"Avada Kadawa!"

Isabella Strange was sitting in the jury box of the Wizengamot. Looking at Fudge, who was standing in the dock with a smile on his face, a trace of anger flashed on his face.

She couldn't bear the time being wasted like this.

Because Isabella Strange knew that Voldemort needed time.

At this moment, Isabella Strange felt lightning flash in her mind.

That was the Dark Mark specially prepared by Voldemort for Isabella Strange.

But until now, in order to keep it secret, Voldemort has never summoned Isabella Strange.

"I think I was not wrong," Fudge said while standing in the dock. "I just made what seemed to be the right choice. As for what happened in the end, did anyone see it at the time?"


At this moment, Isabella Strange suddenly stood up. She walked towards the exit expressionlessly, and then closed the door heavily behind her.

Fudge turned and glanced at the closed door, then sneered.

Isabella Strange walked out of the corridors of the Ministry of Magic and out into the Muggle streets.

The place was packed with Isabella Strange's followers, who blocked traffic, and there were banners and shouts everywhere.

Ministry staff tried desperately to maintain order and persuade them to get out of the way and not disturb the Muggles, but the followers were unmoved.

But the moment Isabella Strange appeared, everyone looked at her.

But Isabella Strange did not look at them.

She apparated and soared into the sky.

By the time Isabella Strange fell, she had arrived at a place outside London.

This is a narrow alley, very dark inside, and a tall wizard is standing inside.


Isabella Strange's heart surged, and she bowed in front of Voldemort with great complexity.

She didn't know whether Voldemort suddenly summoned him because he had completely lost his patience... or because he wanted to teach her an important task that only she could complete.

Voldemort looked down at Isabella Strange and smiled: "We no longer need to waste time."

Isabella Strange raised her head: "I'm sorry...Master..."

Voldemort shook his head: "No, no, no, you didn't do anything wrong, it was just that stupid Fudge who used dirty tricks."

"But now I don't have the patience."

Isabella Strange stood up quickly: "I'm going to kill him now!"

Voldemort shook his head: "No, let your followers go, you can't do it yourself."

A trace of hesitation flashed across Isabella Strange's face.

Voldemort smiled: "Don't worry, if you are a true follower, they will kill Fudge for you."

"But we can also see if a wizard like Fudge will show his true colors in the face of death..."

Isabella Strange nodded: "I'll go now."

Voldemort looked at her with a smile: "Bella...Bella, don't you ask what happened?"

Isabella Strange shook her head: "I never needed to know what happened."

Voldemort laughed.

Even if the villain in the bottle is snatched from Lu Ke's hands, that supreme masterpiece of alchemy cannot replace Voldemort's own work.

"Lu Ke created a little man in a bottle."

Isabella Strange showed an excited expression: "I will snatch it for you!"

Voldemort smiled and shook his head: "No, Bella, finish what I asked you to do first."

Isabella Strange nodded, then turned and walked out of the alley.

She shot up into the sky, then streaked across the sky, landing outside the Ministry of Magic.

The followers here are confused, they don't understand what just happened.

But Isabella Strange needed no explanation.

She stood in the center of the crowd, raising her arms high: "Fudge is stalling for time!"

The crowd erupted in angry shouts.

Isabella Strange was lifted high: "Now that we are doing nothing, Death Eaters are killing more wizards every moment!"

"There's no time to waste!"

Isabella Strange then pointed her right arm towards the entrance to the Ministry of Magic.

The followers began their march without hesitation.

Guarding the entrance to the Ministry of Magic was Oromen, and behind them were Amelia Burns and staff from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, including Mr. Weasley.

Amelia Burns looked at everything in front of her, a trace of despair flashed across her face: "Arthur, go report the message..."

Mr. Weasley shook his head blankly: "To whom?"

Amelia Burns shook her head: "Whatever..."

"leave here!"

After saying that, she walked forward to Isabella Strange: "This is not what we agreed!"

Isabella Strange waved her hand contemptuously, and then a wizard took action behind her, a spell flashed, and Amelia Burns flew out feebly.

Then she was overwhelmed by the crowd.

It was an unstoppable torrent, and they drowned everyone and rushed into the Ministry of Magic.

They were overwhelming and arrived at the entrance of the Wizengamot almost instantly.

Then Isabella Strange pushed the door open contemptuously.

Fudge looked at Isabella Strange and the supporters behind her, and took a step back in panic: "What are you going to do..."

Before Isabella Strange could speak, Fudge screamed: "I make you Minister for Magic!"

Isabella Strange was stunned for a moment.

Her followers were already raising their wands at Fudge.

Fudge screamed, "Don't you understand? You're the Minister for Magic now!"

Isabella Strange raised her hand in confusion to stop the followers behind her: "What do you mean?"

An old wizard at the head of the trial said helplessly: "When a Minister of Magic announces the appointment of another wizard as Minister of Magic in the Wizengamot, and the Wizengamot votes to pass, it means the birth of a new Minister of Magic."

Isabella Strange smiled: "That's it..."

She raised her head proudly and glanced across the jury box.

"Who supports and who opposes?"

There was no objection.

The chief wizard nodded: "Unanimous vote..."

"Congratulations, Minister Isabella Strange."

Isabella Strange walked to the middle of the rotunda and nodded: "It feels quite simple..."

She lowered her head and glanced at Fudge behind her: "So what were you doing before?"

Fudge was speechless. He seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant.


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