Everyone around was at a loss.

They didn't know what Lu Ke was doing.

Until Lu Ke raised his hands, grabbed Greyback's throat with one hand, and held down his legs with the other.

At this time, the werewolf was lying on its back in the air, and then after a momentary pause, it began to fall.

Lu Ke raised his right leg.

Then there was a terrifying crisp sound.

The werewolf let out a howl of pain.

His spine was completely broken.

Lu Ke threw the werewolf to the ground and turned around.

Greyback was still alive at this time, but he could no longer control his body. Even with a werewolf's body, it was impossible for such a wound to heal. He fell to the ground, tortured by endless pain, but could do nothing.

Greyback was filled with regret.

He knew that werewolves were difficult to kill and were not afraid of curses, but he never expected that Lu Ke would do this in the end.

The three Harrys only hesitated for a moment, then passed the werewolf and rushed towards the other Death Eaters.

Harry would never forget that Snape was the one who really took action.

He would never allow Snape to escape.

Harry, whose brain was controlled by rage, didn't even notice that Lu Ke had quietly disappeared again.

The Death Eaters were not deterred by what happened to Greyback, because Lu Ke moved too fast, and he suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly. Although the fate of werewolves is indeed scary, few Death Eaters think highly of werewolves: pure blood Of course, he looked down on werewolves, a type with mixed blood.

They only saw three Hogwarts students in front of them who had not yet graduated.

The Death Eaters were ready to kill them and then talk.

As for their original purpose of escaping, this kind of thing has been completely forgotten.

All three of Harry waved their wands.

They chose the same goal without thinking twice.

This is the result of hard work throughout the winter vacation.

When you regard a monster of Lu Ke's level as an imaginary enemy, it is easy to find that other enemies are incredibly weak.

Just like the Death Eaters in front of the three Harrys now.

He raised his wand as he ran.

The movement was powerless, a failure, running made it impossible to aim, and the shouting affected the mantra, a failure.

An Expelliarmus made the Death Eater lose the ability to resist, and a petrification spell made him stand on the spot, being carried by the inertia of running and falling to the ground.

Then comes the next goal.

This is another stupid, powerless Death Eater who collapses at the drop of a hat.

The three Harrys didn't have any other ideas at all, and like a highly efficient machine, they knocked down all the Death Eaters that rushed over to the ground.

Then there was a brief hesitation, and the Death Eaters turned to look behind them.

As a result, they saw an ominous black shadow.

Lu Ke was standing in front of the Death Eaters who were preparing to escape, looking coldly at Snape and the Malfoy father and son beside him.

The Death Eaters seemed frozen.

They stood there, in a dilemma.

But the three Harrys had already come over.

At that moment, without any hesitation at all, the Death Eaters chose to attack the three obviously weaker Harrys.

They turned and began to charge.

Then the three Harrys continued to take action.

The battle finally started to get a little stressful.

When the Death Eaters attacked together, it was difficult for the three of Harry to maintain their previous unstoppable power: but they still had the upper hand.

Hermione used a transformation spell to turn the soil on one side into a shield, which blocked all attacks as if it was alive: and it really was alive.

When the green lightning in the hand of a Death Eater landed on the earth shield and disappeared, the Death Eaters almost collapsed.

Because they have never seen a shield that can block the death curse.

Even Harry and Ron didn't know how Hermione did it.

Hermione lowered her head a little guiltily.

Because she stuffed a lot of butterflies into the mud shield.

These butterflies are alive and will disappear if Avada Kedavra touches them.

But Hermione's guilt lasted only for a moment.

The battle continued, and the Death Eaters rushed up again.

This time it was almost everyone.

Of course they will not face Lu Ke. In this case, there is only one way to go.

The three Harrys were instantly defeated.

Hermione's clay shield shattered instantly, and spells fell on the three people one after another, and they flew backwards.

The Death Eaters rushed over without hesitation.

This is not a victory worth celebrating. To escape from Lu Ke, they still need a long journey to apparate.

But at this moment, other students rushed out.

Almost without looking, they began pouring curses on the Death Eaters.

The students who had participated in the battle at the Ministry of Magic had already known how to fight after being trained by Lu Ke for so long. They gave the Death Eaters a head-on blow.

The Death Eaters were completely stunned.

They fell like harvested straw, not even understanding what was happening as they lay on the ground.

The reason is simple. When a wizard is lying on the ground silently casting spells, and there is a large group of indignant and aggressive helpers covering him up, it is really difficult to find him.

Although the three Harrys fell to the ground, they were not injured at all.

When facing Lu Ke, only being injured means a complete failure, and they knew this.

So it seems that Hermione just used Transfiguration to create a mud shield, but in fact, at the same time, she also left extremely powerful and almost impenetrable protection on herself and Reasonable Ron.

When the Death Eaters took action together and knocked the three people away, the three of them were actually safe and sound.

And they didn't stand up, because this was the opportunity for a sneak attack.

Of course, the original imaginary enemy of the three Harrys was Lu Ke.

Death Eaters are really too careless compared to Lu Ke.

But madness and the fear of death gave the Death Eaters their strength.

They began to fight back wildly.

After all, the number of students in Hogwarts is too small, and they are not opponents yet.

The three Harrys could only stand up helplessly.

Now only they can protect their classmates, and for this reason they have completely given up on sneak attacks.

But this only made the Death Eaters more aggressive.

For a moment, the students were almost overpowered and retreated into the castle.

But at this moment, other students rushed out.

Even though they had only learned some basics from Hermione, and their hands were shaking even when casting spells on people, there were many of them.

The light of the curse almost converged into a substantial river in the air, and at the end of the flood were the Death Eaters.

They had never seen such a scene in their lives and almost collapsed completely.

Even if there were some Death Eaters who were still unwilling to give up and threw magic spells into the air, they were only completely overwhelmed.

Then the flood hit the ground.


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