"While the heart is asleep and the brain is awake, it is absolute sanity."

Snape nodded.

He has completely understood Lu Ke's thinking.

"However, someone once prepared this potion, only to find that it had no effect at all."

Lu Ke nodded: "It's not effective against wizards, but I'm a squib."

"My brain is not the same as a wizard's."

Snape nodded: "Which book did you find the recipe for the failed potion from?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "I just saw the existence of this potion."

Snape was silent for a moment.

"You wasted a very rare potion that could have made you feel pure joy."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "I will never drink that thing again until I die."

Snape then watched Luke return to the Slytherin common room.

According to his request, Lu Ke must stay in bed for the rest of the day.

But Lu Ke didn't want to do this.

He sat in the corner of the common room and took out the alchemy textbook he borrowed from the library.

Quirrell's wand is very impressive, but it is obviously not a Horcrux. The current Voldemort obviously does not have the power to split the soul again. This is a very clever alchemical product.

Lu Ke's alchemy has been making slow progress, and what he lacks is not time.

Only when a person really starts to study on his own will he understand how important the teacher is. Everything they say casually will take him a month or two to understand, and it may even take him to a very high level to think about it in retrospect.

But now Lu Ke has no alchemy teacher.

But as soon as he opened the book, Malfoy returned with his assistants.

It was now Saturday afternoon, and all the students who had just watched a duel were enjoying their vacation outside. Only Malfoy and his team, who had failed, had just gone to the school hospital for treatment of their injuries, and then returned to the common room when no one was paying attention.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into Lu Ke directly.

For a moment, several people's eyes flashed.

Then Marcus and others took out their wands.

"Everything is petrified."

Lu Ke was frozen in a strange posture. He seemed to be looking down at something, not expecting the petrification spell to suddenly come.

With a smile twisted by resentment on his face, Malfoy walked up to Lu Ke.

"I've seen it, there's no potion on your device anymore, right, you squib!"

He seemed to be enjoying the moment of getting revenge, and also seemed to be thinking about how to complete his revenge on Lu Ke.

At that moment, the door to the common room opened.

Snape first saw Lu Ke, who was facing the door.

"You should go to the dormitory to rest, Lu Ke."

Then Snape discovered that Lu Ke was unable to move.

He looked left and right.

Then Snape understood everything.

Malfoy looked at Snape in surprise, but not much fear.

"We'll help him get back, Professor."

Snape walked up to Malfoy with a gloomy look on his face: "I had already rejected the request for a duel, but you had to ask me for it, so I agreed."

"You're bringing this upon yourself."

Malfoy looked at Snape angrily, and finally blurted out his real thoughts: "If you didn't lose to a stutter in the debate, I won't lose to this squib!"

All expression disappeared from Snape's face.

"Not even your father would dare speak to me like that. You have the courage of a Gryffindor."

Malfoy's face contorted in anger at these words.

Snape waved his wand at will, breaking Lu Ke's petrification spell.

"Thank you, Professor."

Snape just glared at Lu Ke coldly, then turned and left.

Lu Ke was left to slowly walk towards the dormitory under the cannibalistic gaze of the Malfoy team: "Unlucky, ladies and gentlemen, if the professor had come earlier or a little later..."

Of course this is not a coincidence.

Snape came back to find Malfoy, so the first thing he said when he entered was to tell Lu Ke to leave.

The reason why Lu Ke failed to escape the petrification curse was because at that moment he saw Snape at the door on the Ravenclaw map.

As a result, poor Malfoy was caught by Snape.

Of course, Snape, who really liked Malfoy, did not impose any substantial punishment.

But for Lu Ke, seeing Malfoy's frustrated expression was enough.

He returned to his dormitory and continued flipping through his alchemy textbook.

The impact of the duel quickly dissipated, except for the Weasley twins, who were calculating how much to pay each day, but according to rough calculations, they had earned at least twenty gold galleons, and as thanks, they Sent a gold galleon to Lu Ke.

"If there is a next time, it will be more than one galleung."

"Think about Lu Ke."

But just when Lu Ke sighed, the twins laughed.

"You're kidding, Lu Ke."

"You seem to be struggling, so take a good rest."

The twins said and turned to leave.

"Are you a little touched?"

But suddenly the twins looked back: "Is there any secret strategy for the next game between Slytherin and Gryffindor?"

Lu Ke sighed helplessly, and Johanna had already pulled out the ruby ​​sword.

The twins fled.

Lu Ke stayed away from Johanna calmly.

"I heard that you were asked to train Gryffindor's Seeker?"

Lu Ke nodded.

Johanna showed a dangerous smile: "As a Slytherin and the coach of the Quidditch team, you never seem to care about the team, nor about winning or losing. Are you ready to defect to Gryffindor? "

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "Oppose discrimination in the academy and oppose violence."

Johanna put away her sword.

"Don't let me fake the game. Even if you want to cultivate the confidence of the savior, it's not Quidditch's turn."

Lu Ke nodded: "Of course."

He knew very well about Johanna's Quidditch talent, and the numbers in the table were clear.

Compared to a natural seeker like Harry Potter, Johanna's talent was actually very average. Almost all of her advantages came from long-term, stable and scientific training.

After eating, Lu Ke was about to go back to the Slytherin common room to take a nap, but Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, rushed over and stopped him.

"You should be training Potter now."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "I need a lunch break."

Wood looked like he couldn't help but say that Lu Ke was lazy, but he still held back: "But Harry Potter is ready."

Lu Ke nodded: "He doesn't take a break at noon?"

Wood shook his head: "No, no need."

Lu Ke nodded: "You can explain the basic rules of Quidditch to him."

Wood was stunned for a moment, and then left with a complicated expression.


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