Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 269: Lingnan 3 loyalty

There were landlords and evil gentry who supported the Qing army, and naturally there were also gentry who supported the Ming army.

Fragrant Hills is a land of humanities. Since the establishment of the county seat in the Shaoxing period of the Southern Song Dynasty, there have been 36 jinshi, more than 200 scholars, and countless scholars in the past five hundred years. According to Liao Ruixiang's statistics, there are currently more than 70 rural schools and private schools in Xiangshan, including 2 rural scholars, 16 Juren and 79 scholars. This figure is second to none among the prefectures and counties in Guangzhou, and the Xiangshan clerics have also been awarded by the imperial court for their outstanding achievements in government, school, government, and government, and most of them have been promoted.

Scholars can become officials when they become famous, and they can become gentry when they retire, and they can exert great influence in both the court and the opposition. However, the majority of these scholars enjoyed the privileges granted to them by the imperial court in peacetime in peacetime, but in times of national disaster, in order to preserve their privileges, they shook their heads at the barbarians of different races and acted as their lackeys accomplices. The Xiangshan scholars Meng Dayuan and Liu Guodao were such people. When the Qing army came, they did not organize resistance, but spared no effort to help the Qing army to attack the Ming army. It was these two who indirectly killed Zhang Jiayu, the former Prince Taibao, and Chen Zizhuang, a scholar of the Yongli Dynasty, and directly led the Qing army to kill Chen Bangyan, the head of the Department of Military Affairs of the Yongli Dynasty.

It's a pity that Meng Dayuan and Liu Guodao fled before the Taiping army came, which made Zhou Shixiang always brood, and regretted that he could not avenge the three national heroes Zhang Jiayu, Chen Zizhuang and Chen Bangyan.

Zhang Jiayu, Chen Zizhuang and Chen Bangyan are undoubtedly the most famous scholars in Xiangshan area. After capturing Renhoufang, Zhou Shixiang specially asked Liao Ruixiang to fetch historical materials about the three people for him to consult.

Unlike Chen Zizhuang and Chen Bangyan, who were loyal and loyal throughout their lives, Zhang Jiayu had a traitorous act. In the 16th year of Chongzhen, Zhang Jiayu was awarded the title of Shuji Shi of the Hanlin Academy after he was admitted to the Jinshi examination. In March of the following year, Li Zicheng invaded Beijing. Zhang Jiayu, as a Ming minister, took the initiative to submit a letter to Li Zicheng, willing to be the new minister of Dashun. As a result, Li Zicheng was driven out of Beijing by the Qing army only a few days after he entered Beijing. Seeing that Li Zicheng was unable to achieve a major event, Zhang Jiayu turned to Emperor Hongguang, who came to the throne in Nanjing. However, after he arrived in Nanjing, he was arrested by Shi Kefa on the charge of having defected and surrendered to Li Zicheng. imprison.

In the first year of Hongguang, due to Shi Kefa's incompetence in the four towns of Jiangbei, the Qing troops easily broke through the Huaihe defense line where the four towns of the Ming army were garrisoned and invaded Nanjing in one fell swoop. Zhang Jiayu did not defect this time. And ≧style_txt; was the Emperor Longwu, who fled to Fuzhou and was succeeded to the throne, appointed him to supervise the army to rescue the Nanming army that was besieged in Fuzhou, Jiangxi. After the Qing army captured Fuzhou, Zhang Jiayu led his troops back to Fuzhou after being wounded and defeated.

In the first month of the second year of Longwu, in the battle to defend Fuzhou City, Zhang Jiayu fell off a horse and broke his arm. Fortunately, Dusi Lin Xiong risked his life to save him. Later, he was ordered to recruit troops in Chaozhou and Huizhou, Guangdong, and was appointed as the "supervisory prime minister" of the new army. soon. Emperor Longwu was killed in Tingzhou. The newly established new army was dying and lacked food and wages. Zhang Jiayu had no choice but to disband the new army and return to his hometown in Xiangshan in August.

After the Qing army broke Guangzhou, Tong Yangjia, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Qing Dynasty, sent people to Zhang Jiayu's house to persuade him to surrender many times, but he strictly refused. Not only that, Zhang Jiayu also made an appointment with Chen Bangyan, Chen Zizhuang and others to gather troops near Guangzhou to resist the Qing army. He first led the rebel army to invade Xiangshan County and captured Zheng Rian of Qingzhi County alive. The former Ming Dynasty Dongguan Confucianism instructor Zhang Jue was appointed magistrate. Li Chengdong, the admiral of Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty, heard that Zhang Jiayu was fighting against the Qing in Xiangshan, so he led an army to attack. Zhang Jiayu led the rebel army to fight with him in Wanjiangzu and Daojiao, and went to Xixiang without defeat. His grandmother Chen Shi, mother Li Shi and sister Shi Bao all threw themselves into the water; his wife Peng Shi was imprisoned and died without yielding.

October. Li Chengdong concentrated his army and rushed towards Zengcheng, where Zhang Jiayu was stationed. The two sides fought for ten days. Zhang Jiayu was shot by nine arrows and was seriously injured. He died heroically at the age of 33.

After Zhang Jiayu's death, the Yongli court posthumously awarded him the title of Prince Taibao, Grand Scholar of Wuyingdian, Marquis of Zengcheng, and posthumously "Wenlie".

Whether it is successful or not, it is heaven; if the enemy is not the enemy, it is power.

Knowing that you will die when you raise an army, but you want to raise an army when you know you will die. In Zhou Shixiang's opinion, this is the expression of Zhang Jiayu's loyalty to the nation.

In Zhou Shixiang's view, Zhang Jiayu's renegade act was a manifestation of his adherence to national righteousness - Li Zicheng's Dashun was the Han regime, while the Qing Dynasty in Manchuria was a Hu regime. He is smooth, but he does not surrender to the Qing of the Hu people. He is sticking to the bottom line of Huaxia Dafang, the Huaxia Han civilization.

root, home

The country is, the nation is;

Zhang Jiayu will last forever!

Chen Zizhuang, who fought with Zhang Jiayu, was also a tragic national hero. In the battle with the Qing army, he sacrificed his eldest son, Chen Shangyong. After Zhang Jiayu's death, he and his second son Chen Shangtu led the remaining 500 rebels and the Qing army to continue the **** battle, and finally all 500 rebels died. Chen Zizhuang and his second son Chen Shangtu were captured by the Qing army and returned to Guangzhou.

In the face of the Qing court's surrender, Chen Zizhuang, like Zhang Jiayu, chose not to surrender. After being taken to the execution ground, he still laughed and scolded him freely. Xuan was sawed to death by the Qing army with a big saw. It is said that after the Qing army sawed Chen Zizhuang's body in half, Chen Yi was not dead yet, but he did not cry out in pain. Instead, he continued to scold Li Chengdong for betraying his ancestors. Anyway, it is not without influence.

Chen Bangyan is a native of Longshan, Xiangshan, the Jiashen national disaster, and the forty-year-old Chen Bangyan wrote "Zhongxing Policy Theory" Wanyanshu, participated in the Nanming Guangdong Township Exam, was promoted to the head of the Department of Military Affairs, and was sent by the Yongli court to Ganzhou participated in the military, and after returning home, he organized volunteer teachers to fight against the Qing Dynasty together with Zhang Jiayu and Chen Zizhuang. Tong Yangjia, the governor of Guangdong appointed by the Qing court, used despicable means to raid Shunde and captured Chen Bangyan's two sons and Chen's concubine who were taking refuge in Longshan, intending to take them as hostages to Chen Bangyan. As a result, Chen Bangyan gave a stern reply in the letter of surrender: "The concubine humiliates him, and the son kills him. All are orders. As a loyal minister, I don't care about my wife."

After the defeat of Zhang Jiayu and Chen Zizhuang~www.wuxiaspot.com~Chen Bangyan led the remnants to continue to fight against the Qing in Qingyuan, but unfortunately failed, and was captured by the Qing army in Guangzhou and stabbed to death.

Before his death, Chen Bangyan wrote "Five Days Without Food in Prison Song of Life":

The song said: How difficult is the creation of heaven, the river of ministers is also bound. Scholars talk about soldiers, Shizai is not with me. What's next for me? I bow and suffer alone. There are many loyal souls in Yashan, and they have been illuminated through the ages!

After Zhang Jiayu, Chen Zizhuang, and Chen Bangyan died, the Yongli court gave generous rewards to the three of them, and the people all over Guangdong, especially the people in their hometown of Xiangshan, praised their deeds, which made Zhou Shixiang decide to use three A heroic deed to call on the people of Xiangshan to support the Taiping Army.

The plaque of "Lingnan Three Loyalties" was written by Zhou Shixiang himself and hung on the gatehouse of the East Gate of Zhizheng in Xiangshan County.

In addition to writing the plaque of "Lingnan Three Loyalties", Zhou Shixiang also asked Liao Ruixiang to organize people to write down the stories of San Gong's resistance to the Qing Dynasty into a script, and ordered Xiangshan's opera troupe to tour around the country. At the same time, Zhou Shixiang asked the Taiping army stationed in Sangong's hometown to observe filial piety for Sangong collectively for seven days to show his condolences. (To be continued.)


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