Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 97 The city is broken

When there are too many members on both sides of the battle who want to do whatever they want, it is difficult for the previous plan to be fully realized.

After understanding this, Lu Ke was overjoyed that his pre-war plan could actually come true.

Now the gate of Hogwarts has finally become the meat grinder Lu Ke had expected. The Death Eaters have been stuck here for a long time, and their casualties are heavy and still increasing.

Lu Ke raised his head and glanced at the roof of Hogwarts.

The dementors gathered together had completely dissipated.

There was nothing left there, it was as if the Dementors had never existed in the first place.

Lu Ke couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Goblins are such extreme creatures, and so are the magical items they forge.

Now the dementors may have completely disappeared from the world.

Of course, there may still be some Dementors left in some corner of the world, but most of their species have completely left this world.

After the dementors disappeared, the depressing atmosphere on the battlefield became much less intense.

But what surprised Lu Ke was that the biggest change was not the dominant Hogwarts side, but the Death Eaters.

They became more confident in victory and actually accelerated their speed of rushing into the gate.

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh.

The Death Eaters picking up the pace wouldn't change anything, at least for a short time, there was only death in front of them.

This is a long war of attrition.

Lu Ke had to let the Riem Bull leave because it had no space to charge.

The stone statue also withdrew from the battle and instead maintained the line, leaving all the Death Eaters to the surrounding wizards and house elves.

The curse was like an endless rain, falling on the heads of the Death Eaters. Many Death Eaters didn't even make a sound when they fell.

No one knew how many Death Eaters fell in the foyer, they only knew that the last Death Eaters had to climb a steep slope before entering the foyer.

The black lake water under the bridge has turned red.

Lu Ke was already preparing to turn around and go to the castle to hunt Death Eaters, but things soon changed and he had to stay.

The death of the Death Eaters did not collapse the Death Eaters, but it did collapse the people guarding Hogwarts first.

Except for Lu Ke, no one here had ever seen such a large number of corpses and such a dense concentration of death in their lives. They looked at the ground in the foyer stained red with blood and showed expressions of wanting to vomit.

Lu Ke had to make everyone give up their defense in advance.

"return to!"

"Rebuild the defense line inside the castle!"

Lu Ke stepped forward and asked everyone to retreat.

"Choose the place you are most familiar with, ensure your own safety, and leave immediately after the sneak attack. The house elves will protect others as much as possible, and the centaurs will return to the Forbidden Forest!"

As soon as Lu Ke's order was spoken, everyone took action immediately: because now he was the only one who could open his mouth to speak.

Everyone else has almost become a machine that can't think.

Soon the Death Eaters were surprised to find that they would not be attacked in the foyer, which was incredibly quiet.

Until one Death Eater let out a cheer of victory.

As if the flames were spreading, the cheers of the Death Eaters grew louder and louder, and finally all the Death Eaters let out a shout of victory together.

Voldemort's always gloomy face finally showed a smile.

He stepped off the rocks and headed towards the gates of Hogwarts.

When Voldemort walked onto the stone bridge, all the Death Eaters and blood on it had disappeared. Even the water in the black lake under the bridge had returned to clarity. The fish and the giant squid had long since disappeared.

This was prepared by the Death Eaters for their master. After all, although they won, the previous battle was not pretty.

When Voldemort walked into the foyer, he was even more surprised to find that there was a strong smell of blood, but there was no trace of blood anywhere.

But Voldemort didn't care at all.

It doesn't matter how many Death Eaters died, anyway, there are still a large number of Death Eaters behind him for him to drive.

Standing in the foyer, turning around and looking at the endless Death Eaters, Voldemort was content.

"Kill them all!"

A cheer erupted among the Death Eaters.

They passed through the foyer and rushed into the castle.

Now, the entire Hogwarts will be their hunting ground, and all the rebels will never have a chance.

Voldemort stood in the thick smell of blood and let out a long breath.

The water bridge dissipated.

A huge amount of water fell into the black lake, causing terrifying waves, but these waves eventually dissipated.

Just like the rebels here.

Voldemort looked around and then smiled: "Severus, come with me to revisit the old place."

Snape nodded behind Voldemort, and the two disapparated away together.

At this time, Hogwarts was bustling with excitement.

Fighting broke out everywhere, with Death Eaters and Hogwarts fighting to the death.

Most of the time, though, battles end incredibly quickly.

The Death Eaters had no doubt that they would win at first, and they faced any threats without fear, but soon these threats disappeared on their own.

Just as they appeared.

At first the Death Eaters thought this should represent their victory, but they soon discovered that this was not the case.

They may have won, but the battle was definitely not over.

Their defeated general just now appeared again, and he still had the courage to fight.

When Lu Ke stood on the window sill and looked around, what he saw was that the Death Eaters were furious and hysterical.

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh.

Although he was previously worried about whether wizards could understand the god-level guerrilla warfare that created a new world, it was obvious that for Gryffindor, pranks were an eternal pursuit and a skill engraved in their bones.

They performed very well.

As for others like Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, at worst a few people can follow one Gryffindor, which will make them stronger.

Compared with the previous journey that was full of surprises, this time the battle inside Hogwarts was completely in line with Lu Ke's previous battle plan.

He hesitated, turned and left.

Now it's time to start hunting.

Voldemort is in the old abandoned greenhouse.

Lu Ke jumped from the window and landed on the ground like a boulder.

There happened to be two Death Eaters in front of him, but as soon as they turned around at the sound, they collapsed to the ground helplessly.

Lu Ke looked around casually. There were no other Death Eaters here. They were busy rushing into the castle.

Just when Lu Ke was thinking about how many traps there would be in the castle, three people from Harry rushed out from a corner behind him.

"Lu Ke, where are you going?"


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