"I won't let you practice with Lu Ke at the beginning of the course."

Harry glanced at the students in front of him: "But I can show it to you with him."

The people around him cheered, but Lu Ke glanced at Harry in surprise: "Are you sure?"

Harry nodded.

Then Lu Ke turned around and backed away facing Harry.

He retreated to the end of the room, far away from Harry.

In the eyes of the students here, this distance is almost the same as suicide. You must know that Lu Ke cannot cast spells, but Harry has a wand in his hand.

But Harry didn't think so, and he even retreated far away.

Then Harry took a deep breath and said, "Start."

At that moment, Lu Ke began to charge.

Everyone looked horrified.

In fact, they had all seen a person running wildly, and even seen a faster broomstick charge, but they had never seen Lu Ke charge like this.

Every step Lu Ke took made the ground beneath his feet tremble, and his voice was dull and rapid, as if some kind of walking disaster was approaching.

Some timid girls even began to retreat unconsciously.

At this moment Harry raised his wand.

He threw out several spells like lightning.

"The Upside Down Golden Bell!"

"Everything is petrified!"

"There are many obstacles!"

But Lu Ke lowered his head, turned sideways, and after dodging the curse, he punched the transparent barrier directly into pieces.

He was now right in front of Harry.

But at this time, Harry cast a spell on himself: "Yugadio Leviosa!"

After saying that, Harry jumped up.

As if he weighed nothing, he floated upwards briskly until he reached a very high place: a height that was definitely beyond Lu Ke's reach.

Until this moment, the onlookers, who had been worried, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They all instinctively felt that Lu Ke would knock Harry out with one punch: literally.

But Lu Ke jumped up.

The ground made a terrifying sound, and Lu Ke came to the same height as Harry like erupting magma.

At that moment, some girls were already screaming.

Even Harry was despairing.

Then Lu Ke fell down.

He failed to touch Harry.

"I surrender."

Lu Ke opened his arms.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and slowly fell down.


In fact, he still doesn't understand why Lu Ke didn't catch him in the last step.

But now is obviously not the time to ask questions.

Harry nodded, then turned to look at the others in front of him.

Now, all he faced were fanatical looks.

"You divide into teams of two and start practicing."

This time there was no objection and they quickly split into two groups.

In the end, only Hermione and Harry were left together, and Neville was left alone.

However, this room can meet any needs. Just as Lu Ke promised, a puppet on one side automatically came to Neville and became his opponent.

Even Lu Ke has Johanna in front of him.

Now the room was filled with wands flying and spells being shouted, and the two men could finally speak.

"Did you teach Hermione that?"

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "You can say that, but I just told her that someone has done this before, and it is her own decision when to do it."

Johanna nodded: "In other words, her talent is very good."

"Maybe she can be the Minister of Magic in the future."

Lu Ke just smiled.

At this time, Harry was also talking to Hermione.

"How did you come up with this?"

Hermione just smiled proudly: "I just want to help you."

Harry blushed.

Then he shook his head: "You practice with Johanna, and I'll go see the others."

Then Harry left without looking back.

Hermione was a little disappointed.

But Harry was very determined. He was afraid that he would do something inappropriate if he continued to stay in front of Hermione.

Then Harry walked in front of Lu Ke.

After Johanna went to find Hermione, Harry asked Lu Ke in a low voice: "Why did you just..."

Lu Ke smiled: "If this room didn't have a ceiling, you could indeed rise to a place where I can't touch it at all."

Harry shook his head: "But you can become a fire dragon..."

Then he suddenly laughed.

Of course Lu Ke can't turn into a fire dragon here.

Then the two people separated to give guidance to everyone.

Seeing everyone's performance, Harry felt that he made the right decision to let them learn from the basics.

Many people can't even cast the Expelliarmus spell successfully, they just keep causing chaos and accidents.

But Harry had seen this happen too many times in Charms class.

Everyone is practicing hard, or they think this is a special game.

Regardless, Harry was sure it would work.

Finally, before dinner, Harry asked everyone to stop and get out.

He used the Marauder's Map to make sure there was no one else outside, and then sent groups of two or three away.

The last to leave were Harry, Lu Ke and Johanna.

They walked through the corridor together.

Hermione was still whispering about possible trouble.

"Umbridge will definitely cause trouble for us. For safety reasons, we need a way to inform them of the time and location privately."

Hermione said and glanced at Lu Ke.

Lu Ke smiled: "Are you talking about alchemy?"

Harry was stunned for a moment: "Wouldn't that be expensive?"

Lu Ke looked at Hermione: "If you want my help, then I can easily do it, but if you want me to teach you alchemy, then I'm not good enough."

"And I don't recommend you to study on your own. Alchemy requires a lot of experiments. Without a professor watching over you, you won't be able to know many of the precautions in the experiments. That's very dangerous."

Hermione sighed helplessly: "Okay, actually I have already thought of a way, I just think this is a rare opportunity."

Harry shook his head helplessly: "What can I do?"

Hermione took out a gold galleon.

Harry was a little surprised: "So expensive?"

Hermione shook her head: "This is fake. I used buttons to make it."

Harry and Ron were both stunned for a moment: "Transfiguration?"

Hermione nodded: "Did you see the numbers on the side of the gold galleons?"

"The number on the real gold galleons represents the fairy who minted the gold galleons, but I changed it to the date. As long as you put this coin in your pocket, then I change the date, and the gold galleons will be Fever, I think most people won’t miss it.”

Harry nodded: "This reminds me of Death Eaters..."

Hermione glanced at Harry: "Actually, I got the inspiration from the Death Eaters. What matters is not the means used, but the use for the right purpose."


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