Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 39 Suddenly calm down

Lu Ke's expulsion was the last thing Voldemort wanted to see.

Voldemort himself was not afraid of Lu Ke, but his Death Eaters were, and Voldemort's cause could not be accomplished by him alone.

Umbridge looked at Luke.

At this time, Lu Ke's face was full of cold impatience, and he looked exactly like Voldemort.

As soon as this thought arose in Umbridge's mind, she trembled unconsciously.

Lu Ke looked at Umbridge: "What's wrong?"

"Let's go."

Umbridge shook her head and took a step back.

Lu Ke fell into silence.

Just then, Dumbledore came down the stairs.

"Lu Ke?"

Then he turned around and looked at Umbridge with a surprised expression: "Senior Investigator, what happened?"

Umbridge was silent.

Dumbledore smiled: "Come in and sit down first."

But Umbridge shook her head. She glanced at Lu Ke with a horrified look on her face, and then forced a smile: "Goodbye, Headmaster."

Then Umbridge turned and left.

Only Dumbledore and Lu Ke were left standing there.

Dumbledore watched Umbridge's back disappear into the corridor outside the door, then turned and glanced at Luke: "I guess I can't accuse you of creating fear, even though I don't like doing it."

Lu Ke just smiled: "I'm very disappointed. I thought she had more courage."

Dumbledore shook his head: "I think she has been punished, and in the most appropriate way."

Lu Ke nodded helplessly: "I know that I won't do anything to her during this period of time."

Dumbledore nodded: "Although I want to apologize to you for getting you involved in these things that shouldn't have happened, I don't think you need it."

Lu Ke smiled and nodded.

Dumbledore smiled: "You can think of it this way, the whole Hogwarts belongs to you anyway."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly.

In a way it is.

Having mastered the legacy of the four founders and becoming the guardian of Hogwarts, Lu Ke is indeed the master of Hogwarts in a strict sense.

But he never felt that way.

After saying that, the two separated.

Lu Ke returned to the hall very disappointed.

This time it was unexpected.

Lu Ke had already thought that Umbridge would not completely fall out, but the process, Umbridge's secret hand and her escape from the battlefield, still exceeded Lu Ke's expectations.

Sitting at the Slytherin long table, Lu Ke sighed silently.

Johanna smiled beside him: "Failed?"

Lu Ke nodded helplessly.

Johanna shook her head: "How I want to see you fired..."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "Are you sure?"

Johanna nodded: "In that case, I can leave Hogwarts and prepare for the wedding."

Lu Ke was speechless for a moment.

Johanna looked at him and smiled: "Today is the game between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Which team do you support?"

Lu Ke turned around and looked around in surprise.

Slytherin's new team was ready, and Malfoy looked murderous, as if he was about to go to war.

The other side of the Gryffindor table was similar.

The feud between the snake and the lion comes from years of accumulation and cannot be eliminated by Lu Ke's efforts.

"Have you seen the training data? I'm not sure."

Lu Ke shook his head.

At this moment, Luna suddenly appeared behind Lu Ke: "I support Gryffindor."

Lu Ke turned around and was startled by Luna: This Ravenclaw girl now had a lion's head as huge as a real lion on her head, and her face was exposed from the lion's grown mouth.

Lu Ke looked at Luna and was silent for a moment: "You are so... beautiful today..."

Luna smiled and nodded: "I can become more beautiful."

As she spoke, she raised her wand and clicked it next to the lion's head.

Then the lion head let out a realistic lion roar.

The Slytherins stood up angrily.

Luna was visibly startled, and she didn't seem to understand what was happening.

Johanna stood up and hugged Luna, then turned around and glanced at the Slytherin table: "If you are unhappy, make something similar yourself!"

So among the Slytherins who stood up, the older ones sat down again.

Seeing the senior students around him sit down, other Slytherins also sat down one after another.

At this time, Lu Ke finally couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He didn't know why, but he felt that the contrast between the tension caused by Slytherin and Gryffindor and Luna's obliviousness to it was full of humor that really touched him.

In fact, Lu Ke has always been a person without a sense of humor. This time he suddenly broke out, even Lu Ke himself was a little surprised.

Johanna shook her head helplessly.

Seemingly irritated by Lu Ke's unbridled laughter, a first-year Slytherin stood up.

He turned around and looked at Lu Ke: "What are you laughing at?"

Then a blood-red sharp blade stopped in front of his throat.

Johanna held the ruby ​​hilt in her hand and looked at the Slytherin coldly: "I am Johanna Shafik, who are you?"

The poor Slytherin was speechless.

Lu Ke stood up helplessly and reached out to hold Johanna's right hand: "You scared him."

Johanna snorted coldly and put away her ruby ​​sword.

There was a burst of whispers around the Slytherin table, and the senior Slytherins began to tell the junior Slytherins about what had happened, especially about who Lu Ke was.

Luna looked at the chaos, still looking distracted. She shook her head, then turned and walked towards the Gryffindor table.

Lu Ke and the two sat down. Malfoy on the side looked at the two of them bitterly: "Do you like Gryffindor that much?"

Johanna glanced at Malfoy: "I said, why don't you make something similar yourself?"

Malfoy could only shut up helplessly.

His academic performance can only be regarded as average. Now that he has begun to focus mainly on learning Occlumency, it is even worse than before.

The creation of the lion's head probably required a sophisticated form of transformation, but Malfoy has never been good at it.

Luna is a Ravenclaw after all, and this time, she defeated the entire Slytherin alone.

If Slytherin doesn't work hard.

When the players from both sides walked out of the castle and prepared to start the game, Lu Ke was a little surprised to find that someone among the Slytherins had already taken out the dark green snakes wrapped around their heads. They raised their heads high and looked very conspicuous.

It's just that the visual effects are not as good as Luna's.


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