Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 325: . Not drunk into a dog (1/5)

For the last four days, I sincerely ask your brother who has a monthly ticket to cast a vote, hoping to keep our seat, thanks! ****

The protagonist of the party is always barbecue. Alas,

In Pharaoh's eyes, barbecue is meat cooked on fire, and Chinese people especially like to eat barbecue in summer. But this kind of barbecue is not the protagonist of New Zealand party. In New Zealand, barbecue is a culture.

In terms of grilling methods, New Zealanders have said that there are direct grilling, indirect grilling, smoked grilling, and smoking. There is a way of smoked grilling, and there are hot and cold smoked grilling. There are more things in it.

Pharaoh will only cook the meat on a clip. His level is not a countertop in New Zealand. Fortunately, he has a strong Chinese cooking skills, which can conceal his lack of experience in grilling.

In a New Zealand family, what about a man does not depend on the level of earning money and physical appearance, but mainly depends on two points, one is the ability to diy, the other is the ability to barbecue. As long as these two skills are good, and a little more life fun, it is deep Popular with New Zealand women.

Various flavors of barbecues were constantly on the dining table. Pharaoh stepped out, and Carter beckoned to him and laughed, "Mayor, come and play together."

Pharaoh waved his hand: "You are playing. I still have a dish. Well, we still lack a soup. Let me make a beef bone soup."

Today he dug a lot of wild vegetables from the vegetable field, such as wild celery, wild wild vegetables, wild leek, etc., which is very suitable for bone soup.

The cowboys picked out some vertebrae and leg bones. Pharaoh picked a few pieces, took some ribs, and groaned in the pressure cooker.

This takes time, Pharaoh covers the pressure cooker lid and lets it mumble. Wild vegetables are cut and placed next to them, as well as pepper, peppercorn and other seasonings, who will add soup to the soup.

Steaks, lamb chops, beef and mutton, whole roasted chicken and ducks are placed on the dining table. Aturu's two sons drool beside them. They want to go up to get them, but their mother Lily is staring at them, who Reaching out is a slap.

Although Lily was drooling, her etiquette to discipline her son was correct.

In addition to roasted meat and roasted fruits, Anderson brought apples, pears, grapes, snake fruit, oranges, kiwis and other fruits from the supermarket. He and Carter were preparing to roast.

Pharaoh looked at and was amazed: "Can fruits be roasted? How can they be roasted? We don't have such a way of eating in our hometown."

Carter said: "It's very simple. It can be grilled in an indirect way. It can be cooked in just a few minutes. If you like fruit, you must not miss this delicious dish."

Indirect barbecue is a cooking method that has only become fashionable in recent years. It is between frying and smoked roasting. It is suitable for roasting large-volume foods, such as whole chicken and duck, lamb shanks or whole fruits.

Carter pulled the charcoal fire around the oven, sprinkled some wood chips, wood chips and broken wood on it, and the billowing smoke rose up. As the wood ignited, the oven temperature soared.

Then he put fruits such as apples and pears in the middle of the oven, and after thinking about it, he put a few more onions, Anderson applauded, "Yes, roasted onions are also delicious!"

Pharaoh looked aside, he was very talented in cooking and understood the principle at a glance. This indirect barbecue is to turn the oven into an oven, and use the high temperature of the charcoal fire to roast the fruits, because there is no direct open flame contact, so The skin of the fruit will not be burnt, and the charcoal temperature is high enough to roast the pulp.

Hani brought him a bottle of beer, and he brought his son up to touch the bottle with Pharaoh, and smiled happily: "Happy spring buddy, the wonderful season has come."

The Pharaoh raised a glass to signal, Carter beckoned and shouted, "Mayor, how can you drink beer at such a moment? I brought Daiquiri. If you can accept alcohol, you must get a Daiquiri for barbecue!"

"What?" Pharaoh asked Hani.

Hani explained: "Dai Curry, you can use rum as a base cocktail, Brazilian favorite, maybe you will like it because you like fruit."

In every country that loves rum, there is a saying of daiquiri. Brazilians really like it, but they are called capilina, and they are made of rum, cane wine, cane sugar and lime.

There were goblets in the castle, and Carter took a large bottle of light cyan wine from the refrigerator and poured it one by one to signal everyone how to taste.

His wife, Catherine, explained with a smile: "My husband has studied in Brazil, so he is very good at making Brazilian barbecues and these quirky wines, but the taste is really good."

Eva gave Pharaoh a cup, and Pharaoh was startled. "When did you put the wine in the refrigerator? I don't know."

"You went to pick vegetables at that time, of course I don't know."

He took a sip. The wine was a bit like a fruit wine. It had a strong lemon flavor, sweet and sour, and of course, a spicy wine flavor, but the taste of the wine was weakened due to freezing and the mouth was soft. ,Very comfortable.

"how about it?"

"Great, a little bit sour," Pharaoh said.

Carter took out a bag of brown granulated sugar. He added a few grains to Wang Bo's glass and refilled the wine for him to taste: "What about this time?"

Pharaoh took a sip and this time the taste was softer. The oven was next to it, and the temperature was a bit high after all. This iced fruit wine was very suitable and the taste was good.

When she was ready to drink again, Eva pressed his palm and was surprised: "You still want to drink? I don't remember you drinking so well!"

"Let him drink, let him drink, the leader's drink is awesome!" Uncle Bing smiled beside him.

Pharaoh felt a little bit upset and asked, "Can't you drink more wine?"

"The base rum may be seventy-five degrees, and sugar cane wine is seventy degrees, what do you say?" Eva said helplessly, "but now the taste of the wine is suppressed by ice and lemon juice. If you drink Much more, you have it. "

Catherine came up and patted Eva's shoulder and smiled narrowly: "Someone will be ugly, isn't it better to let the mayor? I haven't met the drunk mayor. But you really care enough about him ,why?"

Eva opened her hands generously: "Unless I say I am in love with him, no matter what I say, you will not believe it, will you?"

Bowen applauded with a loud whistle: "Yes, smart girl!"

The younger Kidby looked at Pharaoh enviously: "If there is such a beautiful girl who says she loves me, then I would be drunk and die in the vats."

The mexican girl next to him looked at him and said, "You are so stupid, really, Elizabeth is behind you. I don't know what is in your head to say such a thing."

The youngster who was dumbfounded suddenly felt dumbfounded. He looked back at the beautiful female classmate and said with difficulty, "In fact, I drank too much."

Pharaoh listened to Eva's words for a while, and his heart was filled with unknown joy. He felt a headache and did not drink much wine, but was drunk like a dog.

(To be continued.)

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