Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 30 Learning the Patronus Charm

"Besides, I can accompany you. There's not no place to play in Hogwarts."

Harry shook his head, and then sighed: "I'm sorry, Luke, if I didn't come with you, you could go to Hogsmeade..."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "No, I didn't need to go to the wizard's village in the first place, and Snape's decision was not because you, Harry, Sirius and the Dementors are all still there. It was for safety."

Harry said nothing more.

Lu Ke followed him into the hall, and then Harry walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down.

Both Ron and Hermione noticed the disappointment on Harry's face.

But they couldn't think of any way to comfort Harry.

Hogsmeade is a place that everyone wants to go to, and there is nothing that can be done about Harry's inability to go. Ron and Ron can only use weak words to comfort them, and there is nothing they can do to help.

"I'm sorry, Harry..."

Harry shook his head: "It's not your fault. If I have to say it, it's all Sirius's fault. If he hadn't escaped from prison, these things wouldn't have happened."

Harry forced a smile and said, "You can bring things back for me."

Hermione and Ron nodded quickly.

Although Harry reluctantly comforted Ron and Hermione, he actually still cared about things in Hogsmeade.

His performance is in the eyes of his teammates, the always "understanding" Weasley twins.

The twins sneered at Lu Ke's so-called comfort of staying with Harry at Hogwarts.

When they tried to find a chance to be alone with Harry, they mocked Lu Ke without reservation.

"So this Slattery has long been accustomed to this kind of thing. If you ask me to say that people who pity him are really pitiful, because Lu Ke has never felt that he is pitiful."

"But you are different, Harry. Since you want to go to Hogsmeade so much, then of course we will help you."

As he spoke, George took out a map and put it into Harry's hand.

"This is what Lu Ke gave us."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "Lu Ke?"

The twins nodded: "We have been friends with Lu Ke for a long time."

Harry looked surprised: "I thought you..."

The twins laughed: "Hate Lu Ke? No, we are friends with Lu Ke. As for mocking Slytherin, that's just a small amount of fun, don't worry about it at all."

Harry shook his head helplessly: "Okay, what can this map do?"

Fred took out his wand: "I solemnly swear that I have done no good."

After saying that, lines representing Hogwarts appeared on the map, as well as black dots representing each person and marks next to them.

Harry exclaimed: "This is..."

The twins both laughed: "It was the same as you when we first met. This is a good thing."

"If you want to go to Hogsmeade, there must be a secret passage on the map that allows you to pass."

"As long as you remember not to be discovered in Hogsmeade."

Harry smiled and nodded: "Of course, I will never be discovered."

The twins smiled: "Since you are so confident, we can rest assured."

"But don't lose the map. If Sirius gets his hands on this, we will be really out of luck."

Harry nodded.

Then he left.

Now, Harry felt that he had a very crucial prop.

In fact, Harry never told anyone that he felt Sirius was his responsibility.

Harry knew from the beginning of school that Sirius came to Hogwarts because of him, and it was also because of this that Dementors came to Hogwarts.

It started on the train, when Johanna was injured, and then in the last game, Johanna made Slytherin lose the game in order to protect the players on the court.

All of this seemed to Harry to be his responsibility.

Johanna was Hermione's best friend, so Harry felt he shouldn't have attracted the dementors and let this happen.

Now with the Marauder's Map, Harry has a way to capture Sirius.

In addition, Harry also needs a way to deal with the dementors.

He originally thought that he should go to Snape, but looking at Snape's appearance, it was impossible for him to agree to Harry, so he gave up for a while.

But now it seems that although there is no hope for Snape, there is still hope in one place.

Harry decided to find Professor Lupin.

After this week's Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended, Harry was left alone.

"Professor...can you teach me a spell that can protect me?"

In fact, Harry already knew that there was only one spell to deal with Dementors, and that was the Patronus Charm.

Lupine looked at Harry a little surprised: "I heard about what happened on the court... Are you worried that the Dementors will appear again?"

Harry nodded: "And I think...Johanna can use magic to protect herself, and I want to do that too."

Lupine was silent for a moment.

"I'm actually thinking, is it really necessary for you to learn this advanced spell now? Only the Patronus Charm can drive away dementors. That's the spell Shafiq used on the court. It's only for senior students. You are also very talented in learning spells, but Harry..."

"I don't know if you can learn that spell."

Harry nodded: "I want to learn, I have to protect myself, and dementors are attracted to games. Hermione said that they crave happy feelings."

Lupine nodded: "Granger is one of the smartest witches I have ever met, okay Harry."

He was silent for a moment.

At this moment, Lu Ping's eyes were full of relief and tenderness.

"I will teach you the Patronus Charm."

Harry smiled.

Lupine sighed: "Generally speaking, we need to maintain courage in the face of fear. Fortunately, Hogwarts has many dark corners that are in disrepair. My Boggart storage has not been completely exhausted..."

So next Harry began to learn to face Dumbledore who wanted to expel him.

But it was obvious that such a threat was a bit too scary for Harry.

His progress was slow.

While everyone was still looking for traces of Sirius, Lu Ke quietly came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Here, there is a rare plant that Professor Sprout has been caring for.

A whomping willow.

Lu Ke casually walked under the Whomping Willow.

Then the willow tree began its attack.

Countless branches fell rapidly like a heavy rain, causing a continuous and terrifying scream.

Lu Ke casually pushed aside the willow branches that were about to fall on him and walked slowly to the foot of the tree.

Then the strongest branch of the Whomping Willow fell.

It was like a boulder fell and hit Lu Ke's fist hard.



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