
Dumbledore shook his head: "Even just adding two dementors to the guards is enough for Sirius."

Harry looked worried and angry: "How could they do this!"

Dumbledore raised his right hand: "I will never allow that to happen."

He turned to Lu Ke and Johanna and nodded: "Follow me."

Lu Ke and Johanna followed Dumbledore out of the ward.

They went all the way to the principal's office.

Dumbledore took out his wand and pointed it at Lu Ke's right arm: "Healed as before..."

But Lu Ke's wound did not heal, and even with the power of the curse, green lightning flashed in the wound pointed by Dumbledore's wand.

"The power of the death curse acts directly on the soul..."

Dumbledore let out a long sigh: "I know it won't help, but I still want to try."

Lu Ke nodded: "It doesn't matter, the wound will be healed in a year."

Dumbledore shook his head: "Having said that, you will be suffering from huge pain all the time during this year, which cannot be relieved, from your soul."

Lu Ke smiled: "I don't care, let's talk about Sirius Black's problem first."

Dumbledore nodded, then turned to look at Johanna: "We need a pure-blood family whose stance is not so inclined towards Hogwarts to convince Fudge."

Johanna hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "William's weight is enough, but I'm afraid his position is not enough. Fudge has lost his mind, and it is extremely difficult to reverse his fear."

Dumbledore sighed: "If I..."

Johanna shook her head without hesitation: "It will only have the opposite effect, it is best not to do it."

Lu Ke smiled: "Actually, there is a very simple way."

Johanna was stunned for a moment: "Simple?"

Lu Ke nodded: "We now need a reporter who is full of courage and strength, who can dig out gossip inside Hogwarts, and who dares to tell the truth that neither the Ministry of Magic nor Hogwarts dare to tell."

Johanna shook her head: "Reporters like that are extremely disgusting."

Lu Ke nodded: "Rita Skeeter may offend anyone for the sake of readers, but it does not include the Daily Prophet itself. I think it is time to show the weight of the Shafiq family within the Hogwarts School Board. ”

Johanna raised her head and thought for a moment: "Pull Malfoy in?"

Lu Ke smiled: "That's William's business."

Johanna smiled: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, Lu Ke, it's possible that the great reporter Rita Skeeter will include you in the report, and there will be big news."

Lu Ke shook his head: "I still have something to teach her about news."

Johanna gave Lu Ke a meaningful look: "The sooner the better, I'll make arrangements now."

As she said that, she turned around and left, but stopped suddenly when she was halfway there: "By the way, principal, please cooperate with me."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "No matter what I say, it doesn't matter."

Johanna nodded and walked out of the principal's office.

Then Dumbledore turned and looked at Lu Ke: "I hope you can stay in the school hospital. I will let Severus think of a solution. As well as your Animagus form, Minerva will contact the Ministry of Magic." The relevant departments will be contacted, but that will be after this matter is over.”

Lu Ke nodded and left the principal's office.

In the afternoon, Daily Prophet reporter Rita Skeeter followed William into Hogwarts.

At this moment, the flattering smile on Rita Skeeter's face reached its peak.

No reporter from the Daily Prophet had ever been able to enter Hogwarts, but with the insistence of the head of the Shafiq family beside him, Star Skeeter made history.

She glanced at Snape, who was in charge of reception at Hogwarts, and was already thinking about who to start with.

However, Snape did not give Rita Skeeter a chance to choose and took her directly into an empty room.

"Please wait here, whoever you want to interview, we will call him over."

Rita Skeeter was about to go crazy. She was completely confident that she would discredit the sullen Hogwarts professor, but William stopped her.

"Lu Ke."

Snape nodded, turned and walked out of the room.

Rita Skeeter looked at William with confusion on her face: "Why should we listen to their arrangements?"

William smiled: "Because this is Lu Ke's arrangement."

Rita Skeeter fell silent.

She knew who Lu Ke was.

Considered to be the illegitimate son of William Shafik's half-brother, he is now the most useful talent of the Shafiq family and the helmsman of Handsome Adventure Publishing House.

William looked at Rita Skeeter and smiled: "Whose idea do you think it was that a reporter from the Daily Prophet was able to enter Hogwarts for the first time in so many years?"

"Lu Ke?"

Rita Skeeter was very surprised. She became a little interested in this so-called "squib".

Not long after, Lu Ke walked into the room. His right arm was tightly bandaged and he seemed to be seriously injured.

Rita Skeeter reached out to Lu Ke: "Hello..."

Lu Ke waved his left hand and sat casually on the chair: "Forget the boring greetings, let's get down to business."

Rita Skeeter nodded: "When can I meet the werewolf professor Lupin?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "You will never see him again."

Rita Skeeter looked surprised: "What?"

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "Do you think I arranged for the Shafik family to use the power of the school directors that has not been used for many years, and to unite with the Malfoy family to put pressure on Dumbledore, just to let you interview a werewolf?"

Rita Skeeter was not only surprised, but also became angry. She felt that she had been fooled: "That's a werewolf who sneaked into Hogwarts and became a professor!"

Lu Ke shook his head: "How does it compare to Harry Potter?"

Rita Skeeter was stunned.

She was silent for a moment, then shook her head: "I can't just publish an interview with the savior..."

Lu Ke smiled: "The biggest mistake in the history of the Ministry of Magic. The kind-hearted hero spent twelve years in Azkaban."

Rita Skeeter fell silent.

But the smile on her face could not be concealed, and it even became more and more obvious.

"Oh... Mr. Lu Ke, no wonder Mr. Shafiq said that everything is up to you. You are really a genius..."

Lu Ke raised his left hand: "Forget about boring flattery. Remember, a character, the savior Harry Potter, a story, the largest injustice case in the history of the Ministry of Magic. No need to modify it too much to avoid arousing rebellious psychology. After your interview is over, I Will be back."

“I hope I don’t have to change a word of the final manuscript.”


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