"Is there really anyone in the world who would be so shameless as to be the protagonist of a novel?"

A flash of anger flashed across Hermione's face: "Gilderoy Lockhart..."

Harry froze.


Hermione shook her head: "You didn't do anything wrong at all, Harry..."

She lowered her head and walked to the window, standing in front of the railing and looking at the withered grass below.

"I'm angry at myself."

Harry walked behind Hermione and looked down at the direction Hermione was looking at: "You don't have to worry about that. There are many people who have been deceived by Lockhart."

Hermione nodded.

The two fell into silence.

Just then, a rat's cry woke the two of them up.

Harry reluctantly took out the Marauder's Map from his arms: "Can't Malfoy just stay here?"

He looked down at where the mouse was and was surprised to see Malfoy next to Slughorn.


Hermione nodded without any surprise: "Of course our Professor Slughorn will not let go of an heir to a pure-blood family, even if his parents are now Death Eaters."

Harry turned and looked through the gap between the curtains into the middle of the party.

There were so many people everywhere that it was difficult to see what was in the distance, but he still saw Malfoy standing in front of Slughorn among the crowds of people.

"They probably aren't talking about any conspiracy, so let's just ignore it."

Harry shook his head and put away the Marauder's Map.

Hermione looked around curiously: "Where are the others?"

Lu Ke and Johanna who came in with them, as well as Ron and Luna, were all gone.

"never mind……"

Harry shook his head: "We can hide here until it's over."

Hermione couldn't help but laugh.

But what Harry and Harry didn't know was that Ron was not far from Malfoy at this time, and he knew something that Malfoy absolutely didn't want anyone else to know.

Slughorn invited Draco Malfoy to the party just out of habit, but what surprised him was that the Malfoy family was indeed the most powerful pure-blood family.

Draco Malfoy's gift to the dinner was a bottle of 1929 Château Jules white wine.

Of course, Slughorn couldn't say how amazing this thing was. He only knew that it was very expensive, and a person he knew who knew wine had said that it was indeed amazing.

This was exactly what Slughorn had really wanted from his parties and even his connections from way back when.

Therefore, he was very happy to introduce Draco Malfoy to almost everyone here. He was very disappointed with Harry's quiet disappearance, but what was lost was gained again, and the friendship of the Malfoy family heirs can be regarded as compensation.

But Slughorn didn't realize that Draco Malfoy was actually hiding a secret.

Ron was the only one who noticed it when Draco Malfoy delivered the gift: almost everyone was too distracted by everything at the party to realize it was happening.

Even Harry, who saw Draco Malfoy and Slughorn meeting on the Marauder's Map, did not expect Draco Malfoy to send a gift.

Ron felt something was wrong as soon as he saw the bottle of wine. Of course, he was not the kind of person with persecutory hallucinations who would feel conspiracy and dangerous in everything he saw, but this was something sent by Draco Malfoy.

Think about what Draco Malfoy did last time. He used a necklace that accurately killed Luke and a vicious sealing spell. Who knows what he will do.

So Ron focused on Draco Malfoy without hesitation, and he must stop Malfoy's conspiracy.

But Ron still needs some time to think about what to do. He knows that the best choice is to go to Slughorn and find a way to get rid of the bottle of wine, but it is obvious that Professor Slughorn will not Let Ron do it.

Ron could make a desperate move, but if the cost was failing Potions, he thought better of it.

He turned and looked around.

Harry and Hermione were not here, which was a bit of an unfamiliar experience for Ron. The three of them had never been apart.

Just as Ron was thinking this, he saw Draco Malfoy walking towards the door.

Ron followed him almost without thinking.

By the time he reacted, Draco Malfoy had disappeared through the door.

Ron quickly accelerated.

Of course he knew that the key to Draco Malfoy's plan lay in the bottle of wine, and as long as the wine was in Slughorn's hands, there was no way to stop the plan.

But Ron felt that he couldn't face Slughorn, but he could face Draco Malfoy: Ron didn't feel that he lost the fight at the Burrow.

So whether it's asking Draco Malfoy to find out, or following him to catch him, Ron felt that finding Draco Malfoy was the way to solve the problem.

Then Ron rushed out of the room.

He fought his way through the crowd, almost losing him several times, and finally followed Draco Malfoy into a boys' bathroom.

Ron couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Draco Malfoy just wanting to use the toilet.


He took out his wand and stood in the doorway of the empty bathroom.

Then Draco Malfoy's voice came from above Ron: "Petrify them all!"

Ron didn't expect the magic spell to appear from above his head. Before he could do anything, he turned into a stone statue bent over in guard.

Then Draco Malfoy slowly fell down from above with the help of a levitation spell.

"I can find someone to tell you everything Lu Ke teaches you secretly. It's a pity that those of you who follow him don't learn as well as me."

Ron wanted to say something, but there was nothing he could do.

Draco Malfoy sneered: "Why do you think there is no one in the boys' bathroom?"

"Because there are other restrooms closer to the party, there's no one here at all."

"I already knew you were following me, so I brought you here."

Draco Malfoy slowly walked up to Ron and slowly raised his wand: "Why do you always pester me?"

"Harry Potter, he has a blood feud with Voldemort, Hermione...she is a good girl...but you..."

"Ron Weasley, why do you have to pester me? Is there any grudge between us?"

Of course Ron couldn't say anything now, couldn't answer at all.

Draco Malfoy turned around slowly, as if he was still thinking about what to do to Ron.

But Ron believed it wouldn't be a good thing. Death Eaters like to torture people.

"It's really annoying..."


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