Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 53 Brothers reviewing together

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "Mysterious man."

"Our trap almost completely failed. This time the mysterious man took action, but I didn't see clearly who he was possessing, nor his real purpose."

Johanna sighed: "He controlled Hermione just to attract the unicorn."

Lu Ke sighed: "Then let her be cursed, so that Granger can be completely controlled..."

But in fact, before that, Voldemort had completely controlled Hermione. There was no need to doubt the Dark Lord's proficiency in the Imperius Curse, he would not fail.

In other words, Voldemort actually did something completely unnecessary.

Johanna nodded: "I guess what he really wants to do is still behind. It's really troublesome... How about we just deal with Malfoy."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "I'm still not sure, and you are right not to confront the mysterious man head-on. We have no chance of winning."

Johanna glanced at Lu Ke: "Are you sure?"

"The mysterious person with that kind of wand can do as much as he wants, and as long as Avada Kedavra is cast once, Malfoy will be pulled into the endless darkness and become a dark wizard. His mind is very immature and may even completely collapse. ”

Johanna sighed: "I didn't take action just because I wanted to reconcile with Hermione. Now it seems that I saved Malfoy once."

Lu Ke nodded: "We can only continue the fishing plan, but now, the mysterious man should be completely unwary of Hermione, right?"

Johanna nodded: "I hope this matter can end soon. My patience is not good, and you'd better help me quickly to make Hermione change her mind. Otherwise, maybe when there is a problem with my performance, I will let Hermione change her mind." The whole plan failed."

Lu Ke nodded: "I understand."

So on Sunday, Lu Ke rarely accompanied Harry and the others to the library.

Help guide homework.

This matter was not Lu Ke's plan. He just wanted to find Harry and the others to do something together. As a result, Hermione took everyone to the library without hesitation.

"We have exams in ten weeks!"

Hermione stared at Harry and Ron sternly like Professor McGonagall, while slapping the thick book on the long table.

"You should study hard and find a way to get a good grade."

Harry was speechless and Ron muttered under his breath, but it was obvious that neither of them felt the need to start reviewing now.

But Hermione was determined.

She hesitated and glanced at Lu Ke: "I heard that you were the student with the best grades among the four colleges last year..."

Lu Ke raised his head and recalled: "I don't know... and because I am a squib, the Charms and Transfiguration classes are tested in other ways, as is the flying skill."

Hermione hesitated for a moment: "Shafiq told me that you have written two papers. You can get full marks from the first to seventh grade in Charms and Transfiguration, and you can get full marks in the History of Magic class."

Lu Ke nodded: "But I am still a squib, and this matter will not help you in your review."

At this moment, Harry turned and looked at Lu Ke: "But you helped design the mechanism that guards the Sorcerer's Stone, right?"

Lu Ke sighed: "All the professors at Hogwarts helped design the mechanism. It is absolutely safe."

Hermione seemed to regard this as an excuse for Harry to escape from review. She interrupted the topic with a serious face: "Now, you'd better start reviewing. If you have any questions, you can ask Lu Ke or me."

Then the trio started flipping through the books.

Lu Ke sat aside and looked up at the sky.

Winter has passed.

It was a sunny day and the sky was incredibly blue.

Just when he was thinking this, Hermione placed a thick book in front of Lu Ke: "What does it mean?"

Lu Ke lowered his head and glanced at it. It was an explanatory textbook.

The part Hermione was pointing at was an advanced use of the Levitation Spell, which could stop a sprinting object.

"Wouldn't it be faster to become lighter?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "If it is an animal, yes, but other objects are not."

He was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"I don't know why Johanna is friends with you."

Hermione immediately showed an angry look: "She's trying to get close to Harry! I've heard enough of those lies. Of course, who would be friends with an ugly Muggle-born witch? No one!"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment.

"I really shouldn't get involved in this, but Johanna...she..."

Hermione closed the big book hard and made a loud noise: "I'm going to review."

Lu Ke was silent.

Then he stood up, walked to the bookshelf, and pulled out a book dedicated to unicorns.

Then he returned to Harry, opened the book, turned to the page about the Unicorn Blood Curse, and pushed the book in front of Hermione.

Hermione glanced at it and then looked away: "This is really ridiculous. There are indeed unicorns in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, but no student has the ability to catch them, let alone drink their blood. "

Lu Ke could only remain silent.

He didn't know how to explain the conflict between Johanna and Hermione, because from the beginning Lu Ke was not sure of Johanna's real purpose of approaching Hermione.

And Lu Ke didn't dare to make it too clear. Even if Johanna made so many sacrifices, she at least kept Hermione away from the threat of Voldemort.

If Hermione knew what Voldemort had done, this Gryffindor might go directly to Malfoy.

Lu Ke couldn't let this happen no matter what.

He could only sit silently at the table, motionless.

Then Hermione pushed the book over again: "Why is this happening?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment.

"Because the suspension spell changes not the gravity, but the mass of the object, so living things will run faster, and objects that rely on inertia will be stopped by air resistance due to the reduction of inertia."

Hermione nodded: "I understand... I used to think that the levitation spell reduced gravity."

Lu Ke glanced at Hermione: "No. But reducing gravity will also bring about the effect of levitation. Of course, that is a completely different spell."

Hermione glanced at Lu Ke curiously: "Do you know that curse?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "You don't need to know. You are preparing for the exam now. Don't be distracted while reviewing."

Hermione was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Oh, yes..."

She lowered her head and slowly turned the page.

"So you really know?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "Yes."



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