra—

Standing on the edge of the court, Tierra, who always loves cleanliness, had her legs soaked in the rain-soaked sand on the court, and a "diary" not much bigger than a slap was floating in front of her.

Tierra smiled at Harry—

But suddenly, Tierra's face turned pale, and she fell backwards, falling into the mud.

The Bludger lost control again and continued to charge towards Harry.

Harry had to start flying around the ring like a pulley, squinting his eyes, looking for the Snitch through the silvery rain curtain—

Suddenly, a ray of golden light flashed.

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