Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 8 Weasley’s Approval

Ron didn't expect everything to happen so suddenly.

While he was still sitting with Katharine looking out the window, the Weasley family suddenly came down.

And everyone.

Mrs. Weasley said with a trace of regret on her face: "I asked, we can play here together."

Together, the twins made faces at Ron behind Mrs. Weasley.

Ron sighed helplessly.

Because he had already seen that the dark wizard who was still hesitating outside had already rushed towards here.

Ron snatched the wand from Kathleen's hand and cast the spell without hesitation.


Almost at the same time, the wizard who rushed in raised his wand and shouted at the Weasley family: "Avada Kadawa!"

At that moment, the entire Weasley family panicked.

But they soon discovered that they had nothing to panic at all.

Because Ron had solved all the troubles with his super reaction speed.

A dark wizard without his wand was no threat at all.

What's more, many Aurors rushed in from outside the small hotel. They were obviously here to protect Kathleen. They all looked pale now, and they all seemed to understand that their future was over.

Kathleen hid behind Ron with a look of excitement and fear: "Thank you, Ron!"

Ron let out a sigh of relief.

Even though everything happened quickly, he was definitely nervous.

But Ron still liked the feeling that he was actually doing the right thing.

Mrs. Weasley rushed up and hugged Ron.

"You stupid boy!"

"Why don't you run away immediately when you encounter danger?"

Ron sighed helplessly.

"Okay, it's okay."

Mrs. Weasley let out a sigh of relief.

"Are we being targeted?"

Ron shook his head: "There won't be anyone else."

Mrs. Weasley hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "Okay, let's go back to the room. I don't think there will be another dark wizard like this."

Kathleen stood up and stopped Ron: "Ron wants to come with me as a witness."

Mrs. Weasley hesitated.

The twins immediately spoke understandingly: "Mom, you and Dad take Percy with you to stay with Ron. We will help take care of Ginny."

They said and smiled at Ginny.

Ginny said knowingly: "Go on, Mum, Ron needs you."

Mrs. Weasley let out a long sigh: "Percy stay, let's go dear."

Mr. Weasley nodded and followed Mrs. Weasley, and the two of them followed Ron.

"Why don't these dark wizards give up? Don't they know there are Aurors here?"

Ron said casually on the way.

Then Kathleen laughed: "Of course they think there are no Aurors here. Although a dark wizard has been captured, the Aurors will not send people to guard the witnesses just because of this, because your testimony has already been completed."

Mrs. Weasley almost opened her mouth to accuse someone, but Mr. Weasley stopped her.

They arrived at the Ministry of Magic stronghold just now, and under the heavy protection of the Aurors, Ron completed his testimony.

Just like last time, because Kathleen was on the side, it didn't take him much time at all to complete his testimony and then he could leave.

It was a peaceful day after that, but Ron was not surprised at all.

The Weasleys are all in a good mood now.

The twins and Ginny hid from Percy and went to the Wild Stone Park for a whole day to play, because Katherine said it was absolutely safe, and the Weasleys did not insist.

Then the next day, the Aurors from the French Ministry of Magic sent the results of their interrogation.

But of course Ron had no right to know this. The Auror was here to report to Kathleen.

Then Kathleen told Ron.

"That thief is not a Death Eater, he is a dark wizard who wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone."

Ron smiled and nodded, just as he expected.

Kathleen smiled and shook her head: "But he was so unlucky that he met you in the first step of his plan, Ron."

"But he thinks the Philosopher's Stone is in you."

Ron was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

Katherine smiled: "Because the gold you used to attract the gold bugs was made of the magic stone."

Ron was stunned.

He completely understood that the piece of gold was taken from Lu Ke, so there was only one explanation. Lu Ke had access to the magic stone, at least he used the magic stone to make gold.

But this shouldn't happen.

Even if Lu Ke had access to the magic stone, he shouldn't use the magic stone to make gold.

Ron was momentarily confused.

But Kathleen's explanation continued.

"The dark wizard who was caught later was an accomplice of the thief. There was supposed to be cooperation between him and the thief, but after the thief was caught, he planned to steal the magic stone alone, so he came to find you."

Ron sighed: "Fortunately he came to me, otherwise we would have missed the thief's accomplice."

Kathleen smiled and nodded: "But that's all because you really defeated the dark wizard like a hero."

Ron smiled.

Seeing the adoring look in Kathleen's eyes, it didn't matter what Lu Ke or the Philosopher's Stone was. Ron felt that this was what he wanted.

Maybe becoming a hero is just a process, and the most important result is a friend he has never had before, a good friend who only belongs to Ron.

Ron hesitated for a moment: "I will leave France in two days and go back to Gris."

Kathleen smiled: "I will always stay with you before you leave."

Ron sighed: "But we have to leave here tomorrow to watch the Quidditch match."

It was an invitational tournament in France, not as big as the World Cup, but just as exciting and seeing more teams.

Kathleen smiled: "If we are going there, then we are on the way."

Ron couldn't help but laugh excitedly: "Really?"

Kathleen nodded.

Then they stayed together until very late in the evening.

After Katharine left, Ron returned to the Weasley family's residence.

Mrs. Weasley looked at him and smiled happily for the first time.

"You did a great job Ron. Be as reliable as you are today."

Ron smiled and nodded.

The twins were hiding and making faces at him.

But the friendly kind.

They remembered clearly that it was Ron who had managed to take Mr. Weasley away, leaving them alone with Ginny.

The Weasleys then went to rest.

It was a very tiring day with a lot going on, and the Weasleys soon fell into sleep.

At this time, Lu Ke had just returned to his room.

He was a little worried but didn't know what to do.


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