The Death Eaters failed to complete their sneak attack plan. They were held back by Hermione's trap. Only the Death Eaters who rushed into the alley successfully reached the three Harrys.

But this place was dark and cramped, and only three Death Eaters could stand in front of Harry and the others at the same time.

This was almost in vain, they were no match for the three of Harry.

Harry always seizes opportunities, Ron always knows what to do, and Hermione's Transfiguration is impossible to guard against.

They also have a powerful weapon, which is a tacit understanding that is beyond ordinary people.

The Death Eaters were just a bunch of rabble compared to them.

The Death Eaters fell one after another, and almost no one could hold on for a moment.

This situation continued until the other Death Eaters finally untied Hermione's trap and climbed over the wall.

They were then tangled in vines created by Transfiguration.

For Hermione, she could create almost anything with Transfiguration, but controlling them would still be beyond the limits of Hermione's abilities.

So Hermione chose the smartest way. What she transformed into was always an enlarged and strengthened devil's vine.

In this dark environment, this plant would become particularly dangerous, and the Death Eaters screamed almost instantly.

The three Harrys almost didn't care what was going on. They knew that it was not yet time to turn around and deal with the threats behind them. The three of them continued to cast spells on the Death Eaters in front.

The Death Eaters were helpless.

They were outnumbered, but they were retreating steadily.

Finally, an angry shout came from the alley.


It was a voice that the three Harrys were very familiar with. It belonged to a mean and ugly witch.

There is no doubt that Umbridge was personally involved in the hunt.

And she wasn't happy with the Death Eaters' progress.

Although Death Eaters are dangerous dark wizards, there is no doubt that they dare not resist Umbridge.

After all, Umbridge has the Dark Mark on her arm.

The three Harrys didn't care at all. They knew very well what level Umbridge was.

That was a witch who was good for nothing except working in the camp. Even Lu Ke didn't dare to face her when she was at Hogwarts.

The Death Eaters parted backwards, and Umbridge stepped out from among them.


Just as she was about to say something, she was hit by Ron's petrification spell.

There was a flash of confusion among the Death Eaters.

And the three Harrys did not miss this opportunity.

They took action one after another, chasing and beating the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters collapsed almost instantly.

Although they were more numerous, almost as soon as Umbridge turned to stone, the Death Eaters lost the will to fight.

Soon they dispersed.

The three Harrys remained where they were, confused and excited, but they quickly recovered.

"Let's get out of here."

Hermione waved her wand, and the stone-like Umbridge floated up. Following Harry, the three of them climbed over the wall, bypassed the Death Eaters lying on the ground, and rushed towards the other side of the city.

They had chosen a place in advance where they could ask questions without interruption.

Soon the three of Harry walked into an abandoned building. It seemed to be a factory before, but now it was empty and only ruins remained.

"What if she doesn't say anything?"

Ron glanced at Umbridge casually, not hiding the look of contempt on his face.

Harry shook his head: "I don't think Umbridge is that loyal."

Hermione shook her head and unlocked Umbridge's petrification.

As soon as the witch woke up, she looked at the three Harrys and screamed: "Let me go!"

"How dare you!"

Harry stepped back helplessly, Umbridge's voice shrill.

Hermione waved her wand and the sound Umbridge made disappeared.

She glanced at Ron helplessly.

Ron tried his best to make a threatening expression, raised his wand and pointed it at Umbridge: "How did you find us?"

Umbridge was still struggling and screaming, but in the end, she recognized the reality.

Hermione broke the spell for her.

"You can't run away."

Umbridge's tone was still the same as before, with a weird pretentiousness that was creepy.

Ron smiled: "You just need to answer the question. If not, I will..."

Umbridge sneered: "How?"

Ron was speechless for a moment.

But Hermione spoke next to him: "Let's tell everyone who your biological parents are."

Umbridge let out a scream.

Hermione had no time to react. Before she could cast the spell, Umbridge fell silent again.

"You have no idea how many Death Eaters are looking for you right now..."

Umbridge looked at Harry coldly: "The Dark Lord allows all Death Eaters to hunt freely. You are the most precious and weakest prey."

Harry shook his head: "How did you find us?"

Umbridge struggled, but the ropes Hermione had created with Transfiguration were strong.

"The goblins of Gringotts have a way of determining where the weapons they forge are."

Harry and the other three were stunned: "What?"

Hermione shook her head: "Gryffindor's sword..."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Hermione nodded: "Those are weapons made by goblins. I didn't expect that they are still there..."

Umbridge smiled: "You can't run away, Gringotts has already surrendered to the Dark Lord!"

"This wizarding world is all owned by Death Eaters!"

"Even that idiot Lu Ke is about to die. He hasn't even appeared after so long!"

Harry shook his head and waved his wand, causing Umbridge to turn into stone again.

"What do we do now?"

Hermione and Ron were silent for a moment.

If the Death Eaters relied on Gryffindor's sword to determine their location, it would be impossible for them to escape pursuit no matter what they did.

"We can still fight."

Harry shook his head: "The Death Eaters have been chasing us before, but they didn't win. We even captured their heads."

Hermione gave Harry a worried look.

Ron smiled: "Actually, there is another way, Harry."

Harry nodded silently.

Then he sighed.

"We can go to Gringotts and see how goblins do it."

Hermione was stunned for a moment: "How is that possible..."

Ron smiled: "What else?"

"We can keep winning, but we can't keep running away. If the Death Eaters know where we are, there will only be more and more..."

Just as he said this, the sound of a curse came from outside the building.

"Avada Kawa!"

The three of them rushed out instantly.


Death Eaters swarmed.


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