The three Harrys were silent for a moment, and then they all looked excited.

Even in their most optimistic desires, defeating Voldemort would be much later, but now listening to Lu Ke's words, it seems that victory is just around the corner.

Harry hadn't been this purely happy for a long time.

Even in Shafiq Castle, he was always on tenterhooks, having nightmares about Hermione or Ron dying in front of him at night.

They ate together and talked endlessly until very late before going back to the room to rest.

But sitting in his room, Harry couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

He eventually walked nonchalantly out of the room and across the corridor to the window sill outside.

To his surprise, Ron was here too.

"I was wondering...if I could go to the Burrow for Christmas..."

Ron was leaning on the railing and looking out at something. He heard Harry's footsteps, but did not turn around.

Harry looked at Ron and fell into silence.

The Christmas he remembered was the halls of Hogwarts, the smiling Dumbledore, the presents beside his bed.

"Don't worry, they will be fine."

Harry's heart was extremely complicated. The Burrow was like his home. He had stayed in many places for a short time, but even in Snape's residence, he did not feel at home.

Ron turned around thoughtfully: "I haven't seen them for a long time."

Harry nodded.

The two of them remained speechless until very late.

The next morning, the three Harrys came out of the room very late, and at this time, Lu Ke and Johanna had already started having lunch.

"Just in time, hurry up and finish your food and go to the Burrow, Christmas is tomorrow."

Lu Ke said casually.

Harry and the three of them froze together.


Johanna smiled beside Lu Ke: "Get ready for Christmas, and Hogwarts is on holiday."

Ron was practically jumping with excitement.

Harry couldn't help but laugh too.

Only Hermione looked complicated and had no smile on her face.

They finished their food quickly and then set off together.

"I will pick up Ginny and the others at the station, you two will go to the Black house, and then go to the Burrow with Sirius."

Harry nodded, then paused for a moment: "Two?"

Johanna smiled and nodded: "Hermione and I went to pick up her parents."

Harry couldn't help but laugh: "Can the Burrow accommodate so many people?"

Lu Ke smiled: "Don't worry, think about Bill's wedding, no matter how many people there are, it can be crowded."

Then he put his hand on Harry's shoulder: "Take me for a ride."

Harry glanced at Lu Ke with a smile, and then disapparated.

They appeared at Grimmauld Place, and Lu Ke separated from the two.

He went straight to the train station.

At this time, there were Death Eaters everywhere near the London train station.

There were so many of them that they could fill the entire train station. Muggle passengers had noticed something strange, but they couldn't possibly understand what was going on.

Lu Ke went straight to the station.

Soon the Death Eaters discovered him, and a fight broke out instantly.

Even Lu Ke was a little surprised. He didn't expect that a Death Eater without any companions would dare to raise his wand at him.

So Luke mercifully broke the Death Eater's wand.

As he moved forward, there were more and more Death Eaters wherever he went.

Like a person moving against a flood, the curse is the endless waves that stir up.

But Lu Ke still arrived at platform nine and three-quarters in time.

When the train from Hogwarts roared into the platform, Lu Ke knocked down the last Death Eater guarding here.

He let out a breath, then turned to look at the train and wait.

In a white fog, Malfoy and Ginny walked off the train together with their wands in hand.

They didn't see the expected siege of Death Eaters, only a single figure.


The white mist of the steam locomotive obscured the man's face until Malfoy walked up to him.

"Lu Ke?"

Malfoy understood almost instantly that everything that happened here was nothing more than Lu Ke causing trouble for the Death Eaters, and the Death Eaters were unable to resist.

He sighed helplessly.

Ginny, who was behind Malfoy, smiled: "What did you do to those Death Eaters?"

Lu Ke smiled casually: "Nothing, okay, let's go quickly, now is not the time for gossip."

Ginny nodded, then turned and waved her wand.

This was the signal they had agreed upon before, which meant that the platform was safe and it was time to get off the train.

Then the truant students, including Naveluna, walked off the train together.

They all looked surprised when they saw Lu Ke.

Lu Ke smiled and urged them to leave quickly.

"Don't waste time. The Death Eaters may come back at any time. They don't mind causing trouble for you, so go home quickly and hide well."

As he spoke, Lu Ke took Malfoy and Ginny with him: "You guys come with me to the Burrow."

Ginny nodded and asked curiously: "Is everything okay over there?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Of course."

Ginny breathed a sigh of relief: "It's a pity that they must not be able to get it together..."

Lu Ke just smiled and said nothing.

They separated at the platform exit. Lu Ke casually reminded Luna and Neville to be careful on the road, and then apparated against Ginny.

The three men landed directly outside the Burrow.

This place is still the same as before. Although the Death Eaters know that the Weasley family is here, it is protected by a magic spell and Voldemort does not take it seriously, so the Burrow is not disturbed too much.

Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. She had imagined the appearance of the Burrow countless times before in Hogwarts. The fact that there was no change was the best news.

Malfoy watched with concern as Ginny rushed towards the Burrow, unconsciously slowing down her pace.

Then he was surprised to see many people coming out of the Burrow to welcome Ginny's arrival.

The whole Weasley family was there, Bill, Charlie, Percy, the twins, Ron, the Weasleys, and even Harry, Hermione, and Hermione's parents.

Malfoy was stunned, but Lu Ke had already walked past him: "Hurry up, we have to prepare the Christmas dinner."

Malfoy followed with mixed emotions, and then walked into a cheerful crowd.

Almost half of the Order was here, Sirius Black and Amelia Burns were together, Lupin was with Tonks, and Malfoy was stunned to find that Tonks seemed to be pregnant.

But this is good news for everyone here, nothing more.

They walked towards the house while talking about what happened during the time they were isolated by the Death Eaters.

Mrs. Weasley also came over and grabbed Malfoy.


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