Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 288: thief scholar set up ambush

"Damn, is the artillery team blind? Why are they shooting at us!"

The sudden shelling made Lin Jinzhong, who was leading his troops to kill the Taiping army, stunned. He thought it was his own artillery team firing indiscriminately, and he scolded his mother when he opened his mouth. From the woods beyond the river.

Not only that, but there were also rows of Taiping troops holding fire guns in the opposite woods. They stepped out of the woods in neat queues.

After the gunmen of the Taiping Army walked out of the forest, there was a sound of suona. Accompanied by the sound of the suona, the Taiping soldiers actually lined up directly into the Lutou River.

The water of the Lutou River is not deep, and it reaches a person's waist!

This is impossible!

Lin Jinzhong's scalp was numb. How could the water in the Lutou River be as shallow as a person's waist? He had brought people here before, and the river was obviously more than seven feet deep, but now it's only more than two feet!

No, it's a hit!

The **** Taiping army blocked the upstream, and that thief Xiucai had already set up an ambush in this Lutou River!

Damn thief talent!

Lin Jinzhong woke up.

"Get out, get out!"

The cannonballs falling all around and the Taiping army crossing the river made Lin Jinzhong reappear the shadow of Xinhui's fiasco. He trembled, he was afraid. He ignored the subordinates who were still fighting with the Taiping Army and ran back on horseback.

The green battalion soldiers who were chasing and killing the Taiping Army were already stunned. Cannonballs whizzed past from time to time overhead, and large iron **** raged in the crowd without eyes. Severe limbs and stumps screamed.

After the commander-in-chief's retreat sounded, the battalion soldiers came to their senses. They were not chasing and killing the Taiping troops who were fleeing for their lives. But fell into the ambush of the Taiping army.


The falling cannonballs caused the battalions to collapse in an instant, and they ran wildly towards the back road. They could no longer bear the raging cannonballs above their heads, nor could they bear this momentary change.

The battalion in front of Guangzhou House ran back, and immediately made the governor and pacesetter who followed closely in chaos. As soon as a cannonball falls, the corpse can be rounded and it is considered an ancestor's grave style_txt;

The Green Battalion soldiers who were fighting fiercely with the Taiping Army by the river were also panicked, and they would face the ruthless artillery fire of the Taiping Army if they ran back. If you rush forward, you will not be able to annihilate the recalcitrant Taiping army in front of you, not to mention that the other side's reinforcements are crossing the river. Once those gunmen come ashore, the huge disparity in their strength and the change in the battlefield situation will make the most fierce Qing troops die. Burial place.

"The official ran away. Let's not run. We can't run back. Brothers, let's save our lives!"

Some of the battalions in the crowd clamored for surrender.

The Taiping army by the river heard the Qing army shouting to surrender, and hurriedly shouted: "Brothers of the green camp, surrender quickly, our Taiping army will not kill prisoners, brother, I used to be from the Xiangshan green camp!"

After being stunned for more than ten seconds, except for the one thousand general who was unwilling to surrender and ran back with a dozen personal soldiers, the rest of the hundreds of battalion soldiers threw their weapons in front of the target who was still slashing.

"I'm waiting to come down, but I want to live!"

The collapse of the Green Camp also left Zheng Guodong's horse team at a loss. The worst thing was that they now had to face the same choice of running or not running, because a cavalry appeared on the opposite bank of the Lutou River, which was less than a mile to their right.

"Go back first!"

Zheng Guodong was not sure that he would be able to block the Taiping cavalry even when the Green Battalion infantry was crushed. But he is confident that he will have no problem taking the Colts out completely.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the cavalry retreated, the cavalry of the Taiping Army rushed up. They did not take advantage of the situation to attack the main force of the retreating Qing army infantry, but followed Zheng Guodong's cavalry to the hillside where the Qing army artillery was located.


"Fire! Fire!"

Niu Gensheng roared until his throat was hoarse, but his face was flushed with overexcited excitement. He had measured the two sides of the Lutou River more than a dozen times according to the requirements of the military commander, and he also fired guns again and again to verify, and finally determined the shelling circle.

Niu Gensheng, who originally thought that the scheduled shelling circle was not necessary, now feels that the military commander is no more wise. Because of the earlier measurement preparations, those gunners who opened the cannon can now drop the cannon on the head of the Qing army even with their eyes closed. superior. This is going to be changed to the past, where would there be such a happy and accurate shelling, at least 30 or 40% of the cannons must be missed.

"Happy, happy!"

Seeing that the Qing army was crushed by shelling, Qi Hao was also very happy. He's been waiting impatiently!

After the newly arrived infantry right battalion 2 brigade gunmen drove out of the woods, Zhou Shixiang no longer hid in the woods. At the same time, it was heartbreaking, because the defeat of the infantry left battalion on the other side of the river was not a feigned defeat he designed, but a real defeat.

The Qing army in Guangzhou came too fast. During the two days of defending Zengcheng, the left battalion of the infantry was reduced to as many as 3 guards. After that, it was supported by the pursuit of the Qing army. They could not escape the pursuit of the Qing army and retreated to Yin. The ambush circle scheduled before the war in Pingshan forced Zhou Shixiang to adjust his pre-war deployment and re-select Lutou River as the battlefield to ambush the Qing army. Otherwise, the left battalion of the infantry is likely to be wiped out.

To this end, not only did the artillery battalion move forward, but the infantry right battalion in Liangzi Township also urgently transferred 1,200 gunmen from 2 brigades to Lutouhe, while Zheng Tiezhu, who was sent to Panyu before the war to confuse the Qing army, was sent to a brigade. It will have to bear the heavy responsibility of resisting the Qing army on the left wing alone.

The tragic situation of the infantry left camp after the Qing army shelling made the Taiping army ambushed on the other side of the river full of anger. Shao Chengguo asked to fight, Tie Yi asked to fight, and Shao Jiugong also led his own battalion to respond, but they were all suppressed by Zhou Shixiang.

The sacrifice of the infantry left camp was worth it, they used the corpses to attract the Qing army to the preset battlefield.

Survival of the fittest, the road to a strong army has to pay countless costs.

? Recruits who have not experienced brutal battles and have not climbed through the mountains of blood and corpses are absolutely unbelievable, not to mention that the left battalion of the infantry is still filled with a large number of descendants. These surrendered soldiers of the Qing army not long ago, before the crisis, they would instinctively choose to avoid or surrender, just as they surrendered to the Taiping army.

The facts were exactly as Zhou Shixiang had expected. After the Qing army shelled, the reluctantly integrated formation of the left battalion of the infantry was immediately dispersed. The river rout doubled the casualties.

Only a battle of equal strength can prove who is stronger, and can also expose problems that cannot be found on weekdays.

Everything is worth it. As long as the Taiping Army can be truly built, Zhou Shixiang doesn't care how many bones are filled in the army's flag.

This era is cruel.


The artillery team was about to fire, but Li Blind grabbed the hand that Hu Qili was about to wave down, and said anxiously, "Sir, this cannon can't be fired!"

"Why can't we fight, if we don't fight again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taiping bandits will rush over!"

Hu Qili regretted that his bowels were green. He knew that the thief Xiucai had set up an ambush on the other side of the Lutou River, and he would not let the main force come out. Now that the green camp has collapsed, the battle is lost. The only thing that can reduce the loss is to prevent the Taiping army from pressing up, so that most of the soldiers and horses can be withdrawn.

Li Blind persuaded: "If the cannon is fired now, our people will also be beaten! It doesn't matter if those battalions are damaged, but if the horse team is also broken, how will the adults explain to the Governor?"

Being reminded by Li Blind, Hu Qili suddenly remembered that Zheng Guodong's horse team has not been withdrawn. good?

He instructed Li Blind: "Bring someone up to pick up the horse team, and don't let the Taiping bandits rush to our side!"


Li Blind is also a life-saving master. Hearing this, he immediately called up Hu Qili's personal troops and shouted, "Brothers, come with me and tell Taiping bandit to taste our power!"

To be continued.

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