Then Neville's disarming spell fell on the Death Eater's hand, and his wand flew up and landed among the fragments of the crystal ball scattered on the ground.

At this time, Lucius Malfoy was finally able to speak.

"Draco! You're going to kill our family!"

Draco Malfoy nodded: "Voldemort will not let go..."

Lucius Malfoy whispered angrily: "Don't say his name!"

Draco Malfoy paused: "Anyone who betrays him."

"But father, even if he likes you, the Malfoy family is almost over."

"Death Eaters live in our house and use our things to help us?"

Lucius Malfoy looked like a poor man who wanted to roar in the middle of the night but was afraid of waking his neighbors. He strained every word when he spoke.

"At least we won't die!"

Draco Malfoy slowly shook his head: "Lu Ke just didn't want to kill his father in front of his son."

Lucius Malfoy's face was distorted by great surprise and fear.

He certainly hasn't forgotten what happened that day, and may never forget it.

To the wizarding world, Death Eaters represent a threat of death, and to current Death Eaters, the same is true for Lu Ke.

A short moment seemed like decades, and Lucius Malfoy seemed to have aged dozens of years. He stretched out his hand feebly on Draco Malfoy's shoulders: "Go live with your classmates during the holidays. Before everything is over, Don’t come back…”

"Don't rush to the front. As long as you live, you will be the best flag for Dumbledore. Wait until everything is over..."

"When it's all over...if the mysterious man wins, I can at least save your life."

Draco Malfoy was originally expressionless, but now, his face was distorted by huge surprise and fear.


Lucius Malfoy suddenly roared at the top of his lungs: "Don't call me father!"

He glanced in horror at the direction where Isabella Strange was walking.

"Knock me out, use a stronger spell, hurry up!"

Draco Malfoy shook his head. He couldn't even say a word, let alone cast a spell.

"All petrified!"

Hermione's voice sounded behind Draco Malfoy, and Lucius Malfoy fell to the ground.

Draco Malfoy screamed: "Father!"

Then he was pulled.

Draco Malfoy turned around: "Hermione..."

Hermione let go and shook her head, "Be careful not to let the other Death Eaters hear."

Malfoy nodded blankly.

Harry glanced at Malfoy, then turned to look in the direction where Isabella Strange had disappeared.

At that moment, Harry felt that he could understand Malfoy.

His father had done something wrong before, and at least Harry didn't know what to do about this kind of thing.

Ron turned and looked at Harry: "We've all been knocked unconscious. What should we do now?"

Harry shook his head and glanced ahead.

Isabella Strange had disappeared behind the wooden shelf, and the huge space was very quiet, with only the occasional curse words from the Death Eaters.

It seems that the battle between Lu Ke and them has not yet begun.

Harry hesitated for a moment, then turned around.

"The dragon-slaying spear is still here..."

He looked confused.

Hermione nodded: "Because this was a trap from the beginning. Don't you understand now?"

She glanced at Harry carefully: "Everything you see is an illusion created by Voldemort. Voldemort doesn't want to use this weapon against Lu Ke at all. Lu Ke is here to save us, not to snatch this weapon."

Although it sounded a bit convoluted, Harry understood what Hermione meant.

And he knew very well that Hermione was right.

"Then what is Voldemort going to do against Lu Ke?"

Hermione shook her head blankly.

This is a problem that even everyone here cannot solve.

Just when Harry hesitated, he suddenly felt that the sounds in his ears became less frequent.

It was as if the Death Eaters were quietly becoming more peaceful.

For a moment, Harry felt like he was back when he was practicing with Lu Ke.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other.

"Do you feel it?"

None of the students behind Harry noticed.

But Hermione said with a confused look on her face: "Lu Ke is quietly..."

Harry nodded.

And indeed it is.

In such a space where wooden frames with crystal balls everywhere obscured the view, Lu Ke felt at home like a duck in water.

He doesn't need magic spells or reciting spells, so all his actions can be silent.

When Harry and the others were fighting the Death Eaters, Luke walked between the wooden frames like a ghost, dragging the Death Eaters one by one into the shadows that others could not see.

Then Lu Ke only needed to gently move his hands to make this Death Eater never make any sound.

Just like silence itself became a creature walking in the darkness, Lu Ke made the hall become quieter and quieter.

He didn't know what Voldemort had prepared to deal with him, but Lu Ke didn't care at all.

In the end, only Isabella Strange was left standing.

Now, she finally realized what Lu Ke had done.

She fell into a trap.

Although Isabella Strange had always considered herself Voldemort's most loyal follower, she never felt that Voldemort only needed her.

Death Eaters were followers of Voldemort, and they were important.

But Isabella Strange was only angry because Luke had damaged Voldemort's power, and she had no feelings for those Death Eaters.

And this doesn't count as disobeying Voldemort's orders and letting him down.

Because from the beginning, Voldemort's order to Isabella Strange was not to defeat Lu Ke.

To defeat Lu Ke, the dragon-slaying spear was not enough. They also needed a well-arranged trap.

And traps always need bait.

These Death Eaters are the bait prepared by Voldemort for Lu Ke.

There are few wizards in this world who understand the impact of murder on people as well as Voldemort.

When Lu Ke first gave the Death Eaters complete peace, a part of his thoughts was always displayed in front of Voldemort, like a stone at the bottom of clear water.

These Death Eaters were definitely enough for Lu Ke to step into a trap. Of course he didn't expect that Voldemort was going to use so many important followers as bait.

For Voldemort, this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

Lu Ke always felt elusive, and he caused a lot of trouble for Voldemort when he first appeared.

But now, things have changed.


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