Everyone is walking on their virginity road, in front of an empty house.

Moody looked warily to both sides, and as he did so the evil eye turned to the back of his head.

"No Muggles, get in quickly!"

Lu Ke stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Then Harry opened the door.

People poured into the room.

"You are here."

Harry looked a little absent-minded. He looked at everyone and said, "Is there anything going on on the way?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "We apparated here."

Moody had already taken action: "Okay, Polyjuice Potion."

Hermione quickly took out two bottles of Polyjuice Potion, one large and one small, from her pocket, as well as several empty vials.

Moody nodded: "Harry, Luke, hair."

Lu Ke nodded, pulled a piece of hair from his head, and then grabbed Harry's hair before he could react.

Harry let out a scream.

Lu Ke smiled: "Sorry."

Harry shook his head helplessly.

In fact, he has not come back to his senses until now.

It wasn't long ago that Harry had managed to convince the Dursleys: with the help of Kingsley.

When the Dursleys left their house, Harry couldn't tell whether he cared about this place or that family.

Even Dudley thanked Harry: he remembered that Harry had saved his life from the Dementors.

This made Harry feel extremely complicated.

But now, Lu Ke and others from the Order of the Phoenix appeared in a hurry, as if they were about to take him away, as if in fact all this had nothing to do with Harry, and he had no power to make any decision.

But Harry said nothing.

After Snape betrayed him and Dumbledore left completely, everyone here was someone who could truly be trusted.

Moody put Harry's hair into the polyjuice potion, and soon the potion turned into a clear light golden color. Hermione and Ron's twin Fleur, who had to pretend to be Harry, drank the potion.


Hermione said casually, and Ron looked at her and smiled.

Hermione shook her head helplessly.

After Lu Ke's hair was put in, the potion became completely transparent, like water. Hagrid drank it all in one gulp. He trembled: "It's so cold!"

Then the freshly baked "Lu Ke" started to change clothes together with the other Harrys.

It looked very magical, especially to Harry, who watched six of them take off their original clothes and put on ordinary Muggle clothes.

And it looks like the person who chooses the clothes has good taste.

"You follow Moody, Harry, and use the broomstick."

Harry nodded: "What about you?"

Lu Ke smiled: "Of course I will turn into a fire dragon and follow."

Soon they were divided into seven groups, each carrying their own bows and riding the Thestral and broomsticks, while Hagrid rode his flying motorcycle.

Along with Sirius Black and Amelia Burns, they followed Johanna's group.

Then everyone got ready, Moody gave the order, and they flew into the sky together.

Harry glanced behind him unconsciously.

After everyone flew up, a huge roar appeared.

Lu Ke shot into the sky like a cannonball, and then turned into a huge ominous black shadow in the sky.

The sound of the fire dragon flapping its wings was like a roaring wind, as it spiraled upwards and rushed straight into the dark clouds of the night.

Then Harry looked back at Moody's dissatisfied voice.

"Don't worry, my broom won't get out of control."

Although what Harry said was true, Moody still gave him a cold look.

The night wind was very cold, and the two of them rushed to the previously determined destination as quickly as possible.

But they were still a step slow after all.

The Death Eaters showed up.

There were at least thirty Death Eaters who cooperated tacitly and were well prepared. They formed a circle and surrounded the two of them.

Harry raised his wand.

But Moody was faster than him.

Flashes of spells streaked across the darkness like a fireworks display.

Moody fully demonstrated his strength in front of Harry for the first time. He was indeed a very powerful Auror. He always liked to use less powerful spells, but his attacks were faster and his attacks were very cunning.

Soon some Death Eaters were hit by the curse and fell with long screams.

Harry followed suit. He only used Expelliarmus to knock down the Death Eaters from mid-flight. Whether they could fly again before landing was not a question that Harry needed to think about.

While the battle was going on, the chase didn't stop. Moody would always yell at Harry at the right moment: "Keep flying!"

Harry had no choice but to hold on.

He felt that he had never been so nervous in the most intense Quidditch match he had ever experienced.

But Harry soon overturned his previous thoughts.

Because he heard a voice.

"Avada Kadawa!"

A bolt of green lightning flashed past Harry's ear, and he almost thought he had been hit. The place where the spell had rubbed was so cold that Harry wasn't sure if it was blood slowly flowing out from the wound.

But he couldn't care about that anymore.

That voice belonged to Voldemort.

Moody sneered loudly, but the spell on his hand quietly changed, and he began to speed up: "Harry! Hurry up!"

Harry quickly followed Moody. In his opinion, Moody's flying was not very good, but Moody's sudden change of direction did get rid of most of the Death Eaters.

Of course Voldemort was still following closely, getting closer and closer.

Even though it was a summer night, the clouds in the sky were not dangerous cumulonimbus clouds.

The fire dragon streaked across the top of the flat clouds, its wings appearing and disappearing between the white mist, and its towering back like a black hill.

The crescent moon is reflected in the middle of its golden vertical pupils, and a star in the sky is extremely bright and clear.

Then the fire dragon let out a long roar.

It tucks its wings at its sides.

The fire dragon began to dive.

Like a meteorite, the fire dragon fell in front of Voldemort.

At that moment, the leader of the Death Eaters was throwing a killing curse at Moody.

Green lightning streaked across the scales of the fire dragon, leaving a deep wound, but to the huge fire dragon, this was just a superficial wound.

It opened one of its wings in mid-air, and the pointed claws at the end of the wing membrane were like spears, sweeping towards Voldemort in the air.

Voldemort sneered and stopped suddenly.

It's as if he can move freely in the air.

The fire dragon began to turn.

He spread his wings, spun rapidly in the air, and then aimed his head at Voldemort.

A flame burst out.

Voldemort stood in the air without dodging, and sneered.

On his right shoulder, a handsome black man appeared out of thin air, stretching his arms.

The flames separated out of thin air and failed to reach their target.


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