Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 40 Memorizing words will kill you

Lu Ke nodded.

He knew that Snape had finished mixing the Polyjuice Potion himself.

And the fishmen have no hair.

This is a...

cold joke.

Although Lu Ke himself has no sense of humor, at least he is better than Snape.

Putting away the polyjuice potion, Lu Ke walked out of the classroom.

But now he can't go directly to the Black Lake.

Although Snape knew how poor Lu Ke's talent was, he still thought highly of Lu Ke.

Just polyjuice potion, there was no way Lu Ke could easily learn the language of the fishmen.

He needs a little help.

Lu Ke returned to the hall.

Sitting at the long Slytherin table, listening to the sound of burning candles, Lu Ke neatly placed the books in his hand.

This was not the environment he was used to, but it was the environment he had been in during the summer vacation as he struggled to digest the thousand Ravenclaw spells in his mind.

Slowly, Lu Ke began to remember the painful feeling at that time, and then calmed down.

It's this feeling, the feeling of being able to recall everything easily and never forget it again.

Trying not to let this feeling leave, Lu Ke absentmindedly walked out of the castle and came to the Black Lake in the cold wind.

Then he drank the Polyjuice Potion.

Just one bite at a time can completely transform a wizard.

Lu Ke began to feel difficulty breathing.

But he was still careless, thinking only about the feeling in the hall just now.

Then Lu Ke walked into the water.

He didn't feel bitingly cold, just cool and comfortable.

And he could finally breathe, and the suffocation he felt on the shore completely disappeared.

Lu Ke swam towards the water without hesitation.

It was dark under the Black Lake, but in Lu Ke's eyes now, there was a comfortable brightness everywhere. Although it was dark, he could not see clearly at all.

There were aquatic plants and fish everywhere in the water. Lu Ke was swimming alone in the water. He didn't know how long it had passed before he suddenly heard singing.

That was undoubtedly coming from the murlocs.

Lu Ke swam in the direction of the sound.

It wasn't long before he saw the mermaid swimming in the water.

Just around the room in the reef.

This seemed to be a village, occupying a large area. Lu Ke could only see part of the edge for the time being. The terrain at the bottom of the lake was very complex, like a mountain.

The two mermaids swam up to Lu Ke and looked at him curiously.

They seemed to regard Lu Ke as the same kind, and they spoke the same language as singing.

"Uh uh uh……"

Lu Ke just gestured and spoke vaguely. Anyway, he couldn't speak the mermaid's language.

But surprisingly, it seemed that some things were engraved in his bones. Lu Ke knew how to pronounce some simple syllables to express basic meanings without learning.

In this way, he talked with the fish-man underwater for a long time.

It feels like a fish learning to swim in the water.

Many times, Lu Ke would be surprised to find that he actually knew what to do.

Before the polyjuice potion wore off, Lu Ke stopped talking and left alone.

Shivering in the cold wind, he returned to the hall, and then went to the library to borrow a book on mermaid language before having dinner.

He was so unsure of himself before that he never thought about reading the book, but after this conversation, he found that everything was not that complicated after all.

Just as Lu Ke expected, the reading book was very thin.

Not because this book is just an introductory book, but because the mermaid's language is very simple.

While having dinner, Lu Ke read the entire book by the way.

Mermaid's language has two characteristics, one is simple and primitive, and the other is its own rhythm in pronunciation.

Most learners of Mermaid Language will be stumped by the latter point, but for Lu Ke, this is not a difficulty at all.

So he only needs to use this time to memorize a small number of mermaid words, and then he can talk to the mermaids.

It sounds simple, but for Lu Ke, memorizing words is always an extremely painful thing.

In the next few days, he was busy with this matter every day and fell into endless suffering.

Although everything is simply incredible after the Polyjuice Potion turns into a mermaid, it is a metaphysical question whether it can be remembered after the effect of the potion is over.

One time, Pallas sent something to William that Lu Ke had asked for before, but this incident made Lu Ke forget all the words he had memorized all day long.

But after a full week, Lu Ke still completed all preparations.

On a sunny winter day, Lu Ke came to the edge of the Black Lake with diving medicine and a long-prepared secret weapon.

He took a deep breath and lowered Pallas from his shoulders.

"Wish me luck."

Then he drank the diving potion in one gulp, and Lu Ke walked into the water.

He has no fins, but he can swim; he has no gills, but he can breathe; he has no nictitating membrane, but he can open his eyes underwater.

Lu Ke took the familiar road and went straight to the mermaid's village.

But before arriving at his destination, he met Grindylow.

It is a magical animal in the water hidden in the water plants, and its characteristic feature is the horns on its head.

Lu Ke solved it easily.

Compared to him, these little monsters were pitifully weak.

After ending this episode, Lu Ke continued to move forward and soon arrived in front of the fishman village.

As soon as they entered the village, a fishman swam over with a spear in hand.

They looked like beasts rather than civilized creatures, with sharp teeth, huge silver fish tails, and long hair flowing down behind them.

Lu Ke raised his hands: "I come with good intentions."

He spoke fishman language.

This obviously stunned the two fishmen.

Then they nodded and asked Lu Ke to follow them.

After swimming through the underwater rocks and through the water plants, they finally came to a place that looked like a square.

The place is surrounded by mermaid huts made of rocks, and there is a tall mermaid statue in the middle of the open space.

This surprised Lu Ke. Judging from the appearance of the statue, the mermaid had a lot of power.

Not long after, a female fish came to Lu Ke.

Judging from the necklace around her neck, it is far more delicate than other mermaids, and she seems to be a leader.

"Why are you here, shore man?"

Lu Ke nodded and took out the Hufflepuff badge from his arms.

At that moment, the eyes of the surrounding mermaids changed.

"So...you came here for that lady's test..."

The mermaid matriarch nodded, and then sighed: "I know about this so-called test, but I never thought about who I would test. This is really a surprise."

She didn't say this in the mermaid's language because there were so many words in it that didn't even exist in the mermaid's language.

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "But the tide will always be there."

The matriarch nodded silently.



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