Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 12 Leaving Privet Drive

Of course, Lu Ke knew the fact.

He knew that the Weasley family was always the best choice, or even the only suitable choice.

But Lu Ke did not go to Weasley's house.

Dumbledore looked at Lu Ke and smiled: "For Harry, what do you think of living in the Weasley family?"

Lu Ke turned around and glanced at Snape.

Snape quickly said: "He can go to Spider End Alley."

Dumbledore shook his head: "Since Harry is friends with Ron now, it would be good for him to stay at his friend's house. Although the Granger house is also good, it is a Muggle family after all."

Dumbledore kept his words, but Snape, although very reluctant, said nothing more.

"What do you think, Lu Ke?"

Lu Ke thought for a moment, then nodded: "Since Mrs. Weasley is here, I think it's okay."

Dumbledore nodded: "You take Harry to the Weasley house, the Muggle way, so that you can avoid the Death Eaters. As for how to find the place, you decide alone."

Lu Ke nodded: "Should I go now?"

Dumbledore nodded: "Sorry Lu Ke, I don't know what went wrong. This is a temporary arrangement."

Lu Ke nodded, then turned and walked out of the principal's office.

Lu Ke can probably understand Dumbledore's concerns and arrangements.

If Harry Potter always seems to be on the edge of danger, but has always had the aura of the protagonist, so he has not run into trouble, then in fact this is an illusion created by Dumbledore's arrangement.

None of Harry's adventures were completed without Dumbledore's watchful eye. Although there were accidents sometimes, they were only sometimes.

But this time, the house elf's actions completely bypassed Dumbledore's sight.

At any time, wizards cannot completely take into account the actions of house elves. This is almost a natural flaw of wizards.

That's why Lu Ke was so popular in the kitchen.

And Dumbledore's arrangement also shows that he now absolutely trusts Lu Ke.

Because this is equivalent to letting Lu Ke replace Dumbledore as Harry's protector.

Lu Ke was also a little surprised, but he still found it more troublesome.

Protecting Harry is definitely not an easy task, just look at how much preparation Dumbledore has made.

Fortunately, Lu Ke only needs to be responsible for this part of the journey. As for how to find where the Weasley family is, it is a very simple matter.

Lu Ke first returned to the dormitory, took out a pen and paper, asked the sapphire quill to write a letter to Mrs. Weasley, and then tied it to Pallas's leg.

This was the first time that Lu Ke used an owl to deliver a message. Pallas looked dissatisfied, but in the end he flew out and disappeared into the night.

According to Pallas's flight speed, when Lu Ke arrives at Privet Drive, it will probably bring the reply back.

It was impossible for Mrs. Weasley not to tell Luke the location of the Weasley home, because she would definitely take care of Harry.

Lu Ke quietly walked out of Hogwarts in darkness, and then embarked on a long journey.

At the same time, Dumbledore was standing in the principal's office with Snape.

"About Ravenclaw's Diadem"

Dumbledore sighed: "Can you make a potion that can destroy it?"

Snape shook his head: "There is no such dangerous potion, Dumbledore, but didn't we agree to keep it for now? Don't you?"

Dumbledore nodded: "I already know what this is."

Snape looked surprised: "What is it?"

Dumbledore sighed: "No matter what it is, it is an extremely dangerous dark magic item, Severus. The only thing we should do is to destroy it."

Snape sighed: "I don't know of a potion that can do that, not even dark magic."

Dumbledore nodded: "I don't know how to use black magic, so just wait. Maybe I can study it again, but I don't want this. This is an overly dangerous product of black magic."

Snape nodded silently.

Lu Ke spent a day and a night returning to Privet Drive again.

At this time, it was almost dark.

While on the way, Lu Ke had already received a reply from Mrs. Weasley. She welcomed Harry to the Weasley house and mentioned that Ron would definitely take good care of Harry.

At the end of the letter, Mrs. Weasley told Luke how to get to Weasley's house.

Lu Ke knocked on the Dursley's door.

He was a little curious about what kind of surprise the Dursleys would give him this time.

But this time there was no surprise at all. It was Vernon who opened the door, and Dudley and Petunia were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Lu Ke was not surprised at all, Harry was not here.

"Good evening, Dursley"

Lu Ke dragged his voice and walked into the door.

Fenon obviously didn't want him to come in, but unfortunately, he lost to Lu Ke in the ever-unfailing power confrontation.

Lu Ke walked straight to Harry's bedroom door.

Then he discovered that the chain had replaced the door lock that he had destroyed.

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "Do you know that if you were in a movie, you would be characters that can only appear in super bad movies?"

"Because any villain in a good movie will have a little bit of brilliance, even if it's just a small little bit."

"And you have none of it."

As he spoke, Lu Ke broke the iron chain.

He opened the door and turned on the light.

Harry got out of bed with a surprised look on his face: "Lu Ke?"

Judging from Harry's appearance, he wasn't asleep at all just now, and he still had a quill in his hand.

Lu Ke nodded: "You can do your homework when Ron is around, and you can also discuss what the correct answer is together."

Harry looked surprised: "What are you talking about?"

Lu Ke smiled: "I'm saying, we are leaving here now."

Harry smiled with surprise on his face: "Really? Dumbledore allows it?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Hurry up and pack your things, Dumbledore asked me to come."

Harry rushed to the side of the room.

Lu Ke turned around and looked at Fenon, who was looking at him angrily: "Have you hidden anything belonging to Harry?"

Fenon roared and shook his head: "No!"

Then Harry's voice came from behind Lu Ke: "The wand, the broomstick, the things I need for school are all in the cupboard under the stairs!"

Lu Ke nodded: "So you don't even blink when you lie. This is a characteristic of successful people, Mr. Dursley."

Lu Ke said as he walked around Dursley, walked to the bottom of the stairs, opened the cupboard, and pulled out a large box from inside.

At this time, Harry had just finished packing.

Lu Ke nodded to him: "Let's go."


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