Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 541: Han heroes who dare to show their swords

Is Xiucai a diligent king?

Wu Sangui and his staff in Yunnan are thinking and waiting for the final result.

Thousands of miles away in the city of Guilin, tens of thousands of Taiping soldiers were waiting, but their commander was not in the city of Guilin at this time, but went to a small village called Jintian in the Zijing Mountains.

None of the senior generals knew why the commander went to this village called Jintian, or why the commander stayed in the ruined temple of Jintian Village overnight. No one dared to approach the ruined temple, only the blind man Li sat outside the door with a hammer on his back.

That night, Blind Li was very confused and confused because he heard a term he had never heard before - "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom"

What is the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom?

The kingdom of heaven?

Blind Li looked up at the starry sky, puzzled, and finally, in a daze, he fell asleep. At dawn the next day, the door behind him was opened, and Zhou Shixiang came out of the house and kicked the blind man Li, who was still asleep, and then sent the order back to Guilin.

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Shixiang never said a word to his subordinates about what he was thinking and what he did in the ruined temple, nor did he tell his subordinates why he came to Jintian.

In this world, perhaps only the blind man Li can touch the secret hidden in Zhou Shixiang's heart - the vigorous anti-Qing movement initiated by the children of Guangdong and Guangxi, the heaven for which countless poor people fought, dedicated and despaired!

200 years later, in Jintian, the Han people from Guangdong and Guangxi untie their braids and send their strongest voice to the Manchu Qing Dynasty - killing demons!

They were contemptuously called "long hair" by the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but they also had a resounding name - Taiping Army!

In Jintian 200 years ago, the soul of a later generation also came to Jintian, and his braid had already been cut off. He also made his oath here - to destroy the Hu!

He was contemptuously called "thief scholar" by the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but he and his subordinates also had a resounding name - Taiping Army!

The same oath, also issued by the Han people.

The Han people are not two-legged sheep, because the Han people have never been short of rebels;

The backbone of the Han people can be broken, but the body of the Han people will not fall down;

One day, the broken bones will be renewed;

One day, the Han people will complete their self-redemption!

History tells the Han people that the splendid civilization they created in China is not their proudest feat;

Destroying other people's races and slaughtering other people's countries is the most proud feat of the Han people.

The ancestors of the Han people who came out of the small place by the Yellow River have slaughtered many foreign races in the long river of history, and finally the land of China was unified by the Han family.

The Han people have failed, and they have stood on the edge of the genocide several times, but the Han people have survived time and time again.

Time and time again, countless heroes emerged from the Han people, who led the Han people to fight back against the aliens, and showed them the sharpest butchering knives.

For thousands of years, the Han people have been living on the land of China, but this land has annihilated many alien races.

Han people can fail, they can sink, but they will never fall asleep.

Ten years, a hundred years...

The Han people can sleep longer, but they will eventually wake up, and they will finally understand their sacred mission - to kill all aliens.

Two hundred years later, in this small village called Jintian, the Han people from Guangdong and Guangxi woke up.

Two hundred years ago, in this small village called Jintian, a Han Chinese woke up long ago.


Inexplicably, a large group of Ming troops came to Jintian Village, which was isolated from the world, and then this large group of Ming troops left under the panic and puzzled eyes of the villagers.

After the Ming army left, it took a long time for the villagers to regain their senses. They saw that the Ming army official lived in the ruined temple for one night, so they were very curious about what the Ming army official did in the ruined temple. Some people even speculated that the Ming army official would leave any treasures in the temple. As a result, villagers with curiosity and treasure hunting poured into the ruined temple.

However, in the temple, everything is as usual, nothing has changed, and even the dust is still as much as yesterday.

The hopeful villagers searched the temple for a long time, and then they were convinced that the Ming army official did not leave any treasures in the temple. He probably just got tired of passing by with his army, so he slept in the temple all night.

The disappointed villagers were about to go home when suddenly someone shouted, "There are words on the pillars!"

The villagers crowded up immediately. There were really characters on the pillar. There were four lines from top to bottom, and each line had seven characters. It looked like a poem.

Although there were many people in the village, no one could recognize the words written on the pillar. Finally, the village chief spoke up, asking someone to go to the town and invite Tian Xiucai to come over.

Tian Xiu is the only famous scholar in the town, but his eyes were broken when he read, and if he was a little further away, he couldn't recognize who the other person was. After the other party approached, he couldn't see clearly. He had to put his head together to see the other party's appearance clearly.

Tian Xiucai also heard that the Ming army had come to Jintian Village, so when he heard that a senior official of the Ming army wrote a poem at the temple in the village, he was immediately a little excited to see the calligraphy of the official, and he rode the ox cart without talking about the reward. Just rushed over.

When they arrived at the broken temple, the villagers immediately welcomed Tian Xiucai as a VIP.

"Where is the poem?"

Tian Xiucai was highly short-sighted. Under the guidance of the villagers, he touched the pillar, and there were indeed four lines of characters in his blurred vision.

He put his head up, squinted his eyes, and found that the first word of the poem was the word "dragon", and then the word "dive".

Long Qian?

Tian Xiucai was secretly shocked. What is the identity of the poet in question, how dare he use the word "Long Qian"? ! Surprised in his heart, he read word by word, reading softly while reading.

"Longqian Cape is afraid of shocking the sky, let's take a break and jump in the abyss for the time being; wait for the gathering of the wind and clouds, soaring Liuhe will set the universe...this...this...this is anti-poem!"

Tian Xiucai cried out, he was sure that the poem on the pillar was an anti-poem!


The village chief was at a loss, and the villagers looked at each other in dismay. That Ming army official wrote an anti-poem in the ruined temple in their village? Who is he going to oppose?

"Tian Xianggong, this has a name."

A young man in the village reminded Tian Xiucai by pointing to the three small characters under the anti-poem.

Hearing this, Tian Xiucai hurriedly looked at it, but after reading it, he was stunned: "Who is Hong Xiuquan?"


Zhou Shixiang, who was on his way back to Guilin, naturally would not have thought that the poems he wrote on the pillars of the ruined temple would cause a sensation among the villagers.

That poem is indeed anti-poem, and the poet is Hong Xiuquan. Zhou Shixiang did not steal Hong Tianwang's poems as his own~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He left Hong Xiuquan's name. But he did not expect that this anti-poem would bring him a lot of trouble in the future, and even the name Hong Xiuquan became the focus of the world's speculation.

Whether in the past or this life, Zhou Shixiang never denied the significance of the Taiping Rebellion, because in his opinion, to deny the Taiping Rebellion is to deny all ordinary people who are powerless and powerless in China.

Why would a great man agree with the Taiping Rebellion, because this is the only way for the oppressed Han people to rise up and resist!

Why do some people deny the Taiping Rebellion Movement and pour sewage on the Taiping Rebellion, because they don't want ordinary people to rise up against them.

Those who joined the Taiping Army were all poor people, ordinary people, in the words of later generations, they were all hanging silks. They bravely stood up to resist the brutal rule of alien races. No matter whether they succeeded or not, they were heroes when Jintian showed his sword to the Manchu people. It's a Chinese hero!

Countless hanging silks in later generations desperately slandered the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and denied those martyrs who dared to fight. It is extremely ridiculous, because they are denying their qualifications to fight and denying themselves will change history.

Perhaps, they are tacitly accepting that they should be oppressed and ruled. (To be continued.)

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