Haiyan Heqing Four O’clock Days

Chapter 33: [Hua Shao Chunsheng] Gu Zhuangnong busy cherry ripe rain loose tea

  Chapter 33 [Hua Shao Chunsheng] Gu Zhuangnong is busy with cherries, ripe rain, loose tea, fragrant Manting Building [Gu Yu·Third]

  Zi Gui Ye Ciao Buddha laughed.

   Tumi has spent the spring.

  The southeast fisherman looks forward to this dynasty,

  Full load and sail towards the waves.


  When the night is sinking, a tea flower climbs over the wall of the Buddhist temple. The white tea flower is lined with the red wall and yellow tile temple. It is very clean, as if it is the crystallization of all the "goodness" in the world.

  However, the sacred flower has the meaning of persuading good and eliminating evil. However, the wind blows down the flowers and the cloud breaks through the moon, adding to the sorrow of the disappearance of the holy thing and the desolation of the spring.

  Dang Zigui mourns, with the sun and the waning moon and the dawn breeze blowing flowers. A feeling of homesickness and loneliness naturally arises in the hearts of children traveling far away.

   Zigui Zigui, mother hopes that the child will return...

  Gu Yu was pulling Kyushu to see the flowers, "Kyushu, run slowly and watch out for slippery roads."

   "Okay, okay, brother Gu Yu!"

  Running, Kyushu came under the Tumi Flower Tree. A person stood under the tree and looked up at the top of the Tumi Flower Tree. His figure was very familiar. Kyushu felt like he had seen this person somewhere.

  "Zigui bird screams at night, the Buddha sees spring. It's all the sad and sorrowful scenes of this spring!" As soon as this person spoke, Kyushu remembered him--he was the poet who watched the rainbow and chants the willows by the river.

  A Zigui bird flew lightly, and landed on the stem of the flower branch. Zi Guiniao's voice was a little sad, as if calling something.

  Kyushu somehow thought of her mother, "This bird..."

  The poet heard Kyushu’s voice, lowered his head, and saw Kyushu who just raised his head looking for the bird among the flowers.

   Looking at Shang Kyushu’s pure eyes, the poet recognized Kyushu, "Are you the little girl that day?"

   "You are the poet of that day."

   "Hmm." The poet nodded, and then he said, "Why are you here? Is your sister with you? Don't run around alone at night, it's very dangerous."

  Before Jiuzhou could reply, Gu Yu found him, holding Meng Jiuzhou’s hand with an anxious expression. Although Gu Yu was calm, many emotions were not reflected in his face and words, but now he is really anxious, frowning.

   Xu was very hurried when chasing, and often walked in the air, and was not used to running on the ground, Gu Yuer hadn't breathed well.

"Kyushu, what are you doing so fast? Don't you know it's dangerous? If there is nothing else for you, what else..." Gu Yu rarely said a lot of fast and long words, and saw standing next to him. Others, take back the latter words in time.

   "Brother Gu Yu, I'm sorry..." Kyushu spoke like mosquitoes, and his face turned slightly red. Obviously he was sorry for his irresponsible behavior that caused Gu Yu to worry about him.

  For so many years, Gu Yu naturally understands some human affections in the world. Seeing that the poet is not malicious, he said: "Thank you for taking care of my sister. She is still a little troublesome for you."

   "It's okay, it's your sister, who is very cute, and we are also destined." The poet gave up, so Gu Yu didn't need to care.

   Accompanied by Gu Yu, the poet took Kyushu to find a stone chair in the temple’s Tumi, and sat down, "By the way, little girl, would you like to listen to your uncle telling stories about the sea at this time?"

   "Okay, thank you uncle!"

   "Hahaha, well, it's hard to meet such a cheerful child, I thought you would resign!" The poet smiled heartily because of Kyushu's happily speaking.

  "Uncle, he is a poet who traveled the mountains and rivers of China to get inspiration."

  "Don't look at the sorrows of Tamihua and Zigui. Different places have different emotions at the same time."

   "At this time last year, my uncle was on the southeast coast. I saw fishermen from the southeast coast offering a sacrifice to the sea. I prayed for a smooth sailing and a full return."

"The people who sacrificed to the sea took the water from the river to take a bath, danced and fished after the bath, tied the pig with red silk, and added sacrifices such as fish and chicken to make sacrifices to the **** of the sea. The event was held for a long time. It’s lively and everyone around is involved."

   "On the same day, the fishermen will go out to fish. The fish in the cabin were still alive when they docked, and they flung their tails violently against the cabin planks. The fishermen’s faces were filled with happy smiles...”

   "So, little girl. It's not that bird that makes you think about returning," said the poet, pointing to the heart of Kyushu. "It's your heart, thinking about returning!"

   Knowledge link: [related knowledge mentioned in this chapter (including some extensions)]

    Gu Yu Sanhou

    ①The second-period mingling dove flicks its feathers (one said it is a Zigui bird, the other is a cuckoo, here it is taken from "Yanghualuo Zigui")

     Gu Yu Huaxin

    ①Second-period Tu蘼hua (There are multiple ways of saying what the Tu蘼 flower is, but it is definitely a Rosaceae flower.)

    Guyu custom

    ①Sacrifice to the sea: prepare the three animal sacrifices. In the sea sacrifice preparation activities, the most important thing is to choose the "three animal sacrifices", mainly pigs, fish and chickens. In the Spring and Autumn Period, people call the river water of Gu Yuri as peach blossom water, which can avoid evil by taking bath. After bathing, dancing, shooting, or fishing.

     other related

    ① Tuba flower is the flower of the end of spring, which means to eliminate evil, but it also represents separation.

    ②Zi Gui cries sorrowfully, and often screams to the north, meaning the mother hopes that the son will return.

    [Part of the information comes from the Internet, and is made by self-integration and interpretation]



  (End of this chapter)

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