After all, the magic stone is in Lu Ke's hands. He can make a bottle of elixir at any time and have as much as he wants.

Of course, this also requires a certain level of alchemy, and Lu Ke has only recently become confident in doing so.

Of course, in addition to the elixir of life, there is also the more important tracking potion.

It was a magical item between a potion and an alchemical product. Lu Ke felt that this was his most valuable alchemical achievement in a long time.

It would be a risk to let Voldemort get the coveted elixir, but Lu Ke felt that he could do it.

For Voldemort, who is currently possessed by the Rune Snake, obtaining the elixir of life will not restore his strength to any extent. Even if Voldemort is eager to leave the Rune Snake, he will recover the previous damage caused by the division of the soul. crazy.

And if Voldemort does not leave, then he will still be a poisonous snake, and other than that, his strength will not be restored at all.

Moreover, the elixir only brings vitality, and it does not make Voldemort more difficult to kill. He is still a fragile, dangerous, but lingering, half-dead poor dark wizard.

So now, Voldemort is in Lu Ke's control, and no matter what Lu Ke wants to do to him, he can do it easily.

Of course, Lu Ke would not do anything to him so quickly. Lu Ke wanted to know whether Grindelwald's remnants were related to Voldemort, and if so, to what extent.

To be honest, until now, Lu Ke has never felt that Voldemort was a threat, but Grindelwald's remnants did.

The order and prohibition were followed by the disciplined cooperation of a professional army.

The stubbornness to achieve goals regardless of personal safety.

The plan was meticulous, and the lion spared no effort in defeating the rabbit.

All of this made Lu Ke very clear that he was facing an unprecedented threat.

Compared with these elderly wizards, Voldemort is simply a harmless fool.

This is just the first step of the plan, which has been completed perfectly. Next, Lu Ke will not waste time on Voldemort. He will deal with the really dangerous snake.

Lu Ke went to find Bloody Barrow.

The knight welcomed Lu Ke's arrival, but what Lu Ke brought him was not good news.

Of course, Lu Ke didn't say anything about snake monsters.

"I'm curious, what is the so-called secret room?"

Barrow hesitated for a moment: "That's what my father left behind. Actually... I do know something."

"But I am the ghost of Slytherin, and I cannot allow anything to harm the students of Hogwarts. In fact, I have been prepared a long time ago. If the Chamber of Secrets is opened again, I will stop the things hidden inside, but My father’s spell limits me.”

Lu Ke nodded.

What Barrow said was completely different from what Lu Ke thought before. Now it seems that the secret room is not as well hidden as Lu Ke originally thought.

"So, you know where the secret room is?"

Barrow shook his head: "The secret room may be anywhere with a snake-shaped decoration, but that is not important. What is important is that only a Parseltongue can open the entrance to the secret room. This is my father's guarantee to ensure that the secret room will exercise his will."

Lu Ke smiled: "The Slytherin family is really stubborn..."

Barrow nodded: "Because that is the pride of pure blood."

Lu Ke sighed: "I will not allow anything to threaten the safety of Hogwarts students, so tell me all the clues about the Chamber of Secrets, and I will solve this matter before anything really happens."

Barrow was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Snake, inside the secret room is a snake king. It is the most dangerous magical creature my father has ever seen, and my father found a set of hidden passages for it. In addition, "

Lu Ke nodded: "Sorry."

Barrow shook his head: "There's no need to care, I'm just telling the truth."

Lu Ke nodded and left.

In this way, he got a little closer.

But it's not enough.

Back in the hall, Johanna ate breakfast carelessly and asked Lu Ke: "Did you go find a ghost?"

Lu Ke nodded: "The one in the secret room is the Snake King."

Johanna was stunned for a moment: "We already knew it was a snake. What is the King of Snakes?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "I have never heard of such a magical creature."

Johanna was silent for a moment: "Maybe we should ask the professor of Care of Magical Creatures."

Lu Ke nodded: "That's fine."

So they went to see Professor Kettleburn from the Care of Magical Creatures class after class at noon.

The old professor would stay in his office when he didn't have classes. The fire was burning brightly, making the whole room very warm, even a little hot, making people drowsy.

However, Professor Kettleburn still welcomes Lu Ke as a teaching assistant.

So Lu Ke told him about the so-called "Snake King".

Professor Kettleburn couldn't help laughing: "The so-called snake king is a very rare and ancient term, which refers to the basilisk."

Lu Ke and Johanna laughed together.

"So...what is a basilisk?"

Professor Kettleburn smiled: "It is a super dangerous magical creature that is absolutely forbidden to be kept. It can kill all creatures it sees. In short, it is very dangerous. You definitely don't want to see it." Lu Ke nodded. "So if you want to keep a basilisk in Hogwarts, where is the best place?" Lu Ke couldn't help asking. Then Professor Kettleburn looked at Lu Ke in surprise. "Nowhere is okay. Hogwarts will not allow such dangerous magical animals to exist, and the basilisk is also easy to kill. As long as you know what it is afraid of, you know there are roosters in Hogwarts, and their calls are what the basilisk fears the most. In short, don't be lucky and don't do evil things, Lu Ke." Professor Kettleburn looked serious. Lu Ke was stunned for a moment before he realized that the "evil things" he said were to keep a basilisk in Hogwarts. Kettleburn thought Lu Ke wanted to keep a basilisk himself. But Lu Ke certainly wouldn't do that. "Of course I won't do that, Professor."

Professor Kettleburn nodded: "That's best."

Then Luke and Johanna said goodbye and left together.

As the two walked down the stairs together, Johanna sighed: "Hermione must be sad. She was full of confidence and wanted to impress you."


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