Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 63 The Fatherless Man

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, it's just pleasant to talk to smart people."

Voldemort smiled and stretched out his hand to pull Draco Malfoy up from the ground.

"Look, Lu Ke, only I, the evil dark wizard in your eyes, can help this poor child who has never been truly loved continue to live."

"Of course he is now a shameful traitor and a stupid assassin, but it doesn't matter, people are born..."

Voldemort shook his head: "That sentence makes me sick, but you believe it, anyway."

"Draco Malfoy will die if he leaves me. If I die, he will die. If I lift a finger in a bad mood, he will die too."

Lu Ke remained silent with a gloomy look on his face.

Voldemort smiled: "Don't look like this, be happy Lu Ke, I will explain to you clearly what happened."

"I replaced Draco Malfoy's heart."


"What's beating inside Draco Malfoy's chest right now is one of my spells."

"When I no longer give it power, the heart will stop beating."

"Then poor Draco Malfoy will die, just like anyone else with their heart ripped out. How pitiful..."

Voldemort looked down at Draco Malfoy and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, Lu Ke, there are inevitably people in the world who are ungrateful and repay kindness with evil, but who would have thought of it? There is one right in front of you."

Lu Ke sneered: "Two."

Voldemort shook his head: "Don't say that, Lu Ke, I still have questions to ask."

"Draco, Draco, my boy, why do you..."

"Are you going to betray me?"

Draco Malfoy struggled to get up from the ground, but he failed.

The short period when his heart stopped beating caused him great damage, and Draco Malfoy had no strength to stand up at all.

Despite this, he tried his best to answer Voldemort's question: "I have never been loyal to you..."

"Get out of my house!"

Voldemort let out a long sigh: "Look, in the final analysis, it's just such a ridiculous reason."

"I am a guest invited by your father, Draco. This is so rude of you."

Voldemort stood up and looked at Lu Ke: "What a pity, Lu Ke, he didn't tell the truth."

"Look, if he directly thinks of himself as a hero, a hero who defeated Voldemort like Harry Potter, then maybe the girl he really likes will still be Hermione Granger. I'll look at him with a smile."

"Love, what a beautiful thing, Lu Ke, it's a pity that it is blinding."

Lu Ke just looked at Voldemort in silence.

But it was different among the students behind him. They were like a swarm of wild bees.

Voldemort shook his head: "Don't be so boring, give me some reaction Lu Ke, don't hold yourself back, let me see your anger, regret, and shock."

Lu Ke remained expressionless.

Voldemort sighed slowly: "Well, you're not in the mood."

"Then... let's end this boring conversation."

Voldemort turned around and glanced at the little man in the bottle on Lu Ke's shoulder: "You can take Malfoy away, but you have to exchange it for the little man in the bottle."

Lu Ke looked at Voldemort and shook his head: "He is not my property."

Voldemort nodded: "It's a complicated contract, but it's actually very simple. Don't think I know anything about alchemy."

"Give me his identity as the maker."

"Be generous, Lu Ke. This is a virtue."

Lu Ke shook his head: "What do you want in exchange? Draco Malfoy?"

Voldemort nodded: "I know things are at a deadlock now, but Lu Ke, I am asking you to do one thing. Make no mistake, Draco Malfoy may not survive if you do this. But if you don’t do it, he will die now.”

Lu Ke glanced down at Draco Malfoy with a gloomy expression.

Lucius Malfoy reached out and grabbed Lu Ke's legs: "Please..."

A trace of surprise flashed across Lu Ke's face.

Then he laughed.

"I see."

Lu Ke raised his right arm.

Professor McGonagall reached out and grabbed Lu Ke's shoulder: "Don't do this, Lu Ke, he will not abide by the agreement..."

Just when Professor McGonagall said this, Voldemort raised his wand towards her: "Avada Kadava!"

Lu Ke reached out to stop Professor McGonagall, and green lightning flew past his ears and hit the castle gate.


Lu Ke raised his hand and grabbed the little man in the bottle: "I'm sorry."

Then he looked at the little man in the bottle and said the words Voldemort had been waiting for: "I give you to Tom Riddle."

There is no expression on the face of the little man in the bottle.

He looked at Lu Ke and was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The flask floated to Voldemort's shoulder with the little man in tow.

Voldemort nodded: "Okay then, it's time for me to leave."

He raised his right hand: "The little man in the bottle, protect us from leaving."

At that moment, Lu Ke stretched out his hand.

But just before he was about to catch Voldemort, Voldemort pushed Draco Malfoy in front of Lu Ke.

Lu Ke was surprised to find that Draco Malfoy had suffocated.

At this time, amid wild laughter, Voldemort had disapparated.

All the Death Eaters followed him.

The last thing to disappear was the man in the bottle.

And Lu Ke didn't even see all this, he was doing his best to keep Draco Malfoy alive.

"Transfiguration, Professor!"

Professor McGonagall was beside Luke, her wand already pointed at Draco Malfoy's chest.

At this time, Lu Ke had already used the scalpel he usually used to cut open his wrists to bleed out Draco Malfoy's chest, allowing Professor McGonagall to see where his missing heart was.

"The structure of the heart..."

Professor McGonagall interrupted Lu Ke: "I know!"

She was desperately trying to make a ball of soil look like a heart, to replace the heart taken away by Voldemort, and to keep Draco Malfoy alive.

The professors all came over, but they stopped not far from the three people.

Walking over now they would do nothing but disturb Professor McGonagall.

Lu Ke looked at what was happening in front of him and was at a loss to do anything.

He had used his own blood to help stop the bleeding and maintain Draco Malfoy's short life, but there was nothing else he could do.

Everything is in the hands of Professor McGonagall.

At this moment, two people walked out of the crowd.

Harry pulled Hermione and rushed to Professor McGonagall.

"Hermione can help!"

Professor McGonagall shuddered.

Lu Ke watched a stream of blood spurt out from the blood vessel that had been blocked by the curse, and quickly reached out to block it, preventing the blood from touching Professor McGonagall.


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