If Dumbledore knew, he would ask Snape if he was also a Death Eater, but now Snape is still fine, and can even sit in front of Voldemort. Then Voldemort would naturally ask, what is Snape's reason? Has he betrayed Voldemort? Or has this ace spy found some clever excuse? If Snape can't explain clearly, then what is waiting for Snape is probably a green light. Snape still maintained that flat tone. "I admitted everything to him." There was a burst of noise among the Death Eaters at the long table. "Quiet!" Voldemort said coldly. He was not as impatient as the Death Eaters. After all, Snape's loyalty has been tested. "What are you talking about?" Snape completely ignored the restlessness among the Death Eaters: "I met with the Malfoys, what I said, what I did, everything." Voldemort nodded. Snape has not yet said that he is a Death Eater. "So," Voldemort said, glancing at Lucius Malfoy on his left, "what did you say and do?"

"I promised them that I would protect Draco Malfoy from Luke, no matter what, and made an unbreakable vow."

Voldemort smiled with satisfaction.

"Snape... Actually, you had other choices at the time."

"For example, kill the Malfoys and pretend nothing happened."

Lucius Malfoy was silent on the side.

Snape looked at Lucius Malfoy with contempt: "After a wizard kills someone, the smell will remain for a long time and Dumbledore can feel it."

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction.

This is what a real person who does things should look like.

Look at Snape, he is simply a standard Slytherin, calm and thoughtful.

In order to continue to lurk around Dumbledore, he not only endured the stupidity of the Malfoys, but also decisively admitted everything to Dumbledore.

As long as you don't lie, there will be no flaws. This is the highest secret of disguise.

And there is nothing wrong with being honest. Dumbledore is naturally willing to believe in good people, and Snape's behavior is actually what a good teacher would do: he bowed to two shameful Death Eaters in order to protect his students.

This will definitely not make Dumbledore doubt Snape, he will only trust the latter more.

Voldemort thought of this and glanced at Lucius Malfoy.

As for the Malfoy couple, they are typical Death Eaters.

Like Lucius Malfoy, after all this happened and knowing how bad the consequences had been, he still pretended to be an ostrich, probably deceiving himself or thinking that he could put the blame on his wife.

This is a typical cleverness.

As for Narcissa Malfoy, she was completely stupid. If she didn't insist on following Snape out, she might not be seen by others: of course Dumbledore would still know.

Such a combination of cleverness and stupidity is also a rare wonder in the world.

Voldemort's eyes swept across Lucius Malfoy's face with contempt, and then turned to Snape's face, and turned into a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry to ask you to come here so urgently. Is it okay?"

Snape had a blank expression, even though Voldemort had shown unprecedented "favor" just now.

"I don't have classes this afternoon."

Voldemort nodded: "Then hurry back. If you miss dinner, it's hard to say whether anyone will think too much."

Snape nodded, stood up and bowed to Voldemort, then turned and strode away.

His black robe sleeves swayed behind him, looking like a giant bat.


"Professor Snape promised the Malfoys that they would protect Draco from Luke and let him survive."

Harry was confused when he heard this for the first time.

After thinking about it carefully for several times, Harry vaguely understood what happened.

"What would Draco Malfoy do to make Luke want to kill him?"

Dumbledore smiled: "Of course Luke would not kill Draco, so Snape actually did not have to do anything to get the favor of the Malfoys. It is hard to say what their reward is, but it is better than nothing."

"Besides, protecting your students is what a teacher should do."

Harry shook his head.

He felt that Dumbledore and Luke were deliberately avoiding the key to the problem: "What exactly does Draco Malfoy want to do?"

Dumbledore sighed: "You know the Malfoys are the kind of people who... do not believe that there are good people in the world."

Harry was silent for a while, then nodded.

It is normal for the Death Eaters to say this.

"They think that since Draco is the son of a Death Eater and ran away from the Weasleys during the summer vacation, Luke..."

Dumbledore shook his head with a look of disapproval.

"He will definitely find a chance to hurt Draco."

"Although Hogwarts will protect its students, during holidays, outside Hogwarts, on the train leaving school, or..."

Harry suddenly realized: "Hogsmeade..."

This seems to explain it clearly.

In the end, it was just that the Malfoys were judging others by their own standards, and Snape went along with it.

But Harry instinctively felt that Draco Malfoy was anything but innocent.

But it was obvious that Dumbledore did not want to continue on this issue.

"Okay Harry, if you ask any more questions, this class will be delayed."

As he spoke, Dumbledore led Harry to the pensieve.

"This time the protagonist of the story is someone else, a child who looks a lot like you."

Harry nodded and followed Dumbledore into his memories.

This is the story of an orphan in an orphanage.

But this time Dumbledore's story became much more obscure.

No one in his memory would directly tell Harry what happened. He could only try his best to see with his own eyes.

And Harry did see a lot.

This was not a good orphanage, and the director was a nun, which even made Harry feel worse than the Dursleys.

The orphan was a sullen and polite "good boy", but Harry could see that he was just another Dudley, a less arrogant, stupid, and much thinner Dudley.

After a long memory, Harry and Dumbledore returned to the headmaster's office together.

Dumbledore let out a long breath: "What do you think of that child, Harry?"

Harry was silent for a moment, then sighed: "I pity him."

Dumbledore nodded silently, then turned around.


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