Due to various changes, this time the person who asked Snape to teach women's clothing was not Neville, but Crabbe.

Luke's existence brought about many changes. Snape was no longer an annoying professor who stared at Harry and deducted points from Gryffindor, and his tolerance for stupidity was much higher.

Therefore, Neville was not afraid of Snape, at least it was not Snape who he was most afraid of.

But Slytherin is different.

Many people think that the worst students in Hogwarts are in Hufflepuff. In fact, this is not the case. Most of the worst students in Hogwarts are in Slytherin, and less than half are in Ravenclaw.

Some people just don't want to accept the Sorting Hat's choice of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Instead, they must prove that they possess certain qualities by entering a certain college.

Some of them are pseudo-Ravenclaws who emphasize what they lack, and more of them are pure-blood fanatics who clearly lack talent, but are absolutely unwilling to admit that they are not Slytherin.

Crabbe and Goyle are the two leaders.

After Lu Ke's long efforts to correct Slytherin, Snape finally vaguely saw this, and now Malfoy no longer wants these two followers, so they have become particularly unpopular with Snape.

As for why the funny sight Crabbe had in mind was women's clothing, it was a wonderful coincidence.

But while all the other students were laughing, the Slytherins were looking at Crabbe with "you're dead" expressions on their faces.

Unfortunately, even if Crabbe knew this in advance, he could not change the fact that he was most afraid of Snape.

Lupine smiled meaningfully.

Harry looked embarrassed, and Ron and Hermione could only try their best not to laugh.

Such an effort seemed particularly difficult when Malfoy was laughing maniacally next to them.

Snape was not a popular professor, and Slytherin only needed fear, not respect.

Lupine's lessons continued, followed by Ron, who was afraid of spiders, and then Harry.

To everyone's surprise, what Harry saw was Dumbledore.

Then Dumbledore told Harry with a serious face that he was expelled from Hogwarts.

As a result, the headmaster turned into a little piggy version of Dudley.

Harry himself was shocked, he had never expected that the funny thing he could think of was Dudley.

Of course, because of the disrespect for Dumbledore and Harry's courage, he quickly asked the Boggart to give up.

Lupine was obviously a little surprised, because he had never seen a student as talented as Harry.

Then there's Malfoy.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Malfoy's fear was Lu Ke.

He stood in front of Malfoy with a cold face, then smiled and nodded: "You lack the talents of Slytherin."

Then Malfoy spent a long time getting the boggart to become what he imagined it to be: some pudgy magical creature that no one had ever seen before.

Then there is Hermione. The thing she is afraid of is Professor McGonagall. It should be said that Harry and others are not surprised at all.

But what Hermione found funny was a middle-aged man that no one had ever seen before, who looked like a Muggle.

When Hermione returned to a few people, Ron asked her curiously: "What is that? A Muggle?"

Hermione glanced at Harry helplessly: "You don't know the most famous comedian?"

Harry shook his head: "I usually can't watch TV."

Hermione was stunned for a moment: "I'm sorry."

Harry shook his head: "We're all a bit surprised though, aren't we."

Then they laughed together.

Only Malfoy still looked troubled and unrecovered.

Harry and the three of them didn't care. Although Malfoy was considered a friend now, Gryffindor would never understand Slytherin's ambition.

After class, several people left the classroom together, talking excitedly about what happened in the class while walking.

"After so long, we finally met a similar Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I really hope he can stay at Hogwarts."

But everyone knows that is impossible.

Nothing can withstand the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

As they were walking through the corridor, Harry suddenly said: "Does Professor Lupine know any spells that can fight Dementors?"

Everyone here fell silent for a while.

They didn't know much about Dementors, but they still knew that they were very scary monsters.

Hermione sighed: "Maybe, but I'm afraid it's difficult. If we want to learn..."

Harry nodded.

He secretly made up his mind to seize this rare opportunity.

Professor Lupine might be willing to give some extra credit to students who work hard, which is something Harry learned from Lu Ke's first-year experience.

The next day, the fourth grade students also had a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Lu Ke and Johanna walked towards the classroom together.

On the way, Johanna glanced at Lu Ke casually: "Without the magic spell, how can you fight against the Boggart?"

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "Will the courses for fourth grade be the same as those for third grade?"

Johanna smiled.

"You forget, Professor Lupine doesn't know what we studied in first grade."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "Okay, but I don't know what I will find funny..."

Johanna smiled: "You will naturally think of it when you need it."

They walked into the classroom together, and then Lupine walked in, and he actually made the fourth years meet the poor boggart too.

In fact, Boggarts can also be tired and scared. After the torture yesterday afternoon, Boggarts are already very lethargic.

Lupine told the students the news with a look of regret: "Maybe I will have to skip Boggart in the following courses, or find a new one..."

However, the content of this class is still the same. One by one, students stand up and face their fears.

Soon it was Lu Ke's turn.

When he stood in front of the Boggart, Lu Ke was at a loss.

He wanted to know what he was afraid of, but every time this happened, the memory of dying under Gryffindor's sword would come flooding back.

Then the strong and turbulent emotions will fall silent in an instant.

This is not Lu Ke's own will, but his instinct to survive.

If Lu Ke allowed such feelings to control him even for a brief moment, Gryffindor would send him to death again.

So in the end, Boggart was still changing crazily, but never stopped.

Lu Ping looked at Lu Ke in surprise: "A fearless person...or a master with a closed mind..."


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