
Professor McGonagall urged.

Harry thought blankly for a moment, then suddenly said: "Auror?"

Professor McGonagall nodded, with a genuine expression on her face, then turned around and pulled out a leaflet from among the leaflets piled high on the side of the table.

"The requirements of the Auror Office are higher than those of most Ministry of Magic offices. You must excel in several courses and complete the Ultimate Wizarding Examination..."

Professor McGonagall lowered her head and wrote on a form: "But at present, it seems that you fully meet the requirements. Your Potions class, Charms class, and Defense Against the Dark Arts class are all very good. You can definitely continue to choose the sixth grade. courses.”

Harry nodded in surprise, he really wanted to be an Auror.

Professor McGonagall nodded: "That's it. According to these course selections, you can go back and prepare for the ordinary level wizard exam."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

When he turned around, he found that Umbridge had also stood up.

She glanced at Harry with evil intentions: "I'm looking forward to his Defense Against the Dark Arts results."

With that, Umbridge walked out of the room ahead of Harry.

Professor McGonagall's angry voice came from behind Harry: "That's not your decision!"

When Harry didn't know what to say, he suddenly heard screams coming from outside the door.

He opened the door a little surprised and a little thoughtful.

And then sure enough, Harry saw Umbridge having a hard time.

She was stuck in a puddle of mud, covered in black mud, and struggling desperately.

Spells flew around like fireworks, but they had no effect on the swamp.

Harry opened the door wide, then carefully walked around the swamp and left towards the end of the corridor.

As he turned the corner, Harry couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"So you saw it."

The twins were standing at the top of the stairs, standing straight as if they were going to attend some very important meeting.

"This is the last thing we can leave to Hogwarts."

Harry wanted to laugh a little because the twins' serious looks reminded him of those two pairs of glasses.

But Harry couldn't laugh because he already guessed what the twins were going to do.

"You are really ready..."

The twins nodded without hesitation: "Let's leave Hogwarts..."

"To do something for it."

They turned and walked down the stairs and stood in the hall door.

"Here comes the broomstick!"

All the students here are looking at them.

"The new product of Weasley's Magic Joke Shop, the swamp demonstrated upstairs, can be purchased at No. 93, Diagon Alley."

"If students at Hogwarts promise to use it to get rid of that old bat, they can enjoy a discounted price."

At this moment, Umbridge finally broke free from the swamp and rushed down from the upstairs: "I'm going to whip you! Whipping!"

The twins nodded contemptuously: "Oh, yes, you still enjoy this power."

"How enviable."

Then the twins got on their broomsticks together and took out their glasses from their pockets.

They put on glasses together.

At that moment, Umbridge laughed horribly.

The voice was so sharp and hoarse that everyone who heard it was extremely surprised to discover that Umbridge always spoke with a pinched voice.

Her actual voice belonged to an old woman, as was her essence.

The twins nodded: "See you again."

Then they soared into the sky together on their broomsticks.

Umbridge, who finally recovered from her horrific laughter, raised her wand to the sky: "Petrify them all!"

But it was obvious that her spell could no longer reach the twins.

The Weasley twins became living legends.

All the students and professors in Hogwarts feel that they are a part of the history of Hogwarts.

Except Lu Ke.

The problem is a bit complicated.

First, the students at Hogwarts were inspired by the twins to embark on an unbridled spree of pranks, especially the giant turd egg from Weasley's Magic Joke Shop.

So the whole castle was filled with stench.

Of course, apart from Umbridge, all the students and professors could also smell the sour smell.

Including Lu Ke.

So the problem came, and all the students and professors used a simple and effective magic spell to solve this problem: the Bubble Charm.

Every time they passed a place where a big dung egg had just exploded, everyone would cast a head soaking spell on themselves, which looked like aliens or undersea people in old science fiction movies.

Only Lu Ke could not cast the spell.

Moreover, when he asked Johanna for help, Johanna laughed wildly and refused.

So Lu Ke could only...

living comfortably without anybody's help.

He urgently used alchemy to make himself a mask.

"In special times, we should wear masks honestly... we can't stop wearing them."

Every time Lu Ke spoke in an angry voice, Johanna would laugh wildly beside him.

Despite this, Hogwarts is still shrouded in Umbridge's shadow.

The three of them, Harry, would occasionally wonder why the fall of Fudge that Lu Ke mentioned had not come yet.

In fact, that was an illusion they had because they hated Umbridge so much.

It had only been a few days since Fudge forced Dumbledore to leave.

Harry and the others felt that Fudge was unlucky for the slow progress, and it had already progressed to the point where Fudge walked into the Wizengamot for the first time.

Although he was not in the dock, the Wizengamot had permanently stripped him of his right to sit in the dock: for a sitting Minister of Magic, that was all but done to his career.

Of course, Fudge persisted.

Both Isabella Strange and Voldemort underestimated Fudge. As a qualified Minister of Magic, he would become particularly powerful when he started stalling for time.

Even Isabella Strange and Voldemort couldn't think of any good solution.

But Lu Ke knew very well that Fudge was playing with fire.

He thought he was facing another more superior Minister of Magic, but in fact it was a Death Eater.

Of course, when Lu Ke said this, Harry and the others only felt that he was comforting them, and did not feel any better because of it.

In this regard, Lu Ke could only wear the mask again honestly.

He has another thing to do.

The creation of the little man in the bottle has begun.

Harris Green is Lu Ke's assistant. They started by preparing materials.

"First, we need the purest possible carrier."

This experiment has been done, and Lu Ke wrote down the materials on paper.

"Then, solidify the essence of the curse..."


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