Hermione shook her head helplessly: "That's enough Harry, Muggles don't need Galleons."

As she said that, she took out a few banknotes from her bag: "Just think of it as compensation for them."

After saying that, Hermione took the two of them and disapparated.

When the world settled down, Harry and Ron found themselves standing in the middle of a forest.

Hermione raised her wand and began to cast spells around her: "The Muggles retreat, protect them all, and guard them safely..."

Harry looked at Hermione, then shook his head: "I think the biggest problem is..."

Ron nodded and put his hand on Harry's shoulder: "Maybe we can find a Death Eater to ask."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I'm afraid there won't be any Death Eaters coming here, right?"

"Does Voldemort want to control the entire wilderness of Anglicis?"

Ron shook his head: "I don't know either."

This was when Hermione had finished setting up, and she returned to the two of them: "I haven't heard anything. This is not normal at all."

Ron nodded: "So I think we should capture a Death Eater and ask?"

Hermione hesitated: "Or find someone to help?"

The two fell silent together.

Harry thought for a moment and shook his head: "What if they can only determine our location?"

Although he said so, both Hermione and Ron understood that Harry was talking about himself.

The connection between Harry and Voldemort has been unilaterally closed by Voldemort.

This is because Voldemort became worried that Harry would peek into his thoughts.

For Voldemort now, it is no longer necessary to know Harry's thoughts, but he has many secrets that Harry must not know.

And Voldemort is undoubtedly the master of Occlumency. As long as he is willing, no one can use Legilimency to spy on his thoughts.

However, although Harry believed so before, the appearance of the Death Eaters just now was so strange that he had to start to wonder again whether it was his fault for not learning Occlumency well.

Hermione shook her head: "If it's really because of you, then it's You-Know-Who himself who's here, not just the Death Eaters."

Although this reason was simple and crude, it was very convincing. Harry nodded, thinking that Hermione should be right.

It was getting late, so Hermione set up a tent on the grass in the forest, and the three of them got in to rest together.

"How did the Death Eaters know we were there?"

Harry was confused, and he still thought it might be him.

After all, he hasn't learned Occlumency yet, and Harry may never be able to forget what happened because of this.

"I think it's some kind of new spell, but..."

Hermione sighed: "I didn't see anything in the Daily Prophet."

Ron's expression was complicated. He lowered his head and looked away from Harry and Hermione: "Because we have been away from the wizarding world for too long."

"We've barely dealt with any wizards."

Harry was silent for a moment: "I'm sorry..."

Ron shook his head: "It's not your fault..."

"If there weren't Death Eaters causing trouble everywhere, I would have gone home a long time ago."

The three of them fell into silence.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a noise outside.

The three people rushed out immediately.

Then they saw a group of Death Eaters searching blankly in the woods.

Harry was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to speak, Hermione reached out and covered his mouth.

By now, they were absolutely sure that the Death Eaters would have a way to find them.

But the three of them knew nothing about what this method was.

But maybe the Death Eaters in front of them can tell them the answer.

The three of them silently selected their opponents with gestures, and then took action together.

They had a tacit understanding and had practiced fighting together countless times. Almost instantly, the three Death Eaters fell to the ground.

This was originally a team of Death Eaters with only seven wizards. Of course they were confident of facing any wizard, but they never thought they would encounter three such strong opponents in a place like this.

The moment the three Death Eaters fell to the ground, only the leading Death Eater reacted and he quickly raised his wand.

Harry and Ron had just thrown the spell, and before they had time to react, the vines created by Hermione's transformation swept past the Death Eater, and the Death Eater fell to the ground. The spell in his hand missed the target and hit Ron. The tree trunk next to En exploded into a ball of light.

Finally, the last three Death Eaters reacted, and they raised their wands at the three Harrys, but by this time it was already too late.

Harry knocked one Death Eater to the ground with a disarming spell, and Ron turned another into a stone statue with a petrifying spell. The last one was the most pitiful. The vines swept him and he flew up directly, falling to the ground and fainted.

Then Ron raised his wand and cast the Stunning Curse on the Death Eaters one by one.

In the end, only the leading Death Eater was left, still entangled in the vines, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

"Should we deal with them completely?" Ron said with a fierce look on his face, "They know you."

Harry instinctively wanted to shake his head, but held back.

"Just in case, you really should..."

The Death Eater quickly said: "No! Please!"

"I'm not a Death Eater. You can look at my arms. I don't have the Dark Mark!"

Hermione looked at him with a look of disgust on her face and shook her head: "It turns out you guys are destroying everything!"

The Death Eaters shook their heads: "We are only arresting the wizards who resisted. If they don't resist, we won't do anything to them!"

Harry was simply amused: "No resistance?"

"Are you waiting to be bullied by you?"

The Death Eater struggled and said, "You can join!"

"I originally wanted to resist the Death Eaters because I was very scared, but then I found out that actually we just need to join. Anyway, we only need to find a few Muggle wizards to deal with. Besides, there are so many people who can't catch wizards now, so No one will punish us."

Harry and the three fell into silence.

Even in their wildest imagination, none of them imagined that the wizarding world would become like this.

Everyone joined the Death Eaters and thought it was nothing.

A look of anger slowly gathered on Harry's face.

The Death Eaters who were entangled in the vines cried out in fear: "I say anything, don't! Please!"

Hermione asked: "How did you find us?"

The Death Eater seemed to see a life-saving straw, and he spoke the answer without hesitation.

"The title of the Dark Lord!"

"As long as any wizard calls him by that name instead of calling him You-Know-Who or the Dark Lord, the Death Eaters around will know where this wizard is!"

Harry suddenly realized, and then a wave of remorse came over him.

Hermione gave him a worried look.


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